Tag Archives: verizon iphone repair

iPhone 5 Repair – Would this be the next?

iPhone 5 Repair? iPhone 4s Repair? Perhaps iPhone 4G Repair? Or Verizon iphone repair? Honestly, we’re not sure what we’re going to be calling it.

No one can say for sure. One thing that is for sure, is that it’s coming. Reporters say that Tuesday there will be press conference help in New York to possibly announce a new CDMA version of the iPhone.

Only time will tell but the fact of the matter is, is that the Android operating system is in fact surpassing the sales of the iPhone. Apple needs to change its’ tune quick, or they’ll be left scratching their heads wondering why they got passed.

It’s clear and evident from what we see every day that Verizon folks do not want anything to do with ATT, and many ATT folks, want nothing to do with ATT and are chomping at the bit to switch and upgrade once they get the chance.

Surely they will break. People will definitely drop it in water and suffer water damage. The repair industry will stay. What else can be said.

Tuesday we should find out. Stay tuned for more details…