Tag Archives: iphone 5 repair

Switching WPA to WEP for Better iPhone Wi-Fi Connection

One of the best features of the iPhone is its Wi-Fi, but sometimes the connection can be…just awful. For instance, one complaint is that the Wi-Fi doesn’t maintain a signal for long enough. To address this issue, here is a short guide on how to troubleshoot the problem. If you still have issues, let the technicians at iFixYouri take a look at your device. The problem might have been busted hardware this whole time.

The Wi-Fi capabilities of older iPhones are very different compared to those of newer model. The former is able to get a full Wi-Fi bar signal without difficulty, while the latter is already having problems in maintaining even a single bar for a few seconds. This is one of the most common problems presented in the Apple forums. Nevertheless, users find it effective in switching their router from WPA2 to WEP.


WPA and WPA2 are considered advanced encryption technologies compared to the WEP. However, they experience more problems in syncing with networks produced by older devices. If the phone experiences Wi-Fi problems, it will automatically switch back to WEP. This is where the the problem lies. Apple designed newer iPhones to use WPA by default, since it is more secure compared to the WEP. Nevertheless, you have the option to compromise their phone’s security in order to enjoy staying connected with the Internet. It’s easy to switch temporarily until Apple finds a way to solve the problem.

Switching Routers

Switching the router of the phone is actually very simple. All you need to do is to access the router gateway, which can be seen through the browser. For example, Western Digital routers are accessed by simply typing the “wp router” into the URL bar. On the other hand, most Linksys routers are “” or a similar string of numbers.

The Final Step

Once done, you can now go to the Wireless and Security options to select the WEP encryption instead of the WPA. You will then be required to enter your password to finish your router switch. Hopefully, all of your router issues will be solved immediately.

If Wi-Fi problems are the least of your worries and you have experienced more significant issues such as water damage, a cracked screen or other instances that may require repair, you should consider going to a professional. iFixYouri is an expert in all smartphone, laptop, tablet and desktop repairs and can get your device working like-new in no time.

5 Most Common Reasons for iPhone 5 Repair

Inevitably, soon after the release of the popular iPhone 5 smartphone, new owners began searching for information regarding iPhone 5 repair.  At iFixYouri, our experience with the previous iPhone models means that we are fully prepared to fix any issue that your iPhone 5 will need.

Top Reasons For Needing iPhone 5 Repair

1. Water Damage.

Dropping a phone in a toilet, sink, or bathtub is an accident that owners hope they will never experience themselves. A moment of carelessness does result in a damaged smartphone that needs professional repair or replacement. Water that seeps into the inner circuitry can render an iPhone useless leaving the owner without a phone until a replacement is obtained.

2. Impact Damage.

Dropping, stepping on, or even running over a phone with a vehicle are the most common causes of broken screens and cracked outer cases. Modern smartphone screens are fabricated from glass designed to withstand a certain level of abuse, but only to a certain extent. A strong impact will still break the touch screen in many instances.

3. Battery Malfunction.

Phone batteries that do not charge properly are additional reasons for repair. Some batteries may hold a charge but die out quickly, which also indicates functionality problems. The root cause is often a manufacturing defect in the battery, and a replacement one will solve this issue.

4. Nonworking Buttons.

The home button occasionally gets stuck from frequent use, and this can make regular phone use an annoyance. Other related problems include a broken side switch for turning off the ringtone or non-working volume control.

5. Connectivity Problems.

Inability to pick up any wireless Internet is an additional cause for repair. This problem often stems from firmware errors or similar issues with the operating system. Related phone problems include apps that do not download or install correctly.

iPhone 5 repair services are starting to roll out

With the up and coming release of the iPhone 4S or iPhone 5, we’ve been preparing to begin offering service in order to fit your needs. From iPhone 5 screen repair, to iPhone 5 water damage repair, trust that we’ll be here to support you and your accidents.

The new iPhone 5 parts are starting to coming out, and as they come out, we’ll be offering the repairs for whatever may be wrong with your device.

Apple is truly amazing at sparking hype and conversation amongst the general population. We’ve noticed that as new products are starting to come out, they do not do any marketing, yet everyone is talking about the newest and latest devices that is “supposedly” coming out.

The economy is tough, the job market is bleak, yet Apple has towered as being at one point, more wealthy that the oil giant Exxon, and having more gas on hand than the US government. Something does not seem right here. You know what it is? It’s people’s addiction to technology, and buying new stuff. No matter how broke and in the hole society may be, there will be those who will buy technology, get the latest gear, break the latest gear, and be in need to get, in this next case, an iPhone 5 repair.

Our guesses are that the newest iPhone 4S/5 will have the following:

-Same screen

-Higher MP Camera, probably 8MP

-A5 processor

-Slight back redesign

It should be faster than the iphone 4, and have a better camera. Kind of like the 3G to 3Gs upgrade. We’ll just have to wait and see.

Have a question about the latest device? Hit us up, we’ll be happy to help.

iPhone 5 Repair – Would this be the next?

iPhone 5 Repair? iPhone 4s Repair? Perhaps iPhone 4G Repair? Or Verizon iphone repair? Honestly, we’re not sure what we’re going to be calling it.

No one can say for sure. One thing that is for sure, is that it’s coming. Reporters say that Tuesday there will be press conference help in New York to possibly announce a new CDMA version of the iPhone.

Only time will tell but the fact of the matter is, is that the Android operating system is in fact surpassing the sales of the iPhone. Apple needs to change its’ tune quick, or they’ll be left scratching their heads wondering why they got passed.

It’s clear and evident from what we see every day that Verizon folks do not want anything to do with ATT, and many ATT folks, want nothing to do with ATT and are chomping at the bit to switch and upgrade once they get the chance.

Surely they will break. People will definitely drop it in water and suffer water damage. The repair industry will stay. What else can be said.

Tuesday we should find out. Stay tuned for more details…