Tag Archives: iPad screen repair

3 Ways to Use the iPad You May Not Have Thought Of

Since Apple’s introduction of the iPad, the world as a whole has become a closer knit community. This wondrous device has seemingly opened up the  imaginations of its users so much that now the consumer seems to be inspiring the inventor.

The iPad has quickly become one of those frequently seen tools that seamlessly camouflages itself within any and all environments. Whether it be a restaurant menu or remote control, Apple has certainly struck a home run in regards to this device. And, as more and more Apps are developed, the possibilities will grow as well.

It is in celebration of this innovative push forward that I present some of the cooler ways the iPad has been used:


Paying A Little Homage

Sometimes it’s simply best to tip your hat to technology past. This clever melding of instruments serves as a great illustrator of just how far technology has come.


Magic In the Machine

It was inevitable that such a tool would eventually find itself in the realm of slight of hand. If you thought card tricks were mind blowing, you may want to brace yourself.


Hologram Animation

What more can possibly be said? This is the ideal example of taking an idea such as the iPad and surpassing expectations.


The greatest feature of the iPad is the fact that it has no set designation as far as usability, making its possibilities endless. However, like all things and as great as the product may be, it does not mean its not susceptible to damage. Luckily there are professional iPad repair specialists like iFixYouri who are available to restore one’s touch screen companion in case anything happened to go wrong.


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iPad LCD Screen needs out-pacing Production

The iPad LCD screen panel produced by LG is lagging behind on product. Another way to look at it is Apple is ahead of expected sales and caught LG by surprise. Regardless, this good and bad scenario for Apple could delay the iPad’s release in international markets.

CEO Kwon Young-soo said that LG Display is running at full capacity, “We are considering increasing production lines for Ipad products but overall supply is likely to remain tight until early next year.”

LG and Samsung are the big producers of the LCD panel market and they supply iPhone screens as well. It is predicted that iPad sales will reach 13 million units by the end of the year.

The iPad screen is very impressive. The blacks are very black and the whites are very white. The color range is allows images to jump off the screen. Even in the sunlight the images hold up well but there is of course some loss in picture. One big complaint is how messy the glass can get, as owners don’t realize that the food they eat is incredibly greasy. Additionally, the screen does break but if you ever need an iPad repair we can fix it for you.