Tag Archives: twitter

Is This What a Twitter-Killer Looks Like?

It’s been a good while since there’s been a fresh face in the social media world. We’ve been so complacent with the current Instagram-Twitter-Snapchat-Facebook ecosystem, any newcomer is laughed at. Look at Periscope and Vine; these video apps were acquired by Twitter before they could pose any sizeable threat, and anyway, competitors (Instagram, for example) copied their main caveat rather successfully. Facebook purchased Instagram in 2012 for $1 million, and several social aspects (direct chat, sharing) were added to the latter. It seems like there’s no real competition for these social monoliths. But that could change.


Amazon has, for some time now, been teasing the launch of a direct Twitter competitor. And today, the teasing is over. Twitch, the live video game streaming site Amazon bought in 2014, announced the release of Pulse. Pulse will be a community where “streamers” can post and engage with all of their followers from the Twitch front page, akin to a dashboard.


Pulse is rolling out to all Twitch users over the next few weeks, and streamers will be able to post to their followers and friends with a Twitter-like mix of text, links, videos, and images. These will appear to followers’ Twitch homepage in a reverse-chronological stream. Streamers now have an easy way to share highlights with fans who missed their last live-stream, as well as promote their next stream, give a shout-out to sponsors, and really anything they desire. The feature will also be integrated into the Twitch mobile app, but not at launch.

Will it be a hit? Will Twitter feel the burn? Maybe. The most popular Twitch streamers have over a million followers each, and it’s easy to imagine them turning to an integrated app like Pulse to keep their growing audiences entertained even when they’re not broadcasting. Twitch put some thought into about how to moderate on comments on Pulse. If a streamer wishes, they can limit responses to only the poster’s friends, or only people who subscribe to their channel. Streamers are also able to delete comments and block abusers. On the downside, Pulse will be (for now) missing several core Twitter features, like hashtags and @ mentions. But it’s odd to assume that these features won’t appear later.


It’s easy to think that, barring any major glitches, Pulse will eventually become the default way that Twitch users interact with streamers and other users. It’s true that Pulse might not ever amount to anything more than free advertising for the top 5% of Twitch streamers, but if it’s successful, it means that the giants can be challenged. Focus on a large enough niche, give them an easier way to do what they’re already doing, and you’ve won. If a major social media company can be shaken up, this is what we’d imagine it would look like at the very beginning. Twitch has been slowly but surely expanding beyond video games, and Pulse will expand with it. With Amazon’s cash and long-term outlook behind them, this might be the disruption the social media world needs. As an anonymous Twitter user once wisely stated, “Twitter is a Friendster whose Facebook hasn’t appeared yet.”

Tweeted and Deleted: 10 Hilarious Celebrity Twitter Slip-Ups

Twitter is a great tool because it gives famous people a direct connection to their fans. Although it can be great for their ‘public relations’, it can also make them look really bad if they misuse it. For some celebs, a slip up just makes them look silly, or feel dumb, but for others, the consequences can be serious and permanent.

Here are 10 celebrities that slipped up, tweeted, and deleted.

10. Bow Wow DUI

Rapper Bow Wow had to delete a self incriminating tweet after realizing that it might not be the smartest thing to publicly broadcast the fact that he was under the influence of drugs or alcohol and driving a Lamborghini. What’s most impressive is that he didn’t wake up the next morning in the hospital! Most recently, Bow Wow is still having twitter problems: someone posted a picture, pretending it was him and Bow Wow spooning, and the rapper put a bounty on the poster’s head. Bow Wow originally claimed that he would give $2500 to anyone in Detroit who would harm the man responsible for the tweet.  Bow Wow then quickly deleted the message…and his entire Twitter account. Maybe he’s finally given up on Twitter, after realizing it’s too dangerous for him!

9.  Julliette Lewis Cyber Heckling


celebrity-tweet-delete-ifixyouri-1Actress and Singer Juliette Lewis, known from her roles in Due Date (2010) and What’s Eating Gilbert Grape (1993), gave a harsh review of singer Lana Del Rey as she watched Saturday Night Live from the spectator seats.

She later deleted the tweet, and replaced it with the following:



8.  Denise Richards Phone Giveaway

Actress Denise Richards somehow managed to accidentally tweet her own phone number. I guess the simplicity of Twitter is still not simple enough for people who aren’t technically inclined. After finally figuring out how to delete the message, she had to figure out how to change her number, then posted this:



7. Blige’s Misunderestimated Intelligents



The tweet really says it all with this one. After being fed up with people trying to estimate her intelligence, she made it clear once and for all. Now no one will estimate wrongly again! Needless to say, she noticed her little typo and deleted the tweet.

6.  Kutcher’s Butchered Tweet

Joe Paterno (AKA “Jo Pa”) was a very successful football coach until November 2011 when he was fired after an former FBI investigator found evidence that he sexually assaulted young boys and tried to cover it up for years. Somehow, actor Ashton Kutcher heard about ‘Jo Pa’ being fired, but completely missed the rest of the story, and wrote this tweet:


Oops! I’m sure it didn’t take long for him to figure out from his followers that there was more to the story. Rather than defend Jo Pa, like many of the students at Penn State, Kutcher did the wise thing and recanted with class (or, at least, with minimal continued embarrassment).


5. Katy Perry’s Bleak Leak


Russell Brand obviously can’t miss a chance for a prank, because he tweeted this picture of Katy Perry (can you believe it’s her?), with no makeup on in the early morning. Apparently, worried about her image, Katy Perry didn’t find it very funny and made Russell delete it right away!

 4. Cee Lo-Blow



Cee Lo Green took a low blow at some of his critics who insulted his concert, suggesting that they were offended by his masculinity, and therefore gay. This isn’t a criticism I’ve ever heard about homosexuals, but Cee Lo Green realized his mistake and quickly deleted the tweet.

3. Oprah Gets OWN-ED



Did you ever wonder how television producers know how popular television shows are? They can’t just track who’s watching what if it’s broadcast through the airwaves. Instead, a random sample of households are set up with special boxes that record what those people watch. Oprah decided it would be a good idea to fake her ratings by encouraging viewers with these special boxes to tune into her network: OWN (the Oprah Winfrey Network). This would have made it seem like more people were watching the channel than there actually were. She deleted the tweet after getting in trouble from Nielson, the company behind the boxes.

2. Bieber Backfires

After Kevin Kristopik hacked into Justin Bieber’s friend’s phone to steal his number, Bieber decided to get revenge by posting the following tweet with Kevin’s number, pretending it was his own.


After a sudden avalanche of 26 thousand text messages, Bieber quickly deleted the message. I think it’s fair to say that Kevin’s plan backfired.

 1. Weiner’s Wiener

This is the most devastating tweet that any politician could possibly send. Anthony Weiner, a New York congressman, sent out a photo of his weiner, concealed only by briefs. The message was intended for a 21 year old college student, but, even worse, was broadcast for all his followers. After denying responsibility initially, he admitted his mistake and was forced to resign. Be careful what you tweet! If you want to follow any of the celebs above, or any other famous folks, on Twitter, one of the best methods is through the mobile app.  It’s a convenient way to stay on top of the trends and controversies.  All you need is a decent internet connection.  If your smartphone seems to be having issues, there is one place you can trust to get it fixed: iFixYouri.