Tag Archives: iPad 4

Is the iPad 4 Worth the Upgrade?

The release of the iPad 4 was a bit unexpected. Instead of being a minor revision of the older model, it added a new processor, dual WiFi and extended 4G LTE. Here is some useful information to see if an upgrade is worthwhile.

Is An iPad 4 Upgrade from a Previous Model Worthwhile?

If you’re an owner of the original iPad, it may be worth considering buying the new iPad 4. As with any technology, after a few years, it becomes outdated. This may be a reason to upgrade.

If you’re an iPad 2 owner, upgrading may not be necessary.  Even though the latest version is faster, has better camera technology, and comes with retina display, the iPad 2 processing power remains capable.

As for the not-so-old iPad 3, there is usually no reason to upgrade. The third version is very fast and contains that same basic features of the newest model. Even if the iPad 3 needs repairs, it’s certainly not so outdated that it needs replacement and is worth fixing.

iPad 4:  Too Soon, or Just in Time?

One big reason to upgrade from the third version to an iPad 4 is if the wrong model was originally purchased. For example, if a person needs more storage space than a 16 GB model provides, it may be wise to upgrade.

Also, if a person wants data connectivity and only bought the WiFi version, it will be wise to upgrade. A person may be able to sell a previous model for close to the amount of a new model.

What About Switching to the iPad 4 from a Different Brand Tablet?

If you own a tablet made by a company other than Apple, now is a great time to upgrade to an iPad. With the broad line of Apple products, a person may choose an iPad 4 or a mini iPad. The mini comes with the same basic features as the latest iPad 4 without the special retina display and large screen.

Before a person decides whether or not to buy Apple’s latest iPad 4, it is wise to consider the pros and cons of the currently owned tablet. If the current tablet is still going strong and accomplishing all necessary tasks, an upgrade may not be needed. However if the current tablet is not living up to expectations, the time to upgrade is now — get it while it’s hot!