Apple apologizes as AT&T puts pre-order on hold

On June 24th, 2010, a giant will fall to its’ knees, temporarily of course…

With the pre-order date for the June 24th, 2010 release of the up-and-coming iPhone 4 now passed, Apple’s servers were overwhelmed with traffic on June 15th. Over 600,000 pre-orders were placed, bringing the mobile computing giant to its knees.

AT&T’s website is no longer taking pre-orders, and Apple’s website has pushed all orders out by weeks. Estimates show that the sales figures so far for the iPhone 4 are 10 times that of it’s immediate predecessor, the iPhone 3Gs. We have our iPhone parts and iPhone Repair services team ready to roll for the first of these pre-orders to break.

An AT&T spokesperson said…

“Given this unprecedented demand and our current expectations for our iPhone 4 inventory levels when the device is available June 24, we’re suspending pre-ordering today in order to fulfill the orders we’ve already received,”

The sheer chaos at both AT&T and Apple Stores alike, brought systems to a near stand-still. AT&T employees had to manually write down customers information, while Apple employees, still using computers, were bogged down and nearly slowed to a complete halt.

Apple was not prepared for this. As stated by an Apple representative:

“[The number of pre-orders] was far higher than we anticipated, resulting in many order and approval system malfunctions. Many customers were turned away or abandoned the process in frustration. We apologize to everyone who encountered difficulties, and hope that they will try again or visit an Apple or carrier store once the iPhone 4 is in stock.”

When June 24th comes around, be sure to see more system failures, many dissatisfied customers, and slower 3G speeds if this is any pre-indication of what is to come.

Many of us loyal Apple iPhone users remember when Apple “changed everything” with the release of the Original iPhone, and the problems AT&T had with that. We anticipate a sleeker design and different iPhone 4repair process than before, involving the how the screen and LCD are put together.

AT&T’s system malfunction sets a new high for traffic to their online store, a staggering 13 million visitors. Many users, when logging into their accounts to check their upgrade eligibility, noticed something weird about what they saw. They were actually able to view other customer’s accounts, including their information.

This crash, glitch, whatever you want to call it sets another milestone for AT&T. First, the original iPhone crashed their systems. Then the 3G followed in its’ footsteps. And now the latest and greatest, the one who will ‘change everything. Again.’ is gearing up and ready to cripple the wireless giant one again in what is going to be quite an unprecedented release.

Sell and Recycle – What to do with your old iPhone

The problem – Electronic Waste (e-waste)

This day in age we need to be more and more aware that all these nice little gadgets that we collect don’t exactly filter back into the earth. Many times the end up in junk yards and add to the ever increasing problem of electronic waste(e-waste). When people look to get their devices fixed, often times they realize selling it is easiest and a gateway to getting an upgrade without the hassle. This is especially true in the iPhone repair industry where the turnover rate is quick.

According to

Many old electronic goods gather dust in storage waiting to be reused, recycled or thrown away. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that as much as three quarters of the computers sold in the US are stockpiled in garages and closets. When thrown away, they end up in landfills or incinerators or, more recently, are exported to Asia.

As a preventative step in preserving the environment, we urge you to take the appropriate measures in order to limit e-waste.

The Solution – Sell and recycle

We fully promote self-repair as our iPhone Parts section will show you. The reality is though, that most people don’t want to deal with their broken stuff. That’s when you Sell your iPhone to us! We pay top dollar to help you and at the same time, you’re doing your part in helping momma nature. Even your old, used, broken, water damaged iPhone can put a couple bucks back into your pocket.

You may be sitting there asking, “what do you guys do with my old junk?”

  • Salvage for parts
  • Recycle toxic parts properly
  • Refurbish and donate

Here at iFixYouri, we help consumers properly dispose of not only iPhones, but computers as well. You know that old computer that you have sitting collecting dust in your garage? We’ll fix it and donate it to local charities and schools. Perhaps it’s not the latest technology, but we can assure you that we’ll find a ‘match’ for your computer, and a user who would love to browse the internet, learn, and most importantly, use it!

iOS 4 Software Warning: Multi-tasking

We are going to break down the features of the iOS 4 operating system and update this page over time as soon as we have more time play with the device ourselves.

The iOS 4 operating system is the talk of the town, riding shotgun next to Apple promotional mouthpiece that is Steve Jobs.

It is a bit of a sleight-of-hand situation for Apple right now, as they are touting multi-tasking, yet those paying attention realize it is limited multi-tasking. The only Apps that work for iOS 4 multi-tasking are Apple’s own Apps, like clock, safari and mail. If you are buy an iPhone expecting multi-tasking for all Apps from the start, you will be disappointed. So until the developer updates your favorite App you may be out of luck. Given the fact that most do it for free or little money, it could take awhile. While our focus is iPhone repair and iPhone parts we are iPhone app addicts like everyone else so we will monitor this closely.

How it Works

When you press the home screen a dock will appear from the bottom of the phone when switching to another app. This interface is similar to the dashboard in the Mac OS X.

Multi-tasking will be limited beyond the developers catching up with technology, as only seven ‘types’ are aloud.

  • Background audio – Allows you to play audio without interruption
  • Voice over IP – Users can receive VoIP calls while using other apps. You can receive calls while phones are locked in pocket.
  • Background Location – Navigates while using other apps in a way that is friendlier with batteries and moving between cell towers.
  • Push notifications – Receive app updates if it’s running or not.
  • Task Finishing – If you leave your app it can still finish task.
  • Fast app Switching – No more reloading app.
  • Local notifications – Alerts users of events and alarms without a server needed.

Feeling iPhone 4 Fever?

The iPhone 4 is being pre-ordered at a frantic pace, overwhelming servers and frustrating those participating in the frenzy. Only black models are available for pre-order, as some early reports indicated.

Social Media icon and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckenberg finds himself mixed in with iPhone insanity after a he posted a comment on Facebook saying:

This week I got an iPhone. This weekend I got four chargers so I can keep it charged everywhere I go and a land line so I can actually make calls.

We are not in the business of creating drama at but we have found ourselves ‘in the center’ when our lead engineer decided to perform a break test of the new iPhone 4, with some limited iPhone parts we got in advance.

We understand the need for video and will deliver, once we receive the actual iPhone 4 phone, with complete parts. We are going to take this beautiful electronic device and break the he** out of it. We will have an HD camera recording the event and the same applies for any break test in the future. Then we will be able to perform, presumably, our first iPhone 4 repair.

The support and fair criticism of our process is appreciated. We ask though that those frustrated or questioning the test to stick with us as we accurately record all tests in the future.

iPhone Water Damage a threat no matter what?

Is iPhone water damage an issue for the iPhone 4? More importantly, can water damaged phones be repaired?

Recently we performed an iPhone 4 screen test, where it was proven that the glass for the new iPhone is still very much breakable. Even more troubling is that the iPhones have glass on both sides and instead of the glass sitting behind the chrome bezel frame, it sits on top.

The bottom line is that regardless of the upgraded features and style, the iPhone screen repair service is more valuable than ever. It won’t scratch easily at all but the screen is still at risk. Keeping that in mind it’s time to keep tabs on the other big problem area for iPhone owners: iPhone water damage.

We don’t have to run any tests to tell you that the new iPhone can still break if dropped in the toilet, swimming pool or filled beer mug because we don’t need to break a new iPhone to prove the obvious. All of the time we are asked, “My iPhone got wet, what do I do?”

iPhone 4 high resolution photo

Photo by VanveenJF on Unsplash

Digging deeper, it has been revealed that many people with broken iPhones have been told their warranty is void at Apple stores because their water sensors have bee tripped, according to Watchdog. Apparently, sweat and other moisture are turning this tablet indicators red. But when you open up the iPhone and really examine it, it is obviously a dry phone.

Apple is playing with fire with practices like this, with its loyal customer base that just now might be noticing there are other phone options. Your iPhone could be void of warranty right now and you don’t even know it! If you have an iPhone wrongly void of warranty let us know.

DIY Options if you iPhone actually does get wet

The first thing to remember to do is CONTACT US ASAP. The next thing to  remember is to not hit any buttons (leave the phone off).

There are many DIY options to consider

iPhone 3G water damage repair and iPhone 3Gs water damage repair work much the same way but if a DIY solution does not work they can be among the more difficult to correct.

When you introduce water into electronics, a big problem that ends up occurring is corrosion. Sometimes the onset of corrosion is within 24 hours, sometimes it takes days, even weeks. But corrosion is a circuit board’s biggest enemy. If you dry it out, and it works, that’s great! But over time, features may begin to fail. This is due to the growth of corrosion and oils left on the board once the water is all gone.

A ‘cheap’ solution goes like this:

  • Take out of case and remove SIM card
  • Shake out any extra water
  • Use a blow dryer on low for a few minutes to get rid of excess water
  • Place iPhone in rice bag, completely covered
  • Leave in rice bag for a few days, blow drying it daily as needed
  • At this point it should be dry and you can try to power it on.

The Right Solution

The iFixyouri Solution is the right one to go with. We use state-of-the-art equipment and tools that are more advanced that many competitors. We’ll ensure that no oils or residues are left on any components, including board, down to the microscopic level. We repair over 90% of water damaged phones, and with us, you know that your iPhone is in good hands. We’re so confident in our repair process that if we can’t fix it, there is no charge to you.

iPhone 4 test images

The iPhone 4 tests we’ve performed here at iFix have come under scrutiny from some dark and remote places on the interwebs, and we are here to say, check yo’self.

The tests performed we’re done with Apple iPhone 4 parts direct from the manufacturer. These images were taken after a series of well controlled tests performed by our stylish and intelligent staff. The drops were made from a distance of three and a half feet, or about the height of a six foot person dropping the phone from their pocket, or a drunk chick sliding one off the bar.

Here’s what’s up….

The main thing that is adding confusion is ‘how many drop tests were performed?’

There were two total tests complete.

First round broke on the 3rd drop, on concrete, flat. As stated.

Second test, as requested by readers, was another test to see if it would break on different surfaces(carpet/concrete) if it hit the corner, fumbled, etc. It broke on the 7th, hitting the top left corner, on concrete. The second drop test is not pictured yet.

For the second test…The glass survived all drops onto carpet, and survived six angled drops onto concrete, but when dropped flat down the glass shattered. The seventh angled drop onto concrete broke the glass as well, but your local retired NFL lineman can tell you all about cumulative damage.

The following pictures(of the glass from the first drop test) ought to silence some of the doubters. You will see that these are high quality parts, note the laser etching on the digitizer cable, and front camera hole in the test glass. We’re too legit, you must acquit.  More images to come.

iPhone 4 Glass – Will it break?

We here at iFixYouri did a little science experiment the other day with some of our newest iPhone parts. Many people have been talking that the new iPhone has strong glass, less prone to scratching, 30 times stronger than plastic, etc. Will the new glass prove to be ultra strong and never break?

I’m going to go with a no on this one. Why may you ask? They do say that it is 30 times stronger than plastic, and there is a video of it bending. Bending, yes. They did also state that the iPhone 3Gs Glass was stronger when that came out as well. It may bend more, but can it handle shock and sudden impact, that is the real question. That is what causes 95% of glass shattering. Not because you bent the glass in your pocket, not because you dropped it and it bent, but really because of sudden impact.

Land it flat on the ground, and it will smash. We have evidence. Before i show you the evidence, I am going to point out a design flaw that will bite them in the future. On the new iPhone, the glass basically sits on top of the aluminum frame. On the old iphone, it was recessed and protected by a chrome bezel.

We have a full iPhone 4(minus the circuit board), here at our shop and decided to do a little drop test. This drop was performed from 3.5 ft up. The iPhone 4 did survive 2 drops, as expected, but on the 3rd drop there was a loud POP, and yet again, shattered glass.

We will continue to be the leader in iPhone Repair, and now iPhone 4 Repair.

More updates/pictures here!

Since this posting has got waves from many people, we’re going to clear a few things up here.

1) People are saying, “there’s no way you have iPhone 4 parts yet, the phone isn’t even out!”

  • The fact is, is that we’re a repair shop. Along with other major repair shops, we’re able to receive parts earlier than most. A simple google search will show that not only us, but other top players in the ‘iphone repair’ world, do in fact have these parts. We did put out a press release on June 3rd stating that we had the parts. This is no secret. A rather large competitor had them as earlier as May 19th. This is also widely spread on the internet

2) You hit it with a hammer

  • Uhmmm…no…we didn’t. That’s the most ridiculous thing we’ve heard.

3) Fake

  • We’re going to go with a no on this one as well. iPhone 4 Parts are available to all major repair shops…just seek and you shall see. Google ‘iphone repair’ and check some of the top competitor sites…they’re all ramped up and ready to service iPhone 4’s.

Here’s EXACTLY how it went down…if you want to read more into it, go for it. But honestly, and truthfully, this is the EXACT re-enactment of what happened:

It was a hot day on June 7th, 2010 and us here at the shop had just finished listening to the keynote by the great Steve Jobs. He had made a statement that the glass was stronger, more bendable, etc. After hearing that, one of our techs said “We should test a piece of the glass that we have in stock(iphone 4 glass that is).”

We proceeded down the hallway with our assembled iPhone 4(minus the internal circuit board), stepped out the front door and out to the side walk. Our tech held the phone(front facing the ground), and dropped it. Nothing(drop 1-we were very impressed). Drop 2, nothing. Drop 3, smash. He dropped it flat on the face and it popped. The all too familiar pop sound that some of us beloved iPhone users fear for.

As we sat talking about it, we decided to show our results on our blog, so that our readers could see what we had found. Not expecting it to take wind the way it did.

That is all…no ulterior motive…just to show our readers what had happened. That is it.

Please do yourselves a favor and check some competitor sites and you will see that the iPhone 4 parts aren’t as rare and elusive as you may think. There are numerous places out there with iPhone 4 parts already.

iPhone 4G – iPhone HD Parts have arrived!, the leader in iPhone Repair and Do-it-Yourself Kits sales, is proud to announce iPhone 4G repair, also known as iPhone HD repair, parts have arrived. In addition to iPhone 4G Glass Repair, iFixYouri has added to its’ list of services iPhone 4G LCD Repair, iPhone 4G Headphone Jack repair, iPhone 4G Volume Button Repair, and iPhone 4G DIY Glass Kit.

iFixYouri currently provides the widest line of repairs for the most popular models of iPhones, including the iPhone 3G, iPhone 3Gs, and now the iPhone 4G – iPhone HD.

On June 7th, Apple will officially release the date for the up and coming iPhone 4G.

We can verify that rumors that were leaked about a month ago appear to be true. The new iPhone 4G glass will have two colors, black and white. Additionally, there is a spot for a front facing camera, a flash, and a slot for inserting a micro-sim card, which currently is only unique to ATT. The entire body of the iPhone has a much more rigid design, made out of aluminum, and is a little bit smaller than its predecessor, the iPhone 3Gs.

What is new with the iPhone 4G?

  • Front-facing camera for video chat
  • Higher megapixel regular camera
  • Flash
  • Micro-SIM
  • Higher resolution Display
  • Split buttons for volume
  • Metallic power, mute, and volume buttons

Major style changes

  • Flat back. It appears to be a some kind of ceramic or shiny plastic, which helps is increasing cell reception.
  • Aluminum body
  • Smaller screen, but higher resolution
  • Not exactly ’rounded’ edges, like both the iPhone 2G, 3G/s models
  • Slightly heavier
  • Internal components are a bit smaller from what we see.

One thing is for sure, Apple will take the smartphone market by storm once again with this next release. While we don’t have a fully functioning iPhone 4G yet, we have nearly every repair part already in stock(minus the motherboard), to fully support any iPhone repair that is 4G related to come in the future.

As for the software side of things, we can not verify the exact specs, as we have only seen and used the developer version of 4.0(not yet released to the general public).

The industrial look and feel that Apple brings to the table with all of its’ products definitely carries over to this newer model. One thing is for sure, this will definitely be a hit. FoxConn(major manufacturer for Apple) has already announced that the will ship 24 million iPhone 4G models in 2010 alone, which is about 50% of what Apple has already sold in the past 3 years over 3 different models!

Visit for all your iPhone Repair needs.

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