Tag Archives: battery life

The Ultimate Guide to Smartphone Battery Care and Maintenance

This is part 2 of a series on smartphone care – check out part 1 – Common Smartphone Issues and How to Avoid Them. Smartphone batteries are an essential component of our daily lives. Proper smartphone battery care is crucial to ensure their longevity and optimal performance. They power our devices, allowing us to stay connected, entertained, and informed. However,

In this comprehensive guide, we will cover everything you need to know about smartphone battery care and maintenance, from understanding battery basics to helpful tips and tricks to extend your battery’s lifespan.

Smartphone Battery Care - an iPhone battery

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding Smartphone Batteries: Types and Terminology
  2. Charging Practices for Better Battery Health
  3. Temperature Management: Protecting Your Battery from Extreme Temperatures
  4. Optimizing Your Smartphone’s Settings for Battery Life
  5. Battery Draining Apps: Identifying and Managing Culprits
  6. External Battery Packs: When to Use Them and How to Choose
  7. Replacing Your Smartphone Battery: Signs and Best Practices
  8. Understanding Smartphone Batteries: Types and Terminology

Understanding Smartphone Batteries: Types and Terminology

Let’s dive deeper into the basics of lithium-ion (Li-ion) and lithium-polymer (Li-Po) batteries, the two most common types of rechargeable batteries used in smartphones.

Lithium-ion (Li-ion) Batteries

Li-ion batteries are widely used in smartphones, laptops, and various other electronic devices due to their high energy density, which means they can store a large amount of energy in a relatively small and lightweight package. This is particularly important for smartphones, as it allows for slim designs and extended battery life.

Another advantage of Li-ion batteries is their low self-discharge rate. Self-discharge refers to the gradual loss of charge that occurs when a battery is not in use. Li-ion batteries have a much lower self-discharge rate compared to other battery types like nickel-cadmium (NiCd) or nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) batteries, which means they can retain their charge for longer periods when not in use.

Li-ion batteries also exhibit a minimal memory effect, a phenomenon that occurs when a battery “remembers” its previous charge-discharge cycles and loses its maximum energy capacity when repeatedly charged after being partially discharged. The minimal memory effect of Li-ion batteries allows users to charge their smartphones without worrying about reducing the battery’s overall lifespan.

Lithium-polymer (Li-Po) Batteries

Li-Po batteries are a more recent development and are similar to Li-ion batteries in many ways. Like Li-ion batteries, Li-Po batteries offer high energy density, low self-discharge rate, and minimal memory effect. However, Li-Po batteries use a different electrolyte composition, which allows for a more flexible and lightweight design.

The main advantage of Li-Po batteries over Li-ion batteries is their form factor. Li-Po batteries can be made thinner and lighter, which makes them ideal for use in ultra-slim smartphones and other portable devices. Additionally, Li-Po batteries can be manufactured in various shapes and sizes, allowing for greater design flexibility.

It is important to note that both Li-ion and Li-Po batteries share similar care and maintenance requirements, as their underlying chemistry is quite similar. By understanding the basics of these two types of batteries, users can better appreciate the advantages they offer and implement appropriate care and maintenance practices to maximize their performance and lifespan.

Smartphone Battery Care: Key Terms

  • mAh (milliampere-hour): A unit used to measure a battery’s capacity, indicating how much energy it can store. A higher mAh rating means a longer-lasting battery.
  • Cycles: A battery cycle is a full charge and discharge of the battery. A battery’s lifespan is usually measured in cycles.
  • Memory effect: A phenomenon where a battery loses its maximum energy capacity when repeatedly charged after being partially discharged. This is not a significant issue for lithium-based batteries.
  • Degradation: A natural process where a battery loses its ability to hold a charge over time, resulting in reduced battery life.

Charging Practices for Better Battery Health

Proper charging habits play a crucial role in preserving your smartphone battery’s health. Here are some best practices for charging:

One key aspect of maintaining your smartphone’s battery health is to avoid fully discharging it. Lithium-based batteries, which are commonly used in smartphones, perform best when they are not completely drained. To keep your battery in optimal condition, try to maintain its charge level between 20% and 80%. This practice helps prolong the battery’s lifespan and ensures it remains efficient.

Another crucial factor in battery care is using the right charger. It’s always best to use a high-quality charger from a reputable brand, ideally, the one that came with your smartphone. Low-quality or counterfeit chargers can cause damage to both your battery and device, so it’s essential to avoid them.

Furthermore, avoid charging your smartphone overnight, as overcharging can lead to battery damage over time. To prevent this, unplug your device once it reaches a full charge. You may also want to invest in a smart charger with auto shut-off features.

Additionally, it’s important to charge your smartphone at moderate temperatures. Extreme temperatures can have a negative impact on your battery’s lifespan, so aim to charge your device in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight or heat sources. By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your smartphone’s battery remains healthy and lasts longer.

Temperature Management: Protecting Your Battery from Extreme Temperatures

Exposure to extreme temperatures can have a significant impact on your smartphone battery’s performance and lifespan. There are several ways to protect your battery from temperature-related damage.

Protecting your smartphone from extreme temperatures is essential for maintaining battery performance and longevity. Direct sunlight, for instance, can cause your device to overheat and negatively affect battery performance. To avoid this, make sure to keep your smartphone in the shade or use a protective case that shields it from the sun’s rays.

Another common situation that can harm your smartphone’s battery is leaving it in a hot car. The high temperatures inside a parked car can cause irreversible damage to your battery. If you need to leave your device in the car, ensure it is turned off and stored in a shaded, insulated container to minimize exposure to extreme heat. On the other hand, cold temperatures can also have detrimental effects on your smartphone battery. To protect your device in colder climates, keep it in an insulated case or pocket and avoid using it outdoors for extended periods when temperatures are below freezing. By taking these precautions, you can safeguard your smartphone’s battery and extend its lifespan.

Optimizing Your Smartphone’s Settings for Battery Life

There are several settings on your smartphone that can help extend battery life without sacrificing performance. Optimizing your smartphone’s settings is an effective way to conserve battery life without compromising performance. By making a few simple adjustments, you can extend the time between charges and maintain your device’s efficiency.

Firstly, consider lowering the screen brightness, as the display is often the most significant power consumer on your smartphone. By reducing brightness, you can save a considerable amount of battery life. Additionally, enabling a power-saving mode is another useful strategy. Most smartphones offer this mode, which adjusts various settings to conserve battery life, such as reducing screen brightness, limiting background data usage, and disabling non-essential features.

Another useful tip is to turn off unused features like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, and mobile data when they are not in use. Disabling these features can help save battery power and prolong your device’s battery life. You can also adjust the screen timeout settings to further conserve battery life. By shortening the time it takes for your screen to turn off when not in use, you can reduce power consumption.

Battery Draining Apps: Identifying and Managing Culprits

Some apps consume more battery power than others, particularly those that run in the background or require constant internet access. Identifying and managing battery-draining apps is crucial for maintaining your smartphone’s battery life. By keeping track of power consumption and addressing problematic apps, you can help prolong your device’s battery life.

One way to do this is by monitoring battery usage. Most smartphones include a battery usage breakdown in the settings menu, allowing you to see which apps are consuming the most power. By staying informed, you can make informed decisions about how to manage your device’s battery life.

If you notice that an app is draining your battery excessively, consider closing it when not in use or uninstalling it altogether. Sometimes, certain apps may consume more power than they should, so it’s essential to address these issues and maintain overall battery performance.

Lastly, make sure to update your apps regularly. App developers frequently release updates that improve performance and battery efficiency. By keeping your apps up-to-date, you can take advantage of these smartphone battery care tips and ensure your smartphone’s battery life remains at its best.

External Battery Packs: When to Use Them and How to Choose

External battery packs, also known as power banks, can provide an extra boost of power when you’re on the go. External battery packs can be a lifesaver when you need extra power for your smartphone, but it’s essential to use them wisely and choose the right one. Here are some tips for making the most of external battery packs:

First, use external battery packs sparingly. Relying on them too frequently can cause your smartphone’s internal battery to degrade faster. Instead, reserve them for situations when you truly need extra power, and avoid using them to charge your phone to 100%.

Second, make sure to check the compatibility of the external battery pack with your smartphone. It’s crucial to ensure that it provides the correct voltage and amperage for safe charging. Using an incompatible battery pack can lead to damage to both your smartphone and the battery pack.

Finally, when selecting an external battery pack, consider both its capacity (measured in mAh) and size. Choose a battery pack with a capacity that suits your needs, taking into account how often you’ll need to recharge your device and your typical usage patterns. At the same time, opt for a size that is portable and convenient for your lifestyle, so it’s easy to carry with you when needed.

By following these tips, you can make the most of external battery packs and keep your smartphone charged when you need it the most.

Replacing Your Smartphone Battery: Signs and Best Practices

Over time, your smartphone battery will degrade, and you may need to replace it. Knowing when to replace your smartphone’s battery is crucial for maintaining optimal performance and ensuring your device’s safety. Here are some signs that it’s time for a new battery:

Rapid battery drain is one indicator that you may need a replacement. If your smartphone’s battery is depleting much faster than it used to, it’s likely time for a new one. Another sign is a swollen battery, which can be dangerous and potentially cause further damage to your smartphone. In this case, replace the battery immediately. Frequent unexpected shutdowns, even with a significant battery charge remaining, may also signal a failing battery.

When it’s time to replace your smartphone battery, follow these best practices:

First, always use a genuine or high-quality replacement battery from a reputable manufacturer. This ensures safe and optimal performance for your device. If you’re not comfortable replacing the battery yourself, seek help from a professional repair service or an authorized service center to ensure proper smartphone battery care.

Lastly, dispose of your old battery responsibly by recycling it at a designated recycling center or participating retailer. Proper disposal is essential for environmental protection and helps prevent potential hazards associated with improperly discarded batteries. By following these guidelines, you can keep your smartphone running smoothly and safely for years to come.

Smartphone battery care is essential for ensuring optimal performance and a longer lifespan. By understanding the basics of smartphone batteries, adopting healthy charging habits, managing temperature and settings, and addressing problematic apps, you can keep your smartphone’s battery in top condition. And when it’s time for a replacement, choose iFixYouri for top-quality OEM batteries (for most models) and third-party batteries with warranties.

The New MacBook Pro’s Pros and Cons

The 13-inch Retina MacBook Pro is a gorgeous device and has already won ear-splitting applause from users. Nevertheless, there are hitches and for a laptop costing as much as this does, you could not be blamed for being disappointed with technical problems.

Potential MacBook Issues

As great of a device as Apple has developed with its latest MacBook Pro, it seems almost inevitable that some glitches should accompany such a product.

Note: For those that may have more severe issues than a mere glitch and may require actual MacBook repair, seeking out experts such as iFixYouri is always a sound decision.

So without any further ado, let’s take a look some of the issues:


The Retina screen is gorgeous. You cannot help but fall in love with it. However, there aren’t many websites that take advantage of Retina at this point.

Graphic Performance

Testing the graphic performance of four different laptops with a heavy effect video file uncovered that the 15-inch Pro takes an average 20 seconds less than the 13-inch to render the file, whereas the 13-inch Air takes an average 10 seconds more than the 13-inch Pro to render the same file. Now when we consider that the Retina 13 costs $850 more than the 13-inch Air and around $200 less than the Pro 15, it does raise a few uneasy questions about the wisdom of investing in a Retina 13.

The 13-inch MacBook Pro does come with a wonderful visual design, awesome trackpad and keyboard, a compressed unibody design, and yet its graphic performance is not too superior to the MacBook Air. You also experience a minor slowdown when you use a hi-res setting.

The laptop is a bit smaller than the 15-inch Pro and way thicker than the 13-inch Air.

Battery Life and Sound

The battery life, which is around 3 hrs 15 mins, is good enough and the sound is excellent, too. However, there seems to be a soft echo to the sound, especially when you are listening to dialogue. The keyboard and the trackpad are still the best you are going to find in a laptop.

Should One Buy the New MacBook Pro?

Clearly, it’s hard to say that the new MacBook Pro is not a good investment. The laptop is still so much better that other laptops, performance-wise. And since it costs only fractionally more than its 13-inch counterpart, it is hard to see why you would not invest in the 15-inch if you are comfortable with its slightly-bigger size.

iPhone5: How to Improve Battery Life on Apple Devices

No matter whether it is the iPhone 5, the iPad, or any Apple mobile device, the battery life remains an issue.

Solutions for the iPhone 5 Battery Dilemma

To let the battery last longer on your Apple devices, you may try out the following tips:


First of all, if you see the battery draining away too quickly before your eyes, that is a cause for concern. Make sure you are not overusing it. Whenever there is a new device out with a load of new features, it becomes difficult to put it down.

Faulty OS or Faulty Device?

If you are certain that overuse is not the cause behind the decreasing battery life, you will have to try other troubleshooting tricks.

  • Restart your device

This will often fix the problem of some rogue application or process eating away your charge.

  • Power cycle

You should always completely drain your Apple device battery about once a month and charge it again to the full. You should try this more often if you are having issues with battery.

If you have restored your iOS device from backup, this can often lead to battery life issues. The best solution is to set it up as a new device. This will be a pain since you lose all your data and else, but it may be worth the trouble.

Plug In When You Can

If you are using your iPhone 5 or some other device with iOS 6 a lot, you should plug it in whenever you get an opportunity – at work, at home, in the car.

Turn Off Things You Aren’t Using

This is basically a balance act. You relinquish certain apps and features to gain on the battery life.

Some of the common features that you can turn off to improve battery life:

  • Siri’s Raise to Speak
  • Location Services
  • Push Notifications
  • Notification Center widgets

You can also consider turning off power-greedy apps like VoIP, Pandora, TomTom etc.

If you’ve tried the tricks above, and you still experience a battery that seems to drain quickly, you may need professional repairs.  Luckily for those that have experienced significant battery issues that may require battery replacement, experts such as iFixYouri are available to help.

Cool Verizon iPhone 5 Features

It’s hard to say what tops the list of the coolest features on the Verizon iPhone 5. The fact that it’s the most advanced phone on the market and can be fixed in a timely fashion, or maybe the fact that it’s designed to last, and not break in the first place.

Verizon iPhone 5 Unique Features

  • 4-Inch Retina Display
  • Fastest Wireless
  • A6 Chip
  • 8MP iSight Camera
  • iOS 6
  • Thinnest, Smallest Design Yet

Verizon iPhone 5 Retina Display 

So you’re curious about the 4-Inch Retina Display. Think about it this way: the human eye can process a limited amount of visual data, and the iPhone’s screen has more visual than the eye can see. For decades, technology designers have been producing screens (televisions, computer monitors and cell phones) under the assumption that adding color beyond the human’s perception capability was time wasted. The Retina Display showed the world that this was a wrongly applied understanding.

The human eye can only see a certain amount of color and richness in an image, but the eye has several advantages over a still screen. When the eye shifts focus, it creates rapid 3D sensations, filling in and drawing color based on lighting and movement. Viewed in movement, a screen that lacks rich color saturation becomes duller. Moreover, the brain is responsible for interpreting the images eyes see. The less detail presented to the brain, the more work the brain does to fill in an image.

The Retina Display has packed more pixels into its viewing area than the eye can detect, and the result is a uniform, nearly three-dimensional four-inch screen. Maybe your eye can’t see more than a certain number of pixels per centimeter, but when you look at the Retina Display, you won’t be able to deny its clearer image compared to other cell phones.

Other Features

You won’t be surprised by Verizon’s incredibly fast wireless. They’ve built the best network in the industry, which means that no matter where you go, you’ll have endless streaming possibilities and great use, and not only that, but you won’t have to worry about your battery dying when you’re out and about.

Battery Life

The A6 Chip has the best power efficiency on the market, delivering as much as two times the CPU performance while conserving more battery life than any other phone.

The 8MP iSight camera is so good, many people stop carrying a digital camera, and take shots exclusively with their iPhone. It’s true. You get all of this with iOS 6, the best operating system on the market, in the smallest, thinnest design by Apple to date.

Heed this warning: the design means the device is delicate.  If you accidentally damage your Verizon iPhone 5, there is hope: iFixYouri specializes in iPhone 5 repair.  Fixing your phone is as simple as sending it to the experienced technicians, who will send it back, good as new.

What to Know About iPhone Battery Replacement

iphone-battery-replacement-ifixyouriRechargeable batteries may run for a long time but they do have a limited lifespan. iPhone batteries, for example, are good for roughly 400 charge cycles. Performance starts to degrade afterwards and owners will need an iPhone battery replacement in order to continue using the device when hopes of extending the iPhone battery life has been lost.

Sometimes a replacement is required much earlier, such as when the unit routinely fails to charge or runs out of power very quickly and such cases may require a iPhone battery replacement kit. Owners can also have their phones processed at Apple service centers. They could also opt to replace it themselves as spare batteries are available online at reasonable prices. The guide below offers simple instructions for DIY iPhone battery replacement.

Step-by-Step Guide to iPhone Battery Replacement

  1. Close all the apps and turn off the phone with a prolonged press of the power button. Swipe the red slider on the screen as instructed to complete the process. Wait for a few seconds before proceeding to the next step.
  2. Look down at the bottom of the device. For the iPhone 4 and 4S, there should be a tiny screw at both ends of the port. Use suitable screwdrivers to loosen them then keep them somewhere safe for easy retrieval later on.
  3. In order to lift the back plate, try to put some pressure on it and slide it down just a little bit until it gives way. Apply more downward pressure and increase surface contact if it proves hard to budge.
  4. The iPhone 4 battery is immediately visible when facing the back of the phone. It is held in place by a lone screw while the 4S uses a more secure dual arrangement. These will have to be taken out in order to get to the battery itself.
  5. Slowly lift up the connector at the lower left-hand corner of the battery with any slender tool that would fit in the tight space. Be sure not to scratch the areas surrounding it.
  6. Take the battery out by lifting the plastic tab attached to its side. This may prove challenging and require a good amount of force, but do it gradually so as not to upset nearby components.
  7. The new battery is ready to be inserted. Align the contacts and secure it with the screw that was removed earlier. Insert the back plate and tighten the screws at the bottom. Power up the phone and enjoy.

Things to Consider Regarding iPhone Battery Replacement

  • When buying a new battery, be sure to get one for the right iPhone model. Those on the market all have slightly different shapes and connector placements so find a piece that fits.
  • Having the right kind of tools is also important when trying to open the case.  Household screwdrivers or a specifically tailored iPhone repair tool kit.
  • The components are extremely small and packed densely so a good steady hand is ideal. Apply even pressure and never force anything on the device.

In Conclusion

iPhone battery replacement is a fairly uncomplicated task that owners may attempt when the situation calls for it. On the other hand, those who are uncomfortable about opening their phones or are unsure whether the battery is truly at fault can send their units to a repair shop such as iFixYouri for proper diagnosis and parts replacement.

Tips To Extend MacBook Battery Life


The battery life of a Macbook depends primarily on its usage, as well as its configuration. All MacBooks have a battery status menu that displays the charge level of the battery as well as whether it is charging or not. The battery status menu and the menu bar lay side to side on the right side of the computer. It undergoes varying changes and updates depending on the system workload and screen brightness. Below are some tips that you can use to get the most out of your MacBook battery.

First Things First

Click on system preferences on your MacBook dock. A silver square with a gear train inside represents the system preferences. Next, click on energy saver and check the graphics settings. If they are set on the ‘higher performance’ option, change it to ‘better battery life’. In order to save the changes on your graphics option, you will have to log out.

Use Only What’s Necessary

Turn off unused technologies and features and maximize your MacBook’s battery life. This follows the same logic as switching off the lights in an empty room. Start by ejecting DVDs and CDs that you are not using. The optical drive will use battery power to read these media as long as they are in the drive. Disconnect all peripherals such as digital cameras, external hard drives, mice and printers. Connected peripherals draw power through the fire wire or USB ports. This reduces your battery life considerably. Shut down any running applications that are not in use as well as runaway applications.

Turn off Local Networks

Turn off your Bluetooth or AirPort to extend your battery life if you are not using them. Click on the menu bar and select the AirPort or Bluetooth option. Choose the turn off option of either feature from the drop-down menu to turn them off. You can also deactivate the two features from the system preferences option.

Reduce Brightness

Reduce your screen brightness to a comfortable level. The brightness of your MacBook screen has the greatest impact on your battery life when compared to any other setting. Pressing the F1 key will dim the screen to a comfortable brightness level. For example, reducing your screen brightness from 100% to 50% on a MacBook Pro will add up to three hours on your total battery life.

Pressing the F8 key on your MacBook will turn off the keyboard backlight further extending your battery life.

Check Your Battery Condition

If you are running Mac OS X v10.6.x or higher, holding the option key and clicking the battery status menu will display the condition of your battery. The MacBook should indicate normal battery condition for optimum performance. A ‘replace soon’ condition indicates that the battery needs replacement soon while a ‘replace now’ condition requires immediate battery replacement. If you see this sign, your computer may be getting old and you should check out iFixYouri’s Mac laptop repair services.