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iPhone5: How to Improve Battery Life on Apple Devices

No matter whether it is the iPhone 5, the iPad, or any Apple mobile device, the battery life remains an issue.

Solutions for the iPhone 5 Battery Dilemma

To let the battery last longer on your Apple devices, you may try out the following tips:


First of all, if you see the battery draining away too quickly before your eyes, that is a cause for concern. Make sure you are not overusing it. Whenever there is a new device out with a load of new features, it becomes difficult to put it down.

Faulty OS or Faulty Device?

If you are certain that overuse is not the cause behind the decreasing battery life, you will have to try other troubleshooting tricks.

  • Restart your device

This will often fix the problem of some rogue application or process eating away your charge.

  • Power cycle

You should always completely drain your Apple device battery about once a month and charge it again to the full. You should try this more often if you are having issues with battery.

If you have restored your iOS device from backup, this can often lead to battery life issues. The best solution is to set it up as a new device. This will be a pain since you lose all your data and else, but it may be worth the trouble.

Plug In When You Can

If you are using your iPhone 5 or some other device with iOS 6 a lot, you should plug it in whenever you get an opportunity – at work, at home, in the car.

Turn Off Things You Aren’t Using

This is basically a balance act. You relinquish certain apps and features to gain on the battery life.

Some of the common features that you can turn off to improve battery life:

  • Siri’s Raise to Speak
  • Location Services
  • Push Notifications
  • Notification Center widgets

You can also consider turning off power-greedy apps like VoIP, Pandora, TomTom etc.

If you’ve tried the tricks above, and you still experience a battery that seems to drain quickly, you may need professional repairs.  Luckily for those that have experienced significant battery issues that may require battery replacement, experts such as iFixYouri are available to help.