Tales of a technician – Spiffy in a jiff

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(Last Updated On: August 4, 2011)

We here at iFixYouri understand the importance of your phone. We now live in a world where possessing a smartphone is becoming a mandatory accessory. Take for instance, the story of Michelle. Michelle is a part of a huge public relations firm and being without her phone is not an option. I received her frantic phone call just as I was about to close up shop for the evening. She explained that she had an accident with a good amount of soda and her iPhone was fading fast. Also, she was only in town for the evening, as she had to leave on another business trip the following morning. She rushed over and arrived around 6:30pm. After discussing her timetable while she was in Boston, I agreed to meet her back at the shop at 8am to see if we could resurrect her phone for her. Morning arrived and I decided to get to the store a bit early, just in case there were any complications. After having run her phone for water damage the night before and replacing the LCD that morning, she was fixed up and ready to go. When she arrived, her phone was ready and she was ecstatic. Not only was her phone ready in less than 24 hours, she did not have to replace any of her data and it was cheaper than she was expecting.

Written by Rob Walker of iFixYouri.com