iPhone Water Damage Repair Steps to take after Drop Video

iPhone Water Damage Repair Steps

A majority of the time your water damaged phone can be repaired. From ocean water to the washing machine, from a mild spill to complete submersion, it really does not matter. We have refined and perfected the process of water damage repair for your broken iPhone. 90% of the time, we can repair your phone to a fully functioning iPhone that has that out of the box, like-new functionality. iFixYouri is the industry leader in water damage repair

iPhone water damage is one of the most common iPhone repair types we see. It is also one of the most deadly to iPhones if you allow corrosion. As the video shows, it is imperative to remove the iPhone out of the water ASAP. Once the iPhone is out of the water, you want to make sure it is powered off.

If you get a white pinwheel on the screen and it won’t turn of, you hold down the power button and home button until it turns off. In the video we failed to record it powering back on after we powered it off. We simply repeated the ‘power off process’ and moved on to the next important step; remove the SIM card.

Once the SIM card is removed you want to put the iPhone in an uncooked bag of rice. Tighten the bag so all extra air is gone and seal it.

If you follow the above above steps and mail the water damaged iPhone we can fix it as good as new. If you decide you want to see if it works for yourself, wait 48 to 76 hours after the water exposure and then try it out. If you find at that time it is not functioning properly as a result of the iPhone water damage put back in the rice and mail to us.

iPhone Water Damage Video

If you still need professional help, we do provide these services for anywhere in the country.

Select the water damage repair service you need:

iPhone 4 Back Glass Repair Video

Today we dropped an iPhone 4 on its back glass to show everyone how we repair them. In the realm of iPhone repair this is becoming increasingly common, as the iPhone 4 back glass can get scratch and shatter. Also worth noting is the fact that we failed to get the back glass shattering on video. Somebody (names are not important) forgot to hit record button when it shattered. What you see is the drop before it broke, so kudos on the iPhone 4 surviving the vicious fall.

It is a bit of a messy process to clean up and you want to be careful, if attempting a DIY fix, not to get glass stuck in your finger. Try to minimize the glass around you and wear protective eye-ware.

Use a heat gun to loosen the adhesive between the glass and the back frame.

Once it is all cleared away make sure all the glue and adhesive is scraped away. If you don’t it will scratch the new glass overall it will not be good. Using the adhesive provided in a DIY repair kit you then reapply the new glass.

Finally, remove the lens from the old back cover and put on the new.

iPhone 4 Back Glass Drop and Repair Video (all the music was recorded live via SKYPE)

iPhone 4 Back Glass Discoloration

We recently had a customer who needed a back glass iPhone 4 screen repair because his was scratched up. How it got scratched is because he used a buffer to clean it up. Yeah, that is correct, a buffer like you use to clean your car. Apparently the iPhone 4 back glass does not pass the buffer test though (no we don’t have video to prove it).

When we replaced it with a back glass, the customer notified us that there was slight discoloration so we replaced that as well. Upon further review, we’ve noticed a bunch of the back glass we see has slight discoloration in some spots, although this is noticed under a light in a ‘where’s Waldo’ type of eye game.

So to review, don’t buffer the back glass of your iPhone 4. Also, you may have to deal with slight discoloration for the back glass of you iPhone 4. If this bothers you we can provide an iPhone repair with back glass that is not discolored.

iPod Touch Catches Fire in Florida

CBS 12 News has approached us again but this time about burning iPod touch. Our iPhone repair services have not run into one of these situations but we happily shed some light on the matter.

The typical cause of this rare occurrence can be traced back to a faulty dock connector or a bad battery. During the time of the interview, we had not actually seen the broken iPod touch. After seeing the pictures, we think the iPod may have been wet.

Regardless, reports claim that a man’s pants pocket caught on fire with his iPhone. Again, the battery likely caused this. If you notice your device overheating, let it cool down before you and proceed with caution. If your iPhone or related device catches fire, it loses all value and usefulness. Check out the report.

iPhone 4 Repair Free by Apple!!?? No…not really

After several tests performed by the iFixyouri staff, Apple has decided to perform a free iPhone 4 repair for anyone with broken screen or water damage.  It is really cool that a billion dollar company has decided to take notice of our screen (on ground) breaking iPhone 4 tests. Ok, not exactly.

Consumer Reports did say that Apple should provide a free iPhone repair to anyone who is have antenna issues with their new iPhone 4. This bit of news came shortly after their announcement that the iPhone was the best smartphone around. After Apple gave their much talked about press conference in which they announced free bumpers to everyone, they mildly changed their tone:

“Consumer Reports believes Apple’s offer of free cases is a good first step. However, Apple has indicated that this is not a long-term solution, it has guaranteed the offer only through September 30th, and has not extended it unequivocally to customers who bought cases from third-party vendors. We look forward to a long-term fix from Apple. As things currently stand, the iPhone 4 is still not one of our Recommended models.”

The reality is that if you by this beautiful, yet fragile device you better buy a screen protector and protective shield to basically alleviate many of the potential issues aside from water damage. Without it your iPhone 4 is very vulnerable to breaking. Even with a protective case the LCD could die but in terms of protecting the screen from cracking or shattering they do a great job. As we proved in our tests, the bumper is great for helping with reception problems but in terms of protecting the glass it does nothing.

Any notion that Consumer Reports or any other such negative publicity is going to hurt iPhone 4 sales has proven to be false. It may turn a few people away but the fevering reporting on the issue makes the iPhone the ‘in’ item once again. That is not to say that there are not other great options, which there are but the fact is that the much to do about nothing issues are easily correctable. Is it bogus that you have to buy a protective case to get reception? Perhaps, just as it is bogus that you need it to protect the glass. But hey, that’s the smartphone world we live in so deal with it.

If you have become one of the unlucky many to break your iPhone give us a call, that’s what we are here for.

iPad LCD Screen needs out-pacing Production

The iPad LCD screen panel produced by LG is lagging behind on product. Another way to look at it is Apple is ahead of expected sales and caught LG by surprise. Regardless, this good and bad scenario for Apple could delay the iPad’s release in international markets.

CEO Kwon Young-soo said that LG Display is running at full capacity, “We are considering increasing production lines for Ipad products but overall supply is likely to remain tight until early next year.”

LG and Samsung are the big producers of the LCD panel market and they supply iPhone screens as well. It is predicted that iPad sales will reach 13 million units by the end of the year.

The iPad screen is very impressive. The blacks are very black and the whites are very white. The color range is allows images to jump off the screen. Even in the sunlight the images hold up well but there is of course some loss in picture. One big complaint is how messy the glass can get, as owners don’t realize that the food they eat is incredibly greasy. Additionally, the screen does break but if you ever need an iPad repair we can fix it for you.

South Florida News features iFixYouri – CBS and Fox Report

On June 22nd iFixYouri.com was featured on Fox News 29 and CBS 12, both local news stations that service south Florida.

We had the pleasure of having John Bachman and his camera crew here to talk about various issues that we’re helping solve in the local community, from saving consumers money, to helping eliminate the ever growing issue of e-waste.

All repairs that we offer online customers, are also available to our walk-in location, and majority can be done in minutes, while you wait! Come in on your break at work or drop it off while you’re going to lunch. From water damage to cracked glass, iFixYouri has you covered.

News headlines from West Palm Beach CBS 12
John Bachman

LAKE PARK—A local man turns a busted phone into a booming business. Chris Johncke started his company ‘I fix your I’ about a year and a half ago, after losing his job as an engineer.

He dropped his iphone, and didn’t have the money to pay for repairs, so he learned to fix it himself. He started fixing other phones, now he’s fixing phones from all over the world. He’s even hired 5 employees, even during this recession.

Johncke said, “I’m working long long hours every single day because I’m enjoying every single minute of it.Which is a good feeling.”

Apple warns that third party repairs can void your warranty, but Chris stands behind his work, and says if I have a problem he make it right. To replace a cracked screen costs about 90 bucks.

They also fix blackberry’s computers, ipads, and other electronics. If you wondering if they can help you.

Click here to check out the website.

Droid Repair – Introducing the Motorola Droid X, now with problems from the get go too!

The iPhone 4 has definitely had some hick-ups with its’ release. From retina display issues, antenna issues, to the glass breaking right off the bat. iFixYouri has had calls and done repairs on it all with the iPhone 4. People criticize, people hate, and people love. No matter what it is, there will be people on both sides of the fence.

Here comes the Droid X, the iPhone 4’s arch enemy. Apple fanboys hate it. Droidboys love it. All new, ground breaking technology will have its’ glitches. Apple is not excluded from this, and apparently neither is Motorola.

With the Motorola Droid X hitting the market, problems began to arise with the release of the phone, just like the iPhone 4 had. Perhaps it was not on such a grand scale, since the market for the Motorola Droid is not quite the size of the Apple iPhone market(though it is growing). According to TGDaily.com:

A small amount of Droid X owners are reporting that without warning their phone’s screen suddenly began flickering. In some cases, the phone display is rendered completely useless. In all cases that were posted on tech site HowardForums, where the reports began to surface, the device worked properly at first but after several hours or even days, the screen became glitchy.

Motorola was quick to issue a software fix to this problem, but what this does is show that no electronic device, no matter who the company is, is immune to problems. As Google’s Droid platform is introduced to more and more phones(Motorola and HTC), other smartphone manufacturers’ market share will surely grow closer and closer to Apple’s position #3. The more of these smartphones there on the market, the more problems will be noticed.

With each new piece of technology, will come problems. It is near impossible to do the level of in-house testing that 500,000 people can do when a product is released to the general public. The huge scale of phones that Apple cranked out last month definitely did some real world testing and now it was Motorola’s turn to step to the plate.

Apple and Motorola  did not pass with flying colors, but they both will have their days. We forgive both, and feel that as long as the companies providing these products is striving to fix what went wrong, we see it only fair to move on. As with any new release, there will be new problems. Look at car manufacturers. Rule of thumb is to never purchase a new model car the first year they come out. Why? Because they have problems. The fact is, technology, like cars, are made to break. Now-a-days,we are trained to toss and replace, rather than repair and re-use.

Lets move on. Drop antennagate, forgive Motorola. These things will happen and no company or person is perfect. Whether you need iPhone repair, or Droid Repair, your phone can, and will, break. There is no way around this fact, and unfortunately for some, it happens right in the beginning of the technology’s life.

Smartphone, Tablet and Computer Repairs and News