Tag Archives: Dragon dictation

Tony’s App Review: Dragon Dictation

Hey there, iWorld. Tony here again, giving you a review of a new app I found. The app is called Dragon Dictation by Nuance Communications. This is a great app with many useful applications. It is a free through the iTunes App Store. Just download and starting using instantly. Basically, you press a button and start speak into your iPhone and it types out what your are saying. After it changes your voice to text, you can then post it to facebook, twitter, sms, email, or simply copy and paste. This app helps me out a lot when I am driving or just being lazy. Now, the app is not perfect, every now and then it makes a mistake, but it is very easy to edit. All in all, this is a great app. I have seen some people use this app while they text and drive. This is a very dangerous practice and I don’t suggest messing with your phone at all, while driving, but if you must, Dragon Dictation is the app for you. Now, if it could only write these blogs for me. Wait a sec……………..Yep, it just did. Dragon Dictation rocks. Take it easy, iWorld and enjoy. This is Tony signing off. And remember this for the weekend, “All that jelly and no jam!” (TM Original 10 cents per use)