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iPhone 5 v. SGS3 v. HTC One X: Photo & Video Quality

The process of choosing a new high-end smartphone to buy may seem exciting at first, but things can get confusing once you start focusing on the technical aspects of the product. Two important features for many smartphone users is the ability to take good photos and videos.  Let’s compare image and video quality of three very good smartphones: Samsung Galaxy S3, HTC One X and iPhone 5.

Battle of the Smartphones: Round 1 – Picture Quality

If the overall picture quality is considered as the benchmark, HTC One X is the best option because it tends to over-sharpen the image thereby minimizing degradation. Yet, iPhone 5 and Galaxy S3 cannot be called poor in this aspect.

If you want a phone that reproduces colors perfectly, then you ought to choose iPhone 5 because it does justice to snaps with natural and warm colors. The One X seems to overdo this aspect by bringing a yellowish hue into the images.

Exposure wise, the One X lags behind the other two because it tends towards under exposure. iPhone 5 scores the highest as far as dynamic range is concerned.

Smartphones will get used indoors very often. Hence, this is an important parameter. iPhone 5 scores high again and produces very good images irrespective of the quality of lighting. SGS3’s flash does a good job of taking good snaps even in poor lighting but does not match iPhone’s performance.

Round 2 – Video Quality

What about video? It is Apple all the way. Want HD videos with crisp details, perfectly natural colors and super smooth recording all the way? Choose iPhone 5. The iPhone camera seems to get great quality, well encoded video. The S3 fails in suppressing wind noise. One X just does not make the cut here. Details are vague and the capture rate is plain slow.

And the Winner is…

When you analyze the quality of images and video, there is no doubt that iPhone 5 comes out on top in a close race. It is easy to use and pretty fast too. Other two options are impressive and definitely score over similar products in the market. However, it cannot be denied that they fall behind when one compares with iPhone 5.

Regardless of the model you choose to buy, keep in mind one important fact: the device is delicate.  If anything happens to your new smartphone, you can save your tears: iFixYouri specializes in repairs for all 3 models!

Is the Phablet a Trend?

The mobile device market offers a huge array of different options for consumers, with various bells and whistles and functions and styles.  After the cell phone inherited a big brother in the tablet, the door was open to design devices that would fit somewhere in between the two.  Enter the mini-tablet and the “phablet”.

These are essentially all versions of the same tool, with various sizes.  Each type of device has similar capabilities, the only difference is whether it will fit in your pocket.

What is a Phablet, Anyway?

According to Wikipedia, a phablet is a mobile device that has a screen between 5-7 inches, larger than an average phone, and smaller than the average tablet.

Which Models are Considered Phablets?

The phablet was ushered in with Samsung’s Galaxy Note, which includes the use of a stylus.  Users can sketch and write on-screen.  About 10 million phablets have been sold by Samsung since autumn last year.

The future phablet contenders are rumored to be the LG Intuition and the HTC Droid Incredible X.

One thing is for sure: no matter what the size of the device, or the coined phrase for the new item, all electronics are susceptible to damage.  Another thing is for sure: iFixYouri is your best chance to rescue a damaged mobile device.  Phone, phablet, tablet – iFixYouri can repair it all.


What is a Superphone?

It is well known that the cellphone industry keeps on reinventing itself. It was not too long ago basic phones were followed by feature phones and then came the smartphones. Today, there is a new generation of phones called superphones. A superphone is one of latest phones with extremely powerful, high-speed processors.

Technical Specifications of a Superphone

A smartphone itself is already a very powerful handset. However, a superphone is basically a smartphone with much more features and processing power. For starters, a superphone has a screen of at least 4 inches. Then it usually has two cameras, one at the back and the other at the front, with resolutions of 5 to 8 MP that enable very high quality images and videos.

Some superphones also come with two or more microphones that enable clearer, crisper calls as well as audio-video recordings. In order for these features to work, superphones need a lot of processing power. This power is made possible by their dual-core processors that have speeds of at least 1 GHz.

How Does a Superphone Compare with a Smartphone?

One of the most important things to remember is that a superphone and a smartphone are not very different phones; in fact, a superphone is a much more advanced smartphone. It has most of the features of a smartphone but with much higher capacity. Although a smartphone offers features like an OS, a user interface, and apps, a superphone has far more advanced features.


The two types of phones have many basic differences. While a smartphone can maybe support hundreds of applications, a superphone can easily support hundreds or thousands of applications.


While most superphones have touch screens with resolutions of at least 480 by 320 pixels, smartphones come with resolutions of at least 160 by 120 pixels. They are also available with physical buttons.

Network Connectivity

While smartphones mostly support 2G or 3G connectivity, superphones can support 2, 3 and 4G connectivity, as well as Wi-Fi connectivity. While one of the features of a smartphone is its web experience, a superphone has a very advanced web experience much like that on a PC or a tablet.

Other Features

A superphone has other features such as user-focused phone experience and inherent location awareness. On the other hand, the user experience in a smartphone is determined by the manufacturer as well as the user’s carrier.

Are Superphones the Future?

Superphones are thought to represent the future of phones. No phone can claim to be a superphone if it does not have all of the above features. Apart from that, superphones are thought to be a better alternative to multiple devices like a PC, a tablet or a camera.

In the future, superphones may come with a processor of 3 GHz and 2 GB RAM. In addition, they might come with a 3D or HD camera, more advanced operating systems, and a powerful battery — at least 1800 mAh.

Some of the superphones available in the market include the Samsung Galaxy S2, HTC Sensation, HTC Evo, HTC Desire, Nexus One, etc. All these phones have features such as a 1 gigahertz processor, a 4.3 inch LED/AMOLED touchscreen display, and 4G connectivity.

One thing is for sure: whether it’s a smartphone, a dumbphone, a superphone, or a gramophone, it will not last forever.  The more features, the more problems.  Never fear, however; if you need to get superphone repair, iFixYouri has the crew for the supertask.