Tag Archives: samsung

Is the Phablet a Trend?

The mobile device market offers a huge array of different options for consumers, with various bells and whistles and functions and styles.  After the cell phone inherited a big brother in the tablet, the door was open to design devices that would fit somewhere in between the two.  Enter the mini-tablet and the “phablet”.

These are essentially all versions of the same tool, with various sizes.  Each type of device has similar capabilities, the only difference is whether it will fit in your pocket.

What is a Phablet, Anyway?

According to Wikipedia, a phablet is a mobile device that has a screen between 5-7 inches, larger than an average phone, and smaller than the average tablet.

Which Models are Considered Phablets?

The phablet was ushered in with Samsung’s Galaxy Note, which includes the use of a stylus.  Users can sketch and write on-screen.  About 10 million phablets have been sold by Samsung since autumn last year.

The future phablet contenders are rumored to be the LG Intuition and the HTC Droid Incredible X.

One thing is for sure: no matter what the size of the device, or the coined phrase for the new item, all electronics are susceptible to damage.  Another thing is for sure: iFixYouri is your best chance to rescue a damaged mobile device.  Phone, phablet, tablet – iFixYouri can repair it all.


Issues with Retina Displays on MacBook Pro

If an extensive discussion thread in forums on Apple Support is any indication, then there is seemingly a problem with a number of MacBook Pros that are outfitted with Retina displays. The affected Retina displays show burn-in and image retention.

LG Manufactured Displays

John K, who is a member on the Apple Support forums, contributes to the discussion by pointing out that the problem seems to be taking place primarily with MacBook Pros that are outfitted with LG manufactured Retina displays. It has been found that other displays that are manufactured by Samsung seemingly display the colors more accurately, they are brighter and they do not have the same issues with burn-in and image retention.

Terminal Command

This helpful terminal command:

ioreg -lw0 | grep \”EDID\” | sed “/[^<]*xxd -p -r | strings -6

will assist you in determining the manufacturer of the display that has been installed in your own MacBook Pro.

This terminal command is used to check whether an LG Screen is on a MacBook Air. If the display code starts with “LP,” then it is an LG display. It has been verified that users of the LG panel see a faint ghosting of the Finder windows whenever they access any PowerPoint slideshow that has a gray background.

Individuals who have a MacBook Pro outfitted with a Retina display and have been experiencing this problem can contact iFixYouri to perform the necessary repairs.

Samsung Galaxy Tab is Banned in US

Now that the dust has mostly settled in the legal battle between Apple and Samsung, let’s explore one of the issues of copyright regarding the Samsung Galaxy Tab that was at the center of the debate.  Both the mobile phone giants tried their best to win this legal battle through depositions and court witnesses, which proved to be a difficult dilemma for Samsung.

Galaxy Tab and iPad Design Issues

Designer Testimony

According to Jin Soo Kim, the industrial designer who worked on the design of Galaxy Tab 10.1, the work for the Samsung tablet was started in October, 2009. He also presented an email dated 2006, which clearly shows that the work on the Tab was underway in 2006.

This was much before the scheduled unveiling of iPad 1 and iPad 2, which took place in January 2010 and 2011 respectively. Kim further added to his testimony that the major goal of Samsung was to get the largest screen on a fairly smaller piece of hardware.

Total Denial of Guilt

Kim acknowledged the fact that there were certain amendments and design changes done to the Galaxy tablet. He also clarified that it was done only keeping competitive factors in mind, while there were no intentions to replicate the iPad’s design. Kim denied allegations that he attempted to copy the design of Apple products at any point in time during the designing process of the Galaxy Tab.

Kim also did not acknowledge rumors claiming that Google had sent an email to Samsung asking the phone manufacturer to change its designs of the Galaxy phone series. The email from Google actually referred to the design issues relating to the original Galaxy Tab, which apparently never made it to the consumer market.

The Outcome

In the end, Judge Lucy Koh handed Applean injunction against Samsung selling their Galaxy Tab 10.1 in the US, agreeing that the device infringes on several of Apple’s iPad patents.

Since you won’t be able to buy a new one anytime soon, if you already own the Galaxy Tab and need repairs, contact iFixYouri for experienced technicians.