Tag Archives: phablet

Is the Phablet a Trend?

The mobile device market offers a huge array of different options for consumers, with various bells and whistles and functions and styles.  After the cell phone inherited a big brother in the tablet, the door was open to design devices that would fit somewhere in between the two.  Enter the mini-tablet and the “phablet”.

These are essentially all versions of the same tool, with various sizes.  Each type of device has similar capabilities, the only difference is whether it will fit in your pocket.

What is a Phablet, Anyway?

According to Wikipedia, a phablet is a mobile device that has a screen between 5-7 inches, larger than an average phone, and smaller than the average tablet.

Which Models are Considered Phablets?

The phablet was ushered in with Samsung’s Galaxy Note, which includes the use of a stylus.  Users can sketch and write on-screen.  About 10 million phablets have been sold by Samsung since autumn last year.

The future phablet contenders are rumored to be the LG Intuition and the HTC Droid Incredible X.

One thing is for sure: no matter what the size of the device, or the coined phrase for the new item, all electronics are susceptible to damage.  Another thing is for sure: iFixYouri is your best chance to rescue a damaged mobile device.  Phone, phablet, tablet – iFixYouri can repair it all.