Category Archives: TearDown

How to disassemble (teardown) Apple products such as iPhone and more.

iPad. Hit or miss? Our take after testing one and tearing it down!

iPad. Is this the latest craze that Apple has pumped out?

We spent some time with one this past week and here are our thoughts. The iPad did not revolutionize anything. It appears to be, and functions like a giant iPhone, minus the cellular capability. Since the iPad 3G has not yet been released(we’re waiting for this one), a good friend of ours stopped by the shop to let us have at it with his iPad wifi-only model.

Yes it is super cool. Picture is great. Functions flawlessly. But unfortunately lacks a few things. First and foremost, a front-facing camera. This is critical in our eyes. How great would it be to use it on skype, from anywhere in the world! Second, a camera to snap photos. And third, the speaker didn’t seem all that loud.

Apple is the type of company that will release all this, just one feature at a time, and one model at a time, to keep its’ customers in anticipation. This is what they did with iPods and iPhones. Why would this one be any different?

We can see a lot of use with the iPad though. People can use it in their homes for touch screen remotes, keep kids occupied in car rides, and watch the news while waiting at the airport. It definitely is easier and way more convenient that opening a laptop. Takes up less space.

I can’t say that it is a complete home run for apple, but with 500,000 sold and many more to come once the 3G version comes out, it’s definitely a step in the right direction. I’ll honestly be more impressed when they come out with a killer OS for it and front and back facing cameras. For now, it’ll do. already supports iPad Repair, covering glass, lcd, and many other full service repairs and DIY kits.

Stay tuned for a full tear down coming soon(we’re waiting patiently for the 3G version).

One thing that does look awesome on it is our website! Thanks to

See for yourself…. on iPad