Tag Archives: HTC Rezound

HTC Rezound

The Top 5 HTC Smartphones

When the first automobiles arrived, Henry Ford is quoted as having said, “The model T comes in your choice of color: black, black, or black.” Apple, with its iPhone, has created a similar situation for Macintosh loyalists. However, HTC knows that people want variety. Anyone hoping for a great phone with a little more variety than numbers needs look no further than HTC.

The HTC Smartphone and Its Top 5 Models:

There is no particular order to this list since every user values certain features over others. Below though, readers will find the top five HTC smartphone models, followed by a leading feature or two of each phone on the list.


HTC Rezound

HTC Evo 3D

HTC Velocity 4G

HTC Thunderbolt 4G

The HTC One X Smartphone


It is the newest model on the market and it was rated September 2012’s finest phone. There is no quad core processing, but what the One X has that no other phone does is an HD display beyond the eye’s ability to comprehend. All the density in these phones visual images makes it seem more real than the world around it.




The HTC Rezound Smartphone

HTC Rezound Smartphone

It has a leg up in the sound category. LaptopMag called this phone, the phone to listen to. For music lovers, the Rezound is resoundingly the right choice. As a secondary noteworthy feature, this model has some bulk and active users seem to prefer it for its durability.








Its 3D’s outstanding feature is easy to identify. The images from the screen jump out at the viewer, and the 3D is glasses free. If three-dimensional viewing was the only benefit though, maybe Evo would not make the top five lists, but its dual core processors and 4G capabilities give it a competitive edge over much of the market.




The HTC Velocity 4G

HTC Velocity 4G

It has a simple philosophy. Unencumbered by other features, the faster-than-a-blink Wi-Fi has nothing to interrupt it. Sure, every HTC Smartphone is fast, and offers reliable Internet connection, but until users have seen the constant reliability of the Velocity, there is no way to understand the benefits of a stripped-down model.



HTC Thunderbolt 4G

HTC Thunderbolt

Its high cost nearly kept it off the list of the top five phones, but its incredible Internet data package with the fastest times of any phone meant it should be included. Evaluators have said that the Thunderbolt battery cannot compete with the super-fast data speed, and thus the phone runs out of charge quick. Nevertheless, the Thunderbolt will satisfy even the most impatient web-browsing individual.




There are many more HTC models to choose from, and there are also a variety of ways that these delicate electronic devices can become damaged.  Instead of just buying a new model when your current phone is cracked, chipped or suffered any other physical damage, you can easily get it fixed by professional HTC repair technicians.