iPhone 4G or iPhone HD? What title will prevail?

Do you think Apple will roll out a new title with this next iPhone release? We’re not quite sure.

One thing is for sure is that everyone is beginning to talk about it, a lot. Everything is still speculation. From what specs it has to what title it will carry. Absolutely no official specs have been released. We’re almost positive that it will have HD capabilities. This is due to the iPhone OS 4.0 software supporting HD quality preset resolutions. It’s really the main part of the iPhone that is lacking. That, and a front facing camera.

In our professional opinion and the direction we see Apple heading, iPhone 4G or iPhone HD, will be packed full of higher quality video recording/playing. We look at it this way, The new iPhone 4G will be HD. The iPhone OS 4.0 software supports HD quality resolutions. More than likely, we see 3 models of it, 16gb, 32gb, and 64gb.

The new iPhone OS 4.0 will be packed with new features and unfortunately will only be supported on the iPhone 3G, iPhone 3Gs, and of course, the soon to be iPhone 4G – iPhone HD, whichever you may prefer.

No matter what the final decision is, we will be offering iPhone pair from our head quarters here in sunny Florida.

Only time will tell. It’s only a matter of months now! We’re hoping for a change, is say iPhone HD (although it may be wishful thinking).

Goodbye for now!

Broken iPhones at Sunfest

As I walked into Sunfest in West Palm Beach, I decided to look for everyone that had iPhones.

Wow!!! For every 10 people I saw, 2-3 had iPhones. Not even just that but at least 1 had a cracked screen. It makes me wonder why people don’t get them fixed, either by iFixYouri or another company? The only thing I can think of is that they just don’t know that they can be fixed. I stood in line to get a sausage, which was awesome, and I started speaking to a girl behind me. She had an iPhone 3gs and sure enough the screen was cracked. I told her that we could fix that in twenty minutes or less. She had no idea. She just thought instead of spending $400 on a new one, she would just wait for the new 4g to come out. She was so happy that she actually gave me a hug and bought me my sausage and peppers. Thanks, Tiffany!

She will be coming in on Monday to her iPhone screen repair.  So, in closing, if you have a cracked iPhone screen, you can get it repaired. If you know someone that has any problem what so ever with their iPhone, let them know, iFixYouri can help them. Enjoy the last day of Sunfest iWorld.

iPhone Water Damage Repair – Can it REALLY be fixed?

The answer is yes. 90% of the time we are able to fix iPhone water damage, restoring them back to original state, with all data still instact.

You may think to yourself, “Really? I don’t believe it. I thought that if electronics get wet, they’re done for.”

In some cases yes, this is true. In a lot of cases, it is not so true. Here’s what happens:

You pull your iPhone out of your pocket and when you pull it out, it slips out of your hand, landing in a toilet, puddle, port-o-potty, something that’s wet.

You take it, blow dry it, pray it is gonna work, and voila after a couple days of drying, it’s working, somewhat, but a lot of features are acting all weird. As days go on, it kinda still works and then starts to die on you. You’ve become another victim of iPhone water damage.

iPhone water damage repair can happen after splashing liquid on the device or dropping the phone in water, like an ocean or pool.Photo by Nigel Tadyanehondo on Unsplash

Where water and electronics meet, there will be corrosion. The corrosion starts to build up components like the logic board, dock connector, home button, camera, battery, etc. When this corrosion takes over, the iPhone water damage slowly progresses until the corrosion is so bad, there is no hope. But wait…at last there is!

With our proven process, time and time again, we can remove all the corrosion, and leave it running like new(90% of the time). That’s a pretty good percentage seeing as how the nearly all of the 10% of failures are when capacitors and resistors actually short out on the board itself. This is generally caused when the user tries to turn it on when it’s still wet, charge when wet, or the onset of corrosion is so extreme and power to the iPhone causes a short somewhere.

Okay…well now you may be wondering, “well what am I supposed to do then if I get it wet?”

  1. Place the entire iPhone in a bag of unsealed DRY rice. Why rice? Rice acts like a sponge and helps soak up any kind of liquid that may be on the inside of the iPhone.
  2. Let it sit in the bag a few days.
  3. Get our iPhone Water Damage repair for your specific generation./li>
  4. Ship us your phone with the included shipping label. Easy!

The sooner we get it, the better chance you have of having a fully restored iPhone with NO corrosion. Our process takes 24-72 hours depending on the severity.

If you have any questions or want more information, let us know!

Hope you all have a great weekend!

For more information about iPhone repair check out our homepage at www.iFixyouri.com.


iPhone Repair Services

iPad. Hit or miss? Our take after testing one and tearing it down!

iPad. Is this the latest craze that Apple has pumped out?

We spent some time with one this past week and here are our thoughts. The iPad did not revolutionize anything. It appears to be, and functions like a giant iPhone, minus the cellular capability. Since the iPad 3G has not yet been released(we’re waiting for this one), a good friend of ours stopped by the shop to let us have at it with his iPad wifi-only model.

Yes it is super cool. Picture is great. Functions flawlessly. But unfortunately lacks a few things. First and foremost, a front-facing camera. This is critical in our eyes. How great would it be to use it on skype, from anywhere in the world! Second, a camera to snap photos. And third, the speaker didn’t seem all that loud.

Apple is the type of company that will release all this, just one feature at a time, and one model at a time, to keep its’ customers in anticipation. This is what they did with iPods and iPhones. Why would this one be any different?

We can see a lot of use with the iPad though. People can use it in their homes for touch screen remotes, keep kids occupied in car rides, and watch the news while waiting at the airport. It definitely is easier and way more convenient that opening a laptop. Takes up less space.

I can’t say that it is a complete home run for apple, but with 500,000 sold and many more to come once the 3G version comes out, it’s definitely a step in the right direction. I’ll honestly be more impressed when they come out with a killer OS for it and front and back facing cameras. For now, it’ll do.

iFixYouri.com already supports iPad Repair, covering glass, lcd, and many other full service repairs and DIY kits.

Stay tuned for a full tear down coming soon(we’re waiting patiently for the 3G version).

One thing that does look awesome on it is our website! Thanks to dimitrikennedy.com

See for yourself….

iFixYouri.com on iPad

Our thoughts on leaked iPhone 4G photos

Many people have been asking us what we think about the supposed iPhone 4G that was left in a bar and shortly after picked up by Gizmodo. Here’s what we think:

It’s all part of Apple’s marketing machine to stir up talk about a new device that they have given little to no insight to the general public about. I do not see how someone could have gotten out of Apple Headquarters with the iPhone in their pocket. Apple wouldn’t allow it. Plain and simple. Prototype iPhone is not a daily phone for anyone, let alone someone who would leave it at a bar. Apple did succeed. Everyone is talking about it. Everyone. This is why they are so successful and dominate the portable handheld device market.

Some other questions regarding it that deserve answering…

What do you think the new features will be? I would say front facing camera, higher megapixel camera(probably around 5) with flash, 4G capability, and perhaps a unibody metal design. If Apple were smart, they would introduce it to additional carriers.

One thing is for sure, we’re prepped and ready for supporting the new iPhone 4G. It will be interesting to see what they come at us with next. Release date is still to be determined. We are speculating around June but only time will tell.

The Bloggers


The founder of iFixyouri Inc., Chris is just an innocent repair engineer junky who has found himself amidst blogger stardom, thanks in no small part to a iphone 4 screen damage test he performed. His response so far can be summed up in one syllable, “uhhhhhhh.” His role within the ‘The Bloggers’ is to perform more tests, complete with video, as well shared knowledge of the repair world whenever we are deserving of his insight.


Another repair engineer junky posing as a blogger, Tony has be vital in building out DIY content for a variety of repairs. If there is a test performed, picture taken or iPhone fixed odds are it could be Tony. He can commonly be seen at passing out business cards and yelling “iPhone Repair….HERE!”


Self proclaimed ‘Blog Czar’, Herman spends entirely too much time sitting behind the computer, talking to other people about how to best repair their broken electronics and blogging about it. He prides himself in blogging all over the internet, except for the super powers that Chris was published on immediately. He feels blog envy but his issues lie much deeper than that.

For more information about iPhone repair check out our homepage at iFixyouri.com.

iFixYouri announces the opening of our retail branch and new repair facility!

iFixYouri proudly announces the opening of our new store front located in beautiful Palm Beach County, Florida! We began designing and renovating our new facility a few months ago. The store is now complete and open for business. With the opening of our new retail location and the expansion of our state-of-the-art repair facility, we can now provide our same great services for walk-in customers, as we have for our mail-in and distant customers. Majority of the services and repairs we offer can be done while you wait! Please feel free to stop on in and say hello if you’re in or around the Palm Beach County area. Our hours of operation are Monday-Friday 10am-7pm and Saturdays 10am-4pm. If you aren’t available at those times, no problem! Give us a call and we will schedule a time to suit your needs!

iFixYouri Corp

748 Park Ave

Suite D

Lake Park, FL 33403



Smartphone, Tablet and Computer Repairs and News