Tag Archives: iPhone screen replacement

Is the iPhone 3G Compatible With the 3Gs’s Screen Replacement?

iphone-3gs-screen-replacement-ifixyouriiPhone 3Gs screen replacement can be a concern for individuals who own this version of the popular smartphone. The 3Gs is the second release of the earlier iPhone 3G, and it came with some significant improvements to the device. As a result, the 3G and 3Gs screens are not compatible in terms of the connector on the logic board.

However, A cracked iPhone screen is not a cause for despair or a reason to buy a new smartphone. Third-party replacement screens are available for this version of the iPhone, and skilled technicians can fix it properly.

Causes for iPhone 3Gs Screen Replacement

The glass on this smartphone’s touch screen in relatively durable, although it is not indestructible. Dropping an iPhone too often, stepping on it, or accidentally hitting it with a heavy object will crack or shatter the screen in many instances. A broken screen is unresponsive to tapping or swiping, so the phone will not be functional until the owner has the touchscreen replaced.

Specific Repair Required for the iPhone 3Gs Model

The iPhone 3Gs is the same size as the 3G, so they look identical. The main difference is the digitizer connector that plugs into the logic board.

Also, with the iPhone 3Gs original design, the glass is not attached to the LCD the same way as later versions of this particular smartphone. This type of manufacturing can facilitate repair, but it can also increase the chances of the glass breaking or shattering. When iPhone owners consult a repair technician, they often need to have the LCD examined to ensure it has not sustained damage along with the cracked glass.

Repair with High Quality Parts

A high quality and knowledgeable smartphone repair service will use replacement parts that are high quality. Replacing a broken iPhone screen with one that is good quality carries a very high rate of success. One of these replacement screens normally works just as well as the original part.

iPhone 3Gs screen replacement costs and repair are available at many brick and mortar electronics storefronts, but one of the most convenient methods is to send it to technicians through a mail-in repair option, like the one offered by iFixYouri. Individuals with broken iPhone screens can ship their broken phone for repair and receive it back fairly quickly.

Repair Warranties Regarding 3Gs Screen Replacement

3Gs screen replacement is one of the most frequent iPhone repair needs. As a result, your damaged phone will be in good hands with technicians with screen repair experience. Often, warranties or other types of contracts that guarantee free additional repair if a replaced touch screen does not function correctly will be included.

Do You Need iPhone Digitizer Replacement?

If you bought an iPhone, you know that the touch capabilities are the best part about it. The component that makes this enjoyable experience possible is the digitizer, which is firmly fixed to the screen. Unfortunately, this means that if your touchscreen gets broken or damaged, you will require iPhone digitizer replacement as well.

How iPhone Digitizer Replacement Works

The digitizer is like a thin plastic film attached to the screen. It’s sensitive to your finger movements, and sends information about the position and movements of your fingers to the motherboard. The information you enter with your fingers is analog information, and it is converted by the digitizer into digital, or computer-readable, data.

Why You Might Need a Replacement

If the screen is damaged, it is usually the result of the phone being dropped, or knocking against something – a very common occurrence. However, it’s possible that the digitizer itself can develop problems. Symptoms that could indicate that your digitizer needs replacing include:

  • No response from your screen when you touch it.
  • There is a response, but it is very slow.
  • Some areas respond erratically, or not at all.
  • Some applications seem to open unpredictably or randomly.

If you experience any of these problems, your digitizer is faulty and needs replacing – repair is not an option.

Whether the digitizer needs replacing because it is faulty in itself, or because the screen is damaged, it cannot be replaced by itself. Because it is fused to the screen, the two are in effect a single component, so you have to replace the screen as well. There are various ways to do this.

How to Replace the iPhone Digitizer

You can try to do it yourself. There are a number of low-cost digitizer replacement kits on the market, and several instructional three-minute video clips online. However, it is a very difficult repair to do successfully, especially if the kits supply cheap plastic tools rather than metal, and you don’t have years of experience and know-how. This can cause serious frustration. There’s even a chance of causing additional damage to the iPhone. There is also the option of using Apple’s own repair service, though this costs up to $200 and has a lengthy wait time.

The easiest and most satisfactory way of obtaining an iPhone digitizer replacement is usually to find a reliable professional repair company. This is likely to be a lot cheaper than using Apple’s service, or paying the deductible for your carrier’s phone insurance. Make sure you choose a company that offers a warranty, lists prices on its website, and can guarantee a fast turnaround, such as iFixYouri.

The Simple Truth

The chances of damaging your iPhone are actually pretty high. As you can imagine, the inconvenience of being without it can be pretty painful. It’s a smart idea to identify a reliable repair service in advance, such as iFixYouri, that specializes in matters such as iPhone digitizer replacement just in case you need it. Alternatively, if your phone is damaged and you’re ready for an upgrade, you could always sell your old iPhone for cash.

iPhone 4 screen replacement – What’s the deal and what you should look for.

Broken iPhone 4 screen and not sure where to turn? iFixYouri offers quick, high quality repairs, at an affordable price. Don’t trust just anyone to repair your iPhone, go with the leaders in the repair industry. We use only the highest quality parts available on the market and have extremely skilled technicians so you can rest assured that your phone will be fixed quickly, and correctly the first time.

iPhone 4 Glass Repair

So many options for iPhone 4 screen replacement services we understand how it can be confusing. We’re going to make this quick and simple, so that your iPhone screen repair goes smoothly and without complication.

Option #1: iPhone screen repair service – Have a skilled technician fix your broken iPhone. Make sure they’re using high quality OEM parts. Cheap parts will fail.

Option #2: DIY iPhone repair kit – Purchase a kit and do-it-yourself. Keep in mind, it’s not as easy as it looks. A lot of times we see people purchase kits and aren’t able to successfully install them.

On the iPhone 4, the screen and the LCD are fused together. If you buy just the glass, you’ll be SOL. Buy just the LCD, well, you’re SOL again.

Fused, high quality, OEM. Go cheap and you’ll get what you pay for. Plain and simple. You have a $600 phone, and you want to put a piece of $10 glass on it? Bad choice. That’s like putting used tires on a nice Porsche. Bad idea.

iPhone screen repair – Cheapest Isn’t Always Best

Recently we had a customer  insist on us using his glass that he bought off ebay (said he paid about $15 for it) with our iPhone screen repair services. He wanted us to save our parts and “go ahead, please use this one.”

This glass was cheap. Poor poor quality. Thicker than the high quality parts we use here, weighed a different amount, different feel(to the touch), no oleophobic coating, touch response was lagging, etc.

We decided to go ahead with the repair, with his glass, to teach him a lesson (he was one of our good friends). We put on the glass, using the adhesive that he got with his kit. This adhesive only covered the top and the bottom of the frame. It didn’t give a full seal so dust was bound to get in between the glass and the LCD. When we put it all back together, the home button felt like it was sitting recessed in the glass, the edges were sitting above the bezel, and the touch response was way slow. We put it together as well as our highly trained techs could, but with the cheap glass, it had nothing but FAIL written all over it.

To top it off, when you pressed a certain part of the screen, it’d make the LCD go white with lines all over it!

Now you’re probably sitting here saying, wtf, why would you leave your buddy hanging with knock off glass, making the repair kind of shoddy? Well we didn’t.

After showing him exactly why in the DIY world, spending a couple extra bucks on proper iphone parts would save you a pain and agony, we went ahead and re-did the glass with our high quality parts. Once the iphone screen repair was complete, it made a world of difference. It looked, felt, and functioned, as if it had just come from the factory.

Some things to look for in an iPhone 3G/3Gs glass repair:

  • Glass sits level with the home button
  • Glass sits level with the bezel
  • Full frame adhesive should always be used to prevent dust between the glass and LCD
  • Proximity sensors should not be easily visible(with cheap glass, you’ll see 3 purple circles in the top left)
  • No dust/finger prints should be on the underside of the glass
  • iPhone 3Gs glass should have the oleophobic coating to prevent fingerprints.

Some things to look for in an iPhone 4 Glass repair

  • Glass and LCD should be bonded together
  • Home button should be flush
  • Metal grate in the earpiece should be present
  • Outside frame should be smooth, not looking like someone scraped it w/ a razor blade(yes, we’ve seen that)
  • Flush against the metal frame

Follow these tips, and you’ll be sure to get a nice, quality iphone repair. Should you have any questions, feel free to email us at [email protected] or call us at 888-494-4349.

iPhone Screen Repair Additions!

Our iPhone screen repair and replacement services have been good to us. One problem we have though is people often times don’t know what exactly is wrong with their iPhone screens. There is no standard answer because the screen repair service needed depends on what model you own, which as of now is the 3G, 3Gs and iPhone 4.  We have added a section specifically for  iPhone screen repair  to help alleviate confusion. Here is the breakdown:

We use high quality replacement part for our iPhone 3G screen repair services. As the newly minted addage goes, “just because you break your iPhone 3G screen, it does not mean you have damaged the LCD.” In the world of ‘addages’ that one lacks luster but it’s true and can be a big money saver when looking at a repair. If the glass is cracked or shattered but the LCD works, thank your replacement options just got much cheaper.

The same holds true for iPhone 3Gs screen repair in that the LCD and glass are not glued together. High quality iPhone parts are again used and if it is just glass damage, the repair can be done in 15 minutes.  Something to think about if you think you can handle repairs, we have DIY kits to help every step of the way.

Finally, iPhone 4 screen repair is a bit more difficult and more expensive overall. This is because the screen and the LCD display are glued together. When you have to buy the screen and LCD the cost rises. The process of DIY repair is also more difficult overall but experience and know how may dictate different views on that.

No matter what type of iPhone repair service you need, we can likely cover it. Our percentages in regards to successful repairs is over 90% and the is especially true with screen repairs. Let us know your problem and we will provide a solution.

iPhone 3G Screen Glass Breakdown

The iPhone 3G screen is made of glass and protection is typically a good start when using the product. It is optical quality glass, which sits under the frame to offer it some protection but if dropped on a hard surface such as concrete, it could easily shatter or crack. Because of the vulnerable screen an iPhone 3G repair is one of our most popular repair services.

When you feel the glass it seems pretty hard. Overall the 3G glass screen is hard but still susceptible to scratching from every day wear and tear. An old myth that existed when the iPhone 3G was released was that the new glass would not scratch anymore, compared to it’s plastic counterpart. While it may not scratch as easily, don’t expect perfection. Think of it this way: the windshield on your car is made from glass that is very strong and durable. If you own the car a few years though, you may notice the windshield wipers causing tiny scratches. If somebody throws a brick at the glass windshield it will likely break. The iPhone 3G is the same way but it does not take a brick, just a fall out of your lap when you are getting out of the car can be enough to shatter the screen.

Invisible Screen protectors and plastic covers can help with both with both scratching and shattering of glass. As many of our in-house tests have proved though, they may not protect everything behind the screen, such as the LCD digitizer display. Th screen may often freeze (whit freeze) which can be a result of LCD damage.

The multi-touch touchscreen for the iPhone 3G was still new and exciting when it was released clear back in July  2008.  The back is made of plastic, which is different than the aluminum back of the original iPhone and the glass back of the iPhone 4.

The biggest different between the iPhone 3G screen and other models (besides the 3Gs) is the fact that the glass is not glued to the LCD display. This is great if the glass breaks, because a DIY repair can be accomplished for about $30. If the LCD goes out too, the replacement LCD parts for a DIY repair can be expensive. The difficulty changes too as a screen repair can be simple (relative to your experience) if you know what you are doing. The problem with the 3G screen being separated from the LCD is that dirt and dust can get in front of the display and behind the glass.

Some people don’t like the 3G glass because it can give off a yellowish tent and be hard to see when not looking at it at the right angle. Some iPhone 3G users have complained that the numbers and letters can seem blurred out with some phones. Others say it’s a grayish dull affect that makes the over experience less enjoyable and productive.

Overall, at the time of the release the iPhone 3G was awesome and the screen, even with some of the complaints, was an advancement over past models. If you are experiencing any of the issues discussed above and an iPhone repair or free diagnostics is needed, do not hesitate to call for help.