Tag Archives: evernote

Evernote is a note-taking application for web, Android, and iOS. Posts here will cover Evernote usage, tips, and news.

The Absolute Best Apps for iPads with a Retina Display

With the advent of the retina display, iPad owners want to download apps that offer the sharpest graphics ever. Playing with brilliant high resolution apps is the only way to truly experience the joys of the retina display. However, with thousands of apps available, the task of choosing the best one is almost impossible. If you have been finding it difficult to choose such an app,  read on for the best retina display apps for iPad, and start enjoying out-of-this-world graphics.

Star Walk for iPad

If you love interactive astronomy, this app should definitely be on your download list. True to its name, it lets users explore the stars in the sky. All one has to do is point his or her iPad device upwards towards the sky. When stargazing becomes a chore rather than a joyous pastime, revert to the planet data and moon phases. The beauty of this app, which makes use of retina display, is the ability to use night mode as well. As such, both day and night modes produce sharp images.

Sky Gamblers: Air Supremacy

For gamers, perhaps nothing gets their competitive juices flowing like good graphics. The Sky Gamblers app offers this and much more. You will not only be able to gawk at the depth of field but also enjoy amazing fluidity. To give you an idea of the graphics depth, the app can display 50 battle planes on screen comfortably.


As one of the most popular iPad apps, Evernote does not disappoint when it comes to making full use of retina display graphics. The ultra-high-quality graphics will render your musings perfectly. The slick experience extends across different platforms. This means that you can start scribbling while at the office and continue on your way home.

Infinity Blade II

Game developers know that graphics alone can sink or boost the fortunes of an iPad app. This sequel to the smash-hit Infinity Blade certainly delivers on the graphics front. The resolution renders the stunning landscapes and clouds with such finesse rarely seen in the gaming world. Add to this mix easy game control and you have an app that every iPad owner should have.

Solar Walk

For lovers of 3D models, this solar system iPad app is perhaps the perfect choice. With the help of a set of cyan and red glasses, you will be flying around the universe in no time. Whether you are a novice or an experienced astronomer, Solar Walk provides tons of information using iPad’s retina display.



After taking photographs, you need an iPad app that boasts of retina display qualities for viewing. The iPhoto app from Apple does not disappoint. Everything that you have ever wanted in a photo editing app is available. This includes multi-touch editing, cropping, saturation, as well as exposure. There is no doubt that this app will make both your photo sharing and viewing an enjoyable experience.


When you have to follow stock market movements, you require an app that delivers clear information. The StockTouch app delivers this information using the power of iPad’s retina display. Add intuitive navigation and you have an app for the most demanding trader.

The Early Edition


Reading news can be a joy (on a retina display app) or an eye squinting affair (on a news app that does not make good use of this technology). The Early Edition app optimizes the iPad retina display to resolve this problem, and make reading news both easy and enjoyable.

If you have never had the chance to experience iPad’s retina display, the apps discussed above are very likely to totally change your entire iPad experience. Together with iPad’s quad core graphics engine, your daily gaming, note-taking, or browsing will never be the same again. By taking advantage of the iPad’s 2048 by 1536 screen resolution, these apps provide awesome graphics optimization.

Then again, to fully take advantage of the iPad screen, it should be free of scratches and cracks.  If you have these issues, contact iFixYouri for quality iPad screen repair.