Tag Archives: fix reception problem

Get Rid Of iPhone 4 Reception Problems Once and for All

The launch of iPhone 4 in 2010 created a buzz all over the internet as mobile phone users yearned to own the new technology. However, just like other products in the market, this phone was reviewed and tested by consumers – many people experienced problems with its signal. This mostly happened when the users placed their fingers or hand over the antenna on the left side of the phone, thus affecting the network coverage. iPhone 4 reception problems were serious, especially for people living in areas with low network coverage.

For people living in areas with higher network coverage, they only complained of a low network bar whenever their hands or fingers covered the antenna area. If you have been experiencing these reception problems, then you do not have to worry anymore because this issue can be fixed by following simple guidelines.


How to Get Rid of iPhone 4 Reception Problems

If your iPhone has reception problems, you shouldn’t throw it away and buy a new one, rather, you should get it fixed. There are several ways of fixing iPhone 4 reception problems. Listed below are some of them.

1) Buying an External Case

An external case is recommended because it acts as a protection for the phone while preventing your bare skin from touching the antenna. Apple sells these cases but a variety of options can be found in almost any mall or electronic store.

2) Balancing Your Hand

According to research, the majority of people experiencing this reception problem normally use their left hands to hold the iPhone. It is recommended that you use your right hand whenever you hold the device. This is obviously a greater challenge for left-handed people.

3) Using Tape

This sounds odd but most consumers who have tried this method accept the fact that it really helps in solving the reception problems. Apply a piece of tape at the bottom left corner of the iPhone. You can use gaffer’s tape to make the phone look elegant and also prevent the possibility of leaving behind a sticky mess.

Other Ways of Getting Rid of iPhone 4 Reception Problems

If the methods above don’t work, or you’re looking for more options, read on.

Remove the SIM Card

This problem can also be solved by simply removing the SIM card and reinstating it again. However, generally users don’t prefer this method because it is tiresome and irritating when the device is opened and closed frequently. Some people also claim that they lose their phone’s settings when they remove the SIM card.

Washing Hands Before Handling an iPhone

Some engineers also claim that washing hands before handling the iPhone helps prevent the reception problems. They claim that hand washing removes the natural electrolytes from your hand. This prevents the loss of signal when you hold the phone.

Some IT students also carried out research about the unique ways of getting rid of iPhone 4 reception problems. It was discovered that wearing latex gloves is a possible solution, though not so many people are comfortable with wearing them every time they handle this device.

Simply get the iPhone 4 Repaired

Some of these methods might work and some might not work. If you want to really get rid of iPhone 4 reception problems, you should ship it to a company that specializes in repairing iPhones, like iFixYouri. We will fix the iPhone 4 reception problems and ship it back to you.