Tag Archives: ipad mini

Where to Sell Your Old iPad Online

There is nothing like a brand new iPad launch to get people interested in older iPad products.

Founder of the repair and buy-back website iFixYouri.com, Chris Johncke, said that the trade-in market is rocking. The website helps Internet users to locate the best possible price for the old electronic gadgets they want to sell. Right now, Johncke and other experts believe that many of the people who own iPads would like to trade them, but are unaware of how many options they actually have online and in the analog world.

Resellers such as NextWorth ask you to write a description of your iPad before they make an offer. The CEO of NextWorth, Jeff Trachsel, says that it is the best time of year for business.

So, You Want to Sell Your Old iPad Online

If you are a fan of Apple and are planning on purchasing one of the new products that are launched on Friday it is possible that you own an older tablet that you will no longer need. You definitely won’t need your old device if you are planning to purchase both of Apple’s latest iPads.

It should also be noted that the only older iPad devices that will receive top dollar, are those still in perfect working order. So, if you have an iPad in need of repair it may be best to seek the services of a professional, such as iFixYouri, before attempting to re-sell it.

Trade-In Options

You can choose to trade your old iPad into a third-party reseller but there are also other options available:

Apple’s Reuse and Recycle Program

You can return your device to your wireless carrier or Apple: Apple has an Reuse and Recycle Program. Apple pays in the form of a gift card rather than cash. If you are the type of person who wants to trade in your iPad for a new one you should forget about engraving so you can earn the maximum resale amount.

Verizon’s Trade-In Program

Verizon also offers a trade-in program. You can receive an online appraisal on your old iPad. Payment is a Verizon gift card. You can also trade in you old iPad at AT&T but you will need to provide the serial number of your iPad in order to receive a quote from the company.

The Final Word

Before trading in your old iPad remember to erase the memory and settings so people do not have access to your personal information. Don’t forget to back up your data so you can switch everything over to your new Apple iPad. Most importantly always find a reputable reseller such as iFixYouri who lives up to its promises.

The Public’s Problem With Apple: iPhone 5, iPad Mini and iPad

Problems with Apple

Much like the Apple stock prices, the company has had a year of ups and downs. While Apple has made great strides in the creation of the iPhone 5 and iPad Mini, the spotlight shines on every stumble the company makes.

Apple’s Biggest Blunders

Now, it should be stated that a ground breaking company such as Apple that has introduced the world to so many devices we now wonder how we ever lived without, is allowed the occasional hurdle. The bottom line is that much of the criticism stems out of comparison to previous models and short of any unexpected accidents that may result in a device requiring professional repair, they are all quality products. That being said, here are some of the issues.

The Lost Maps of Apple

The disaster of Apple’s Maps app caused something that is rare from the company, a public apology by Tim Crook, CEO. Not only was this app bad, it was godawful, what with it giving users the wrong directions and the lack of public transportation information. Things just got worse when late night talk show hosts began to make the app the butt of their jokes.

This app is the biggest blunder for Apple this year for many reasons. Arguably the most vital app on iPhone as well as other devices, it is imperative that the app is right. Because Apple decided to make Google Maps unavailable it its app store, the company looks petty.

Apple has always been concerned about holding the experience of the user above all else. However, because Steve Jobs passed away a year before Maps came onto the scene does not fare well for those people who are newly in charge of the company.

The Not So New, New iPad

In the past, two things always held true with a new version of iPad: the marketing team at Apple built hype before the release date, and the product lived up to the hype.

With the creation of the original iPad came the creations of the touch-tablet. The second- generation brought forth a lighter and faster version. The third-generation improved on the graphics.

However, the marketing team dropped the ball with the announcement of the fourth-generation when it was introduced at the time the iPad Mini was being announced.

With the fourth-generation comes very little newness. While Apple touts that this iPad has retina display, the third-generation iPad was actually the first to have this feature. The only things new about this particular iPad is that it contains a faster chip and a Lightning connector.

Is the iPad 4 Worth the Upgrade?

The release of the iPad 4 was a bit unexpected. Instead of being a minor revision of the older model, it added a new processor, dual WiFi and extended 4G LTE. Here is some useful information to see if an upgrade is worthwhile.

Is An iPad 4 Upgrade from a Previous Model Worthwhile?

If you’re an owner of the original iPad, it may be worth considering buying the new iPad 4. As with any technology, after a few years, it becomes outdated. This may be a reason to upgrade.

If you’re an iPad 2 owner, upgrading may not be necessary.  Even though the latest version is faster, has better camera technology, and comes with retina display, the iPad 2 processing power remains capable.

As for the not-so-old iPad 3, there is usually no reason to upgrade. The third version is very fast and contains that same basic features of the newest model. Even if the iPad 3 needs repairs, it’s certainly not so outdated that it needs replacement and is worth fixing.

iPad 4:  Too Soon, or Just in Time?

One big reason to upgrade from the third version to an iPad 4 is if the wrong model was originally purchased. For example, if a person needs more storage space than a 16 GB model provides, it may be wise to upgrade.

Also, if a person wants data connectivity and only bought the WiFi version, it will be wise to upgrade. A person may be able to sell a previous model for close to the amount of a new model.

What About Switching to the iPad 4 from a Different Brand Tablet?

If you own a tablet made by a company other than Apple, now is a great time to upgrade to an iPad. With the broad line of Apple products, a person may choose an iPad 4 or a mini iPad. The mini comes with the same basic features as the latest iPad 4 without the special retina display and large screen.

Before a person decides whether or not to buy Apple’s latest iPad 4, it is wise to consider the pros and cons of the currently owned tablet. If the current tablet is still going strong and accomplishing all necessary tasks, an upgrade may not be needed. However if the current tablet is not living up to expectations, the time to upgrade is now — get it while it’s hot!

Wrap Your iPad Mini in an Otterbox

otter box case

The new Apple iPad may be a bite-sized offering but it is set to revolutionize adaptable computing.  Apple is projected to score yet again as pre-sales for the new Apple tablet are calculated.  And yet again, the popular company OtterBox created a case to fit the iPad Mini.

Otterbox is a company that endeavours to offer smartphone and tablet customers reliable protection for their devices. In addition to stellar protection, the durable Otterbox cases are sleek and stylish.

This case, from the Otterbox Defender Series, fits the mini iPad and covers the tablet with a number of layers of thick polycarbonate that protect the screen.


Features of the Otterbox iPad Mini Case

The Otterbox case is made to protect the iPad in various ways including:

Safeguarding the screen: The case has an inbuilt polycarbonate skin that shields the screen from scratches.

The shell of the interior: An inner layer of solid polycarbonate cushions the pad if it is dropped.

The outer layer is wear-proof: The case is coated with a thick layer of durable silicone that shields the pad from accident damage.

Protecting the ports: Dust, dirt and lint are prevented from entering the jacks and ports because the case has silicone plug covers.

Secondary screen protection: An extra internal shield offers added protection during transportation.

A shield stand that is versatile: The case has an inbuilt stand that offers a good slope for easy typing and helps the user to see landscape views with ease.

Access to the camera: The strong polycarbonate case has an opening so that the camera can be accessed.This ensures that image and picture quality are as they should be.

Remember, the Otterbox case will stop most iPad damage, but it’s not water proof!  If your iPad Mini gets damaged in any way, don’t wait until the next model comes out to buy a new one.  You can still enjoy your device if it is repaired by professionals, like iFixYouri.

Apple’s Latest Offering, the iPad Mini

ipad-mini-ifixyouriThe Apple iPad is the result of years of experimenting with touch screen technology and smaller being better. Apple is now poised to introduce a device even smaller and, hopefully, even better: the iPad Mini. This is the newest version of the iconic Apple tablet device.

What is the iPad Mini?

The iPad mini is a smaller, thinner and lighter device designed for the on-the-go businessperson and people who need a lightweight internet device that can do everything the iPad can do. The concept has been around for some time and it appears that Apple has resolved issues with screen resolutions and touchability.

The iPad Nano, as it has also been called, is Apple’s answer to the smaller table devices that have been marketed by Amazon in the form of the Kindle and Google with its Nexus Tablet. The Nano delivers all the quality of Apple with numerous available apps in a smaller, lighter and narrower package.

The Mini Timeline

Although no specific launch date has been given for the miniature version of the iPad it is assumed that production has begun at the suppliers in China (where the leaked design photos came from).  A release date in late 2012 is not out of the question!  Apple, as always, is keeping the specifics secret.  Check out some of the rumors here.

The Specifics

  • Touch Screen capabilities (of course!)
  • Lower pricing than the iPad
  • Slim and trim case with a high resolution screen
  • Screen size less than 8 inches
  • Able to utilize all  Apple  iPad apps
  • 8 GB of internal storage
Whether the iPad mini’s electronics are wildly different or very similar to the iPad, one thing is for sure:  the device will be susceptible to the same damage.  When you do get your newest member of the iPad family, and it gets dropped in water or stops working for any reason, you can trust that iFixYouri will be able to repair your iPad mini.