Tag Archives: app store

The Best iPhone 5 Games And Apps

iphone-5-screenThe new iPhone 5 offers great improvements over its predecessors. One of the most noticeable features is the bigger and taller screen. In order to take advantage of the bigger screen, developers had to update their apps and games. In other words, they had to optimize their apps and games in order to fit on the bigger screen.



Best Games For iPhone 5

The iPhone 5 will definitely be an instant hit for gamers mainly due to the bigger screen. If you have just bought the new iPhone 5, you should try these great new iPhone 5 games.

Asphalt – Asphalt is one of the best racing games and the new iPhone will take the gaming experience to a whole new level. It has a bigger screen and better graphics. The wider screen gives you the opportunity to enjoy the gorgeous landscapes on Asphalt’s courses.

Sky Gamblers: Air Supremacy – Sky Gambler will definitely be the most favorite game among most gamers. The new iPhone with the larger screen means that you can turn it into landscape mode and enjoy the game as you fly over simulated cities.

Best Apps For iPhone 5

CNN- It is one of the first media apps to be optimized for the bigger screen on the new iPhone 5. What that means is that you will get to see an extra story on the screen due to it bigger size. Therefore, if you always want to be a step ahead in terms of current events, this should be the first app for your new iPhone.

Dark Sky – Dark Sky is arguably one of the best weather apps in the market. It is very accurate and the best thing is that it looks great on the bigger screen.

Reeder – It is one of the best RSS reader apps. When you install this app on your new iPhone with a bigger screen, you will definitely be able to see more of the story. In other words, you won’t have to scroll up and down so as to see the whole story.

It goes without saying that you should take good care of your new iPhone. However, there are times when the inevitable happens and you find yourself with a broken iPhone. You need not worry because we can fix it for you. Our specialists have been in the industry for years and have repaired iPhones with all types of problems. For more information, click here.

How To Create an iPhone App That People Will Love

iphone-app-ifixyouriThe iPhone app development industry is considerably competitive nowadays, but at the same time it is a very rewarding one. With hundreds of iPhone applications made available every day, it can be quite difficult to build one that grabs the attention of the public and becomes a big success.

Nevertheless, new developers should not be discouraged, as the demand for these apps is also very high. Moreover, the technology existing today and the numerous tools available to iPhone developers make the process of building an app pretty straightforward and fast.

Virtually anyone can design and develop his or her own iPhone app these days, without a lot of difficulties. Here are the most common as well as most necessary steps that have to be made in order to build and market your own application.


The process starts with a brainstorm for ideas, especially if you do not have any ideas yet. The secret for succeeding in such a competitive market is to come up with something truly unique. This, however, involves a lot of thinking, since nobody can come up with something entirely original and practical that has not been implemented before without doing some research on the market needs and putting a lot of thought into it.

Another thing you can do is to take an old application that was once popular, and spend some time on studying its flaws and determining how you could correct them and improve the application. You can also take an app category where you are very knowledgeable and then design an app with several innovative features that most competitors do not have. Finding a narrower niche on the other hand will make the designing and development process run a lot smoother.


When creating an iPhone app, you cannot disregard the competition. You should always do some research on your competition and see how thorough that particular niche is. The higher the competition in that niche, the more difficult it will be for you to successfully market and sell your app.

The ideal method is to find a narrow niche with high demand and low competition, yet this is one of the most difficult things to do. If however you decide not to let the intensity of the competition scare you and choose to dive into a high competitive niche, you will have to come up with a really unique and innovative application, with features that will make it stand out from the rest.

Finding Help

There are numerous tools you can use in order to make your iPhone app look more appealing. Nonetheless, the best ones are usually the most expensive. You can always do some research, read user reviews and ask for recommendations on development forum boards about which of these tools are more recommended for your particular needs and requirements.

Also make sure that you have an iPhone or working iPod touch to test the prototype on – if you own an iPhone or iPod that needs repair for this step, iFixYouri has the expertise and resources to fix your Apple product. Designing the app should not be too difficult once you have all the right tools to work with (assuming, of course, that you have a background in programming, or are eager to learn). To get started, look at Apple’s main hub for iOS developers, and this tutorial site (with marketing tips).



After the development process has been completed, you can go on to the next most important step, which is marketing and selling your iPhone app. A good marketing plan is required in order to get the consumers’ attention, even if your final product already looks good and has lots of useful functionalities.




One of the fastest and yet most efficient ways to market an app is through referrals by customers who are satisfied and impressed with your application. For this, you will need to develop a list of clients that can take some time to test the app and then give some positive reviews, spreading them around the internet. These reviews can be either done in the iPhone app store, or in other various forms of marketing.

You may also want to offer incentives for users who are promoting your application on message boards or by using other online marketing vehicles. Another alternative is to release a free (or heavily discounted) version of the app, at least for a while. The more people start talking about your new released iPhone app, the more profit you will generate.

Different Mediums

One of the biggest mistakes that many iPhone developers make is to limit the marketing of their applications to online mediums and mobile environments only. The truth is that print advertising (newspapers, magazines, flyers, etc.) usually sticks a lot longer, mainly because people carry them around, share them with their friends, and generally look at them a few times before throwing the magazines away. Therefore, you might want to expand your marketing approach and get your iPhone marketed in an appropriate printed magazine or publication, according to your budget.

Targeted Market Analysis

Lastly, you should understand that iPhone app marketing is all about following your target audience, going where your potential buyers are and sending them a compelling message. Do not limit your exposure and use any means possible to present your product to iPhone users worldwide. Do a market analysis regularly and then use that data to find new ways of maximizing your sales and allow more and more people to discover your awesome application.