Tag Archives: fix iPhone 4 screen

iDiagnose – Part 4 – iPhone Screen Repair – What repair do you really need?

You’re walking down the sidewalk and you reach in your pocket to pull out your iPhone that is ringing. It slips out of your hand and SMASH! It hits the concrete, hard.

This is an all too common scenario that we see happen every day. Sometimes it’s just the iPhone glass that needs to be repaired, sometimes it’s the glass and LCD, and yet sometimes it’s just the LCD. To some, this question can be answered with no hesitation, yet to others, this sounds like a trick question.

First thing to determine is what type of iPhone Repair you’ll need. iFixYouri specializes in iPhone 3g, iPhone 3Gs, and iPhone 4 Repair.

Determining what iPhone you have

Some characteristics to find before iPhone 3G repair:

  • Black or white back housing
  • 8 GB or 16 GB
  • Letters on the back(bottom half) are gray, flat paint
  • iPhone has no video recording

Some characteristics to find before iPhone 3Gs repair:

  • Black or white back housing
  • 16 GB or 32 GB
  • Letters on the back(bottom half) are chrome, mirror like paint
  • iPhone records video
  • iPhone has compass

Some characteristics to find before iPhone 4 repair:

  • Steel/Metal frame and buttons
  • Front facing camera
  • Back housing is made of glass

Once you’ve decided what model you have, you will need to determine what iPhone screen repair your broken iPhone needs.

Glass only – Cracked front face. May or may not respond to touch. Screen behind the glass still displays the iPhone home screen/features.

Glass and LCD – Cracked front face. Can not see what is displayed on the screen. Screen may be white, gray, or black. The screen may also show cracks or bleeding and distorted picture.

LCD only – Front glass still in tact. Phone seems to respond to touch. Screen display is white, gray, or black. It may also show cracks behind the glass, may be bleeding(looks like cracked gray lines), or show distored pictures.

All 3 of these problems are very common when dropping an iPhone. When this repair is complete, your iPhone will function exactly how it did from the factory. iFixYouri uses only the highest quality parts to ensure proper fit, feel, and function. We are so confident in our parts, that all glass repairs come with a 1 year warranty.

If you have any questions regarding any of our iPhone screen repair services, don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and call us. Our highly skilled techs are happy to help guide you with anything from purchase and checkout on our website for any of our services, to helping you assemble a part or DIY kit that you purchased from us.