Tag Archives: app review

App Review: Iron Snout+

What’s shakin’, bacon? Fight to stay off the dinner menu in Iron Snout+ for iOS and Android phones and tablets. Your porcine hero is surrounded by hungry wolves, and you must use your thumbs and kung-fu to go down swinging. Controls are very simple: the pig stays rooted in the center of the screen, and tapping or swiping on one half of the screen makes him attack in that direction. You can jump and duck to avoid attacks and set up lethal combinations, and also grab the weapons the wolves drop and swing or throw them right back! You just keep punching and kicking until you run out of life (represented by bacon strips) and your tally on how many wolves defeated is up in the corner. The new “+” version adds variety to the wolf enemies. From axe-wielding lumberjacks and billy-club-equipped SWAT officers to Pokemon trainers and Miley Cyrus-impersonating wolves (swinging in on a wrecking ball with a sledgehammer, of course), you’ll have your piggy hands full beating back the endless hordes. Iron Snout+’s gameplay is a blast, but it can easily get repetitive if you play it too much; there are only two modes (regular and sudden-death) and two levels, each with a different cast of wolf baddies. I keep it on my phone as an “I need to kill 5 minutes” option, usually while waiting for an Uber or to get through a boring conference call, and with its fast boot-up time (about two seconds on a Galaxy S6) it works wonders in that regard. As a beat-em-up game, it’s going to be a little violent. Cartoony blood spatters appear for a second or two after hitting a wolf, and it’s possible to punch their heads off (which you can grab and fling at foes), so it might not be great for the little ones. Hopefully future updates allows for turning off the “gore,” as otherwise, the game is perfect for kids, with its bright, cutesy characters and easy controls. It’s a free download with no in-app purchases, just some occasional ads. You can even give it a try in-browser here.

Tony’s App Review: Dragon Dictation

Hey there, iWorld. Tony here again, giving you a review of a new app I found. The app is called Dragon Dictation by Nuance Communications. This is a great app with many useful applications. It is a free through the iTunes App Store. Just download and starting using instantly. Basically, you press a button and start speak into your iPhone and it types out what your are saying. After it changes your voice to text, you can then post it to facebook, twitter, sms, email, or simply copy and paste. This app helps me out a lot when I am driving or just being lazy. Now, the app is not perfect, every now and then it makes a mistake, but it is very easy to edit. All in all, this is a great app. I have seen some people use this app while they text and drive. This is a very dangerous practice and I don’t suggest messing with your phone at all, while driving, but if you must, Dragon Dictation is the app for you. Now, if it could only write these blogs for me. Wait a sec……………..Yep, it just did. Dragon Dictation rocks. Take it easy, iWorld and enjoy. This is Tony signing off. And remember this for the weekend, “All that jelly and no jam!” (TM Original 10 cents per use)

Tony’s app review. Logitech TouchMouse

Hey there, iWorld.

Tony here and I am going to give you a review on an app I found and love. The app is called TouchMouse by Logitech. I downloaded the app from the App Store and started playing with it last week. This app is AWESOME! A basic description is that it acts as a wireless keyboard and mouse for any computer you have on your network. The is some setup first, but it is really easy and only takes 10 minutes or so. First, you download the app from the App Store. Next, you go to the logitech website for the download on your computer you want to control. Download it and install it. Then, make sure the program is installed and running on your computer and start the app on your phone. Next, make sure both the computer and your iPhone are connected to your network. Lastly, start the app from your iPhone and connect to the computer you are trying to control. Whammy! You have complete control of your computer. Awesome, right? The only downfall I see with this program is that you have to be on the network. But, who cares. It is also great to play practical jokes on people. The other day, my girlfriend was on my computer and I started up the app. I started changing what she was typing and moving the mouse. It was driving her crazy. So, if you are interested in having control of your computer with your iPhone, then this is the app for you. Another plus, it is totally free. How can you beat that? I wish the made and app to control the people that read this blog. Maybe they do……..”GO TO THE APP STORE AND DOWNLOAD LOGITECH TOUCHMOUSE” . Did it work? Take it easy, iWorld and enjoy. This is Tony signing off. And remember this for the weekend, “Cold beer here” (TM Original 15 cents per use)