Tag Archives: Verizon iPhone 5

Cool Verizon iPhone 5 Features

It’s hard to say what tops the list of the coolest features on the Verizon iPhone 5. The fact that it’s the most advanced phone on the market and can be fixed in a timely fashion, or maybe the fact that it’s designed to last, and not break in the first place.

Verizon iPhone 5 Unique Features

  • 4-Inch Retina Display
  • Fastest Wireless
  • A6 Chip
  • 8MP iSight Camera
  • iOS 6
  • Thinnest, Smallest Design Yet

Verizon iPhone 5 Retina Display 

So you’re curious about the 4-Inch Retina Display. Think about it this way: the human eye can process a limited amount of visual data, and the iPhone’s screen has more visual than the eye can see. For decades, technology designers have been producing screens (televisions, computer monitors and cell phones) under the assumption that adding color beyond the human’s perception capability was time wasted. The Retina Display showed the world that this was a wrongly applied understanding.

The human eye can only see a certain amount of color and richness in an image, but the eye has several advantages over a still screen. When the eye shifts focus, it creates rapid 3D sensations, filling in and drawing color based on lighting and movement. Viewed in movement, a screen that lacks rich color saturation becomes duller. Moreover, the brain is responsible for interpreting the images eyes see. The less detail presented to the brain, the more work the brain does to fill in an image.

The Retina Display has packed more pixels into its viewing area than the eye can detect, and the result is a uniform, nearly three-dimensional four-inch screen. Maybe your eye can’t see more than a certain number of pixels per centimeter, but when you look at the Retina Display, you won’t be able to deny its clearer image compared to other cell phones.

Other Features

You won’t be surprised by Verizon’s incredibly fast wireless. They’ve built the best network in the industry, which means that no matter where you go, you’ll have endless streaming possibilities and great use, and not only that, but you won’t have to worry about your battery dying when you’re out and about.

Battery Life

The A6 Chip has the best power efficiency on the market, delivering as much as two times the CPU performance while conserving more battery life than any other phone.

The 8MP iSight camera is so good, many people stop carrying a digital camera, and take shots exclusively with their iPhone. It’s true. You get all of this with iOS 6, the best operating system on the market, in the smallest, thinnest design by Apple to date.

Heed this warning: the design means the device is delicate.  If you accidentally damage your Verizon iPhone 5, there is hope: iFixYouri specializes in iPhone 5 repair.  Fixing your phone is as simple as sending it to the experienced technicians, who will send it back, good as new.