Tag Archives: iFixYouri

Employee Spotlight – Neil


Our employee spotlight focuses on Neil, general manager of our iFixYouri Longwood, FL. Neil’s as much of a rocker as he is a repair guru, and an educated rocker at that. Neil holds a degree in Music Performance and Jazz Guitar from Seminole State College, and plays guitar professionally. You can find him in the First Baptist Church of Sweetwater’s orchestra or strumming his guitar and banjo for local theaters, including nationally touring musicals. Speaking of touring, Neil once worked as a roadie for a Led Zeppelin tribute band (though is rather mum about the crazy goings-on of rock ‘n roll lifestyle), though he currently plays in a band called Hazardous Folk, also featuring the manager of the iFixYouri Winter Park location. Together, they play a mix of blues, southern rock, jazz, and folk for the jam-minded music lovers of Central Florida. Check out the video below and prepare to get funky.


Employee Spotlight: Ethan


Our first employee spotlight to hit the northern iFixYouri contingent focuses on Ethan, assistant manager of our Newbury St store in Boston! Ethan’s been with the company for 8 months now, finding his home here after working at Fenway Park and “photoshopping eyes onto peoples faces who were blinking” (good honest work). He caught the repair bug after replacing his PC’s hard drive when he was 12, saying it was “so satisfying to put something back together that was once broken and have it work again,” a mentality he brings today to Bostonians in need. He’s a big Bruins fan, naturally, and enjoys playing guitar and videogames. Rumor is that Ethan is a decent bowler, so invite him out to the lanes if you see him in-store!



iFixYouri Talks with Bargaineering.com about iOS 7

Recently one of our techs, J. D. Williams, sat down with Bargaineering.com, discussing the latest operating system update to Apple’s mobile devices, the iOS 7. The article deals with the software updates with respect to the devices that have the ability to use them. The author muses whether, as the title implies: “Is iOS 7 an Evil Plot to Obsolete Your Old iPhone?” J. D. Williams explains:

Apple’s pattern has been to eventually cut older devices off from new updates, largely because their aging hardware can’t handle the demands of the operating system’s new features, says J.D. Williams, a regional manager for the iPhone repair company iFixYouri. That likely means that this is the last operating system upgrade iPhone 4 devices will get.

“I would think that the next operating system, the iPhone 4 will not be upgraded to,” Williams says. “They just push the hardware to its limit. If it can handle it, they do it. If it can’t, it can’t, and I’d say that iPhone 4 is just on the back end of being able to handle iOS 7.”

Read the rest of the article at the link above.

Tony’s App Review: Dragon Dictation

Hey there, iWorld. Tony here again, giving you a review of a new app I found. The app is called Dragon Dictation by Nuance Communications. This is a great app with many useful applications. It is a free through the iTunes App Store. Just download and starting using instantly. Basically, you press a button and start speak into your iPhone and it types out what your are saying. After it changes your voice to text, you can then post it to facebook, twitter, sms, email, or simply copy and paste. This app helps me out a lot when I am driving or just being lazy. Now, the app is not perfect, every now and then it makes a mistake, but it is very easy to edit. All in all, this is a great app. I have seen some people use this app while they text and drive. This is a very dangerous practice and I don’t suggest messing with your phone at all, while driving, but if you must, Dragon Dictation is the app for you. Now, if it could only write these blogs for me. Wait a sec……………..Yep, it just did. Dragon Dictation rocks. Take it easy, iWorld and enjoy. This is Tony signing off. And remember this for the weekend, “All that jelly and no jam!” (TM Original 10 cents per use)

Tony’s app review. Logitech TouchMouse

Hey there, iWorld.

Tony here and I am going to give you a review on an app I found and love. The app is called TouchMouse by Logitech. I downloaded the app from the App Store and started playing with it last week. This app is AWESOME! A basic description is that it acts as a wireless keyboard and mouse for any computer you have on your network. The is some setup first, but it is really easy and only takes 10 minutes or so. First, you download the app from the App Store. Next, you go to the logitech website for the download on your computer you want to control. Download it and install it. Then, make sure the program is installed and running on your computer and start the app on your phone. Next, make sure both the computer and your iPhone are connected to your network. Lastly, start the app from your iPhone and connect to the computer you are trying to control. Whammy! You have complete control of your computer. Awesome, right? The only downfall I see with this program is that you have to be on the network. But, who cares. It is also great to play practical jokes on people. The other day, my girlfriend was on my computer and I started up the app. I started changing what she was typing and moving the mouse. It was driving her crazy. So, if you are interested in having control of your computer with your iPhone, then this is the app for you. Another plus, it is totally free. How can you beat that? I wish the made and app to control the people that read this blog. Maybe they do……..”GO TO THE APP STORE AND DOWNLOAD LOGITECH TOUCHMOUSE” . Did it work? Take it easy, iWorld and enjoy. This is Tony signing off. And remember this for the weekend, “Cold beer here” (TM Original 15 cents per use)