The Most Dangerous States in America For iPhones

Mishandling of electronic devices is a real issue. Thanks to SquareTrade, a company that deals in warranties, you can know which states are the likeliest to have broken iPads and iPhones. The South is apparently a real graveyard for some products, but the North is not far behind.

Examining both damage and complete breakage, SquareTrade found Mississippi and South Carolina to both be particular dangerous. Mississippi totals the most damage done to iPhones, but South Carolina holds the record for broken iPads.

Dangerous States for iPads

Are people dropping their phones in the Mississippi River?

New Mexico is not far behind Mississippi, and ranks number 2 for a dangerous place for iPhones to be. Maybe it’s called “New” Mexico cause everybody has to frequently replace their devices.

SquareTrade informs us that drops and beverage accidents are the most likely causes for damage. Some of the southern states have a reputation for being boisterous, and perhaps a little reckless. Maybe this contributes to the problem?

Other Dangerous States for iPhones

Other dangerous US states for iPhones are Rhode Island and North Dakota. For iPads, Nebraska, Washington D.C. and Alaska are not good places to be. Perhaps the devices are succumbing to the cold while people use them for navigation.

SquareTrade routinely puts electronic devices through rigorous testing to see how much abuse they can take. Ironically, it means being in the hands of an employee of the company might end be being one of the worst places to be for one of these great products.

Remember, if you don’t have a warranty, the alternative to buying a whole new iPhone is to just get your iPhone fixed by professionals like iFixYouri — in some cases, it’s cheaper than a warranty in the first place!

How to Tether an iPhone: An Insightful Guide

 How to Tether an iPhone

iphone-tether-ifixyouriMobile telephone networks have progressed significantly ever since the introduction of the 1G network which came to first use in 1981. Today, urban areas are already enjoying the great benefits of mobile 3G networks powered by CDMA technology (code division multiple access). Theoretical speeds of up to 42 megabits per second are possible with this enhanced technology. Practically, a decent speed of about 7.2 megabits per second is commonly realized.

With this speed, mobile internet users can already stream high-definition videos from YouTube almost seamlessly (only 1 megabit per second is necessary, according to Google). As telecommunication companies are currently on the progress of laying out the framework for 4G networks, mobile internet communications will even be faster and more reliable. To maximize the use of this amazing internet speed, mobile users can tether their internet-connected smartphones so that other internet-capable devices such as laptops, iPods, and tablets can share with the connection.


The Convenience of Tethering

Sharing of an internet connection, referred to as tethering, can be done over wireless local area network (Wi-Fi), Bluetooth, or via a USB cable. When internet connection is shared over Wi-Fi, the tether device becomes the mobile hotspot. Depending on the Wi-Fi standard being used, internet-capable devices can connect from a distance as far as 10 meters.

An internet tether can also be done via Bluetooth; in which case, distance and speed may further be limited by the type of Bluetooth technology being used. Although a bit cumbersome due to the extra wire required, the tether can also be established via the USB cable that connects to the USB ports of the tether devices.

Of all the possible connections, sharing the internet over the Wi-Fi network is the most popular because of network speed and reach. Furthermore, multiple devices can connect to the mobile hotspot simultaneously. The number of devices that can effectively connect to the hotspot is only limited to the established speed of the mobile 3G or 4G networks. If connection speed can reach about 1 megabit per second, then three devices can connect simultaneously without noticeable decrease in internet speed. If you can manage to get strong networks, reaching the speeds of about 7.2 megabits per second, you could get a dozen devices to simultaneously connect.


Step-by-Step Method for Tethering the iPhone

The iPhone, known for the restrictive nature of its company, has been in a consistent battle over allowing tether or not.

While Apple allowed the tether in the iPhone 3G through the iOS 3.0, succeeding updates of the mobile operating system removed the feature due to fair use policy restrictions. However, jailbroken iPhones were able to retain the feature. Due to popular demand, Apple reinstated the mobile hotspot feature in the iOS 5 mobile operating system.

In an iPhone 5 running the latest iOS, turning the mobile hotspot feature on is very easy.

Find the Option

iphone-tether-ifixyouri-3On the Settings menu, the Personal Hotspot submenu is accessible if the shareable 3G network is available. The Personal Hotspot feature is dependent on the kind of SIM card provided by the service provider.

Prior to accessing the Personal Hotspot submenu, the General Network settings must be checked for 3G and cellular data configurations. Both of these network settings must be turned on; 3G helps in loading data faster while cellular data allows the iPhone to access internet data via the cellular network.

If you don’t see any of the options, check this page to see if you have the minimum technical specs required.


When the General Network settings are properly configured, the iPhone should already have mobile internet connection and this internet data access can be shared by sliding the Personal Hotspot option to the on-state.

Below the Personal Hotspot configuration, internet connectivity can be shared via Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or USB tether. For wireless connections including Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, wireless security must be activated by setting up a password.

The older versions of the iPhone including the iPhone 4 and 4s and 3GS are compatible with iOS 5+; thus, these iPhone versions follow the same method as the iPhone 5 for internet tether. The original iPhone and its immediate successor, the iPhone 3G, may need certain hacks to enable the tether since these no longer supported in iOS 5+. Nonetheless, the slow cellular connectivity of the original iPhone and the iPhone 3G may not be worth the trouble of enabling the tether on these devices.


Connecting to the Access Point

Connecting to the iPhone tether is as easy as connecting to any Wi-Fi network.

1) On a Windows or Mac computer, connecting to the iPhone hotspot begins with searching nearby wireless networks.

2) When the iPhone mobile hotspot is active, the name of the iPhone is shown on the list. Upon clicking the correct option, the user is prompted to enter the Wi-Fi password previously set up.

3) The connecting device then obtains the IP address and automatically performs other wireless configurations for the tether.

That’s all there is too it!

The ability to tether can bring new life into how you use your devices.  If you have either an iPhone or a computer that you want to use for this process, but one (or both) is in need of repair, get it fixed at iFixYouri so you can enjoy the benefits of tethering.

Beware of Data Charges

REMEMBER: Data charges apply for the tether. Since the laptop and other larger devices can consume data really fast, data consumption related to the tether could easily go overboard. To avoid outrageous cellular bills, it is important to check with the telecom company for unlimited data plans pegged at a fixed rate per month.


Tweeted and Deleted: 10 Hilarious Celebrity Twitter Slip-Ups

Twitter is a great tool because it gives famous people a direct connection to their fans. Although it can be great for their ‘public relations’, it can also make them look really bad if they misuse it. For some celebs, a slip up just makes them look silly, or feel dumb, but for others, the consequences can be serious and permanent.

Here are 10 celebrities that slipped up, tweeted, and deleted.

10. Bow Wow DUI

Rapper Bow Wow had to delete a self incriminating tweet after realizing that it might not be the smartest thing to publicly broadcast the fact that he was under the influence of drugs or alcohol and driving a Lamborghini. What’s most impressive is that he didn’t wake up the next morning in the hospital! Most recently, Bow Wow is still having twitter problems: someone posted a picture, pretending it was him and Bow Wow spooning, and the rapper put a bounty on the poster’s head. Bow Wow originally claimed that he would give $2500 to anyone in Detroit who would harm the man responsible for the tweet.  Bow Wow then quickly deleted the message…and his entire Twitter account. Maybe he’s finally given up on Twitter, after realizing it’s too dangerous for him!

9.  Julliette Lewis Cyber Heckling


celebrity-tweet-delete-ifixyouri-1Actress and Singer Juliette Lewis, known from her roles in Due Date (2010) and What’s Eating Gilbert Grape (1993), gave a harsh review of singer Lana Del Rey as she watched Saturday Night Live from the spectator seats.

She later deleted the tweet, and replaced it with the following:



8.  Denise Richards Phone Giveaway

Actress Denise Richards somehow managed to accidentally tweet her own phone number. I guess the simplicity of Twitter is still not simple enough for people who aren’t technically inclined. After finally figuring out how to delete the message, she had to figure out how to change her number, then posted this:



7. Blige’s Misunderestimated Intelligents



The tweet really says it all with this one. After being fed up with people trying to estimate her intelligence, she made it clear once and for all. Now no one will estimate wrongly again! Needless to say, she noticed her little typo and deleted the tweet.

6.  Kutcher’s Butchered Tweet

Joe Paterno (AKA “Jo Pa”) was a very successful football coach until November 2011 when he was fired after an former FBI investigator found evidence that he sexually assaulted young boys and tried to cover it up for years. Somehow, actor Ashton Kutcher heard about ‘Jo Pa’ being fired, but completely missed the rest of the story, and wrote this tweet:


Oops! I’m sure it didn’t take long for him to figure out from his followers that there was more to the story. Rather than defend Jo Pa, like many of the students at Penn State, Kutcher did the wise thing and recanted with class (or, at least, with minimal continued embarrassment).


5. Katy Perry’s Bleak Leak


Russell Brand obviously can’t miss a chance for a prank, because he tweeted this picture of Katy Perry (can you believe it’s her?), with no makeup on in the early morning. Apparently, worried about her image, Katy Perry didn’t find it very funny and made Russell delete it right away!

 4. Cee Lo-Blow



Cee Lo Green took a low blow at some of his critics who insulted his concert, suggesting that they were offended by his masculinity, and therefore gay. This isn’t a criticism I’ve ever heard about homosexuals, but Cee Lo Green realized his mistake and quickly deleted the tweet.

3. Oprah Gets OWN-ED



Did you ever wonder how television producers know how popular television shows are? They can’t just track who’s watching what if it’s broadcast through the airwaves. Instead, a random sample of households are set up with special boxes that record what those people watch. Oprah decided it would be a good idea to fake her ratings by encouraging viewers with these special boxes to tune into her network: OWN (the Oprah Winfrey Network). This would have made it seem like more people were watching the channel than there actually were. She deleted the tweet after getting in trouble from Nielson, the company behind the boxes.

2. Bieber Backfires

After Kevin Kristopik hacked into Justin Bieber’s friend’s phone to steal his number, Bieber decided to get revenge by posting the following tweet with Kevin’s number, pretending it was his own.


After a sudden avalanche of 26 thousand text messages, Bieber quickly deleted the message. I think it’s fair to say that Kevin’s plan backfired.

 1. Weiner’s Wiener

This is the most devastating tweet that any politician could possibly send. Anthony Weiner, a New York congressman, sent out a photo of his weiner, concealed only by briefs. The message was intended for a 21 year old college student, but, even worse, was broadcast for all his followers. After denying responsibility initially, he admitted his mistake and was forced to resign. Be careful what you tweet! If you want to follow any of the celebs above, or any other famous folks, on Twitter, one of the best methods is through the mobile app.  It’s a convenient way to stay on top of the trends and controversies.  All you need is a decent internet connection.  If your smartphone seems to be having issues, there is one place you can trust to get it fixed: iFixYouri.

Pinterest is now iPad-compatible


Pinterest is becoming popular with each passing day, and with mobile apps rolling out of its stable, it has become quite easy for users to pin their pictures, images and other things on the move. The social network has announced that it has unveiled an iOS app, which would be compatible with both the latest versions of the iPhone and the Apple tablet, the new iPad.

Pinterest Looks Beautiful on iPad

The Pinterest website can be viewed on the iPad clearly, as it has a full layout, making it easier for the user to view multiple pins simultaneously. The users can navigate to the different categories of the website, by a simple swipe on the screen. They can also use the integrated browser to view sites, which is the pin or the image’s source.

The Pinterest experience on the iPad is no different from viewing it on a regular computer, as the mobile app has several key features of Pinterest, thereby replicating the user’s experience on a bigger screen (but it’s more fun!). Users can like, share, repin, and even comment on the images through this mobile app. No better time to get your broken iPad fixed from iFixYouri so you can enjoy this fantastic social media app in all its glory!

iPhone Pinterest App Gets Update

The iPhone app has recently received an update, wherein a two-column layout has been introduced, thereby enhancing the overall user experience and also offering much better performance. The improved user interface makes it easier to see multiple pins, and makes is possible for the user to enjoy the Pinterest experience, similar to the experience on a desktop or an iPad.

P.S. The Pinterest mobile app can be installed for free from the online iOS store.

15 Best iPad Games of 2012

The year 2012 has seen the release of a number of enticing new games for the Apple iPad. Some publishers have also released newer versions of their popular games. For example, 2012 has seen the release of the space version of Angry Birds, which is perhaps the most popular tablet game ever released. The new games have been designed with the latest iPad in mind: these games feature high definition graphics that take advantage of the new iPad’s Retina display and interactive controls using multi-touch.

The 15 Best iPad Games Released in 2012

1. Angry Birds Space HD

This version of Angry Birds features intergalactic gaming in High Definition in zero gravity. With more than 100 interstellar levels and brand new birds, this game will keep you engaged to your iPad for hours and hours. It takes the original Angry Birds to a whole other level. Check it out:

2. Temple Run: Brave

The latest game in the Temple Run series is set in Scotland and is based on the same principle as the original game — you control the hero who has to steal an idol from a temple as he faces many challenges in the game. This game was released in collaboration with Disney/Pixar.

3. Real Racing 2 HD

If you want to play a car racing game on iPad, it must be Real Racing 2 HD. Its anti-aliased and crisp graphics will keep you entertained as you race through 120 races. It supports multiplayer gaming as well as video out at 1080p.

4. Infinity Blade 2

Though the game was released on December 1, 2011, it was updated especially for the Retina display for iPad in March 2012. This action-packed role-playing adventure game requires you to slay beasts using different types of weapons as you progress towards your quest.

5. Dark Meadow

This game has drawn comment from reviewers for its stunning graphics and attention to detail, which comes out very well on the 3rd generation iPad, for which it received an update in March, 2012. The game itself is a first-person horror, combat and exploration game, in which you explore a hospital full of mysteries and deadly enemies.

6. Waking Mars

First released in early 2012, the game was updated for full Retina display in May 2012. The game gives you the controls as you guide astronaut Liang Qi through the subterranean Martian cave system in the year 2097.

7. LostWinds 2: Winter of Melodies

Released in May 2012, this interactive game requires you to solve mysteries while you complete different types of tasks in a fantasy world that you would love to explore. In the game you control a young boy named Toku and the wind spirit Enril as they try to save the world from an evil spirit.

8. Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II

Released in May 2012 for iPad as well as Arcade, PC and Android, this game allows you to play one of the most popular gaming characters of all time. As Sonic the Hedgehog, and accompanied by Tails, you race across different Zones as you take down badniks using deadly combination moves.

9. Where’s my Water?

This Disney game was updated with full Retina support for iPad in April 2012, which also added 20 new levels to the game-play. This physics-based puzzle game features multi-touch controls and high definition graphics that will keep you entertained for hours.

10. Plague, Inc

Plague, Inc is a dark but intensely addictive game has garnered more than 35,000 five star ratings on the App Store. The aim of the game is to cultivate a deadlier version of plague in a bid to end the human race. That is why we said it was dark…It may be twisted but it’s pretty darn fun. Check it out in action:

11. Marvel vs Capcom 2

This multi-player game allows you to pit heroes from Marvel and Capcom face-to-face as they fight or glory and points. Released in April 2012 in the App Store, this game offers you action and fighting like you may never have seen before on iPad.

12. Grabatron

When it was launched for iPad and iPhone in June 2012, this game was downloaded more than 1.5 million times over two weeks. This freemium game allows you to take control of a UFO as you destroy mankind!

13. Dynamite Jack

If you love explosions as well as puzzles, you will love Dynamite Jack. In this game you control Jack, who is a space marine escaping the mines where he was forced to work. You help him escape by solving puzzles and making sure that he remains safe till he reaches the end of a level. The game was released in June 2012, check out a review here:

14. Batman Arkham City Lockdown

Use the touch screen to take down some of the biggest villains of Gotham as you play Batman. The game features multi-touch game-play and high definition graphics of Arkham as you battle the villains and their henchmen. It was updated in April 2012 with new levels and Retina display optimization for the new iPad.

15. Draw Something Free

This Pictionary-like free game was released to critical and popular acclaim in the first quarter of 2012. It is a social game that allows you to play with your friends as you draw more than 900 words on your iPad.

All these games are built for iPad’s Retina display, with high definition art and graphics that will attract your eyes even as you slay monsters or race with time and other players.  To truly appreciate the detail, your iPad screen will need to be free of cracks or blemishes — which you can get repaired properly at iFixYouri.

iPhone Anonymity App: Burner Allows You To Go Incognito


Burner, one of iPhone’s newest apps, allows users to become completely digitally anonymous. This app lets you create disposable numbers for placing and receiving calls, making sure that all the numbers used on your phone are anonymous and temporary. These “burnable” numbers can be used to place incognito calls as well as to send anonymous text messages.

How It Works


Burner creates a temporary number that is anonymous. That is, you do not have to provide any personal identification to create it. The number can only be used for twenty minutes of air-time or to send sixty text messages. The numbers assigned by this app normally last for about week. After this time, they are auto-deleted.


Users are given the option to ‘burn’ the number before your validity or talk-time expires, which can be beneficial if you are trying to move fast. Burning a number erases all the evidence that the number ever existed. Those who try to call the number are informed that it is now out of service.

How Do I Get The App?

Like many superior apps, Burner does not come free. To download it, you have to purchase it from the online App Store for $2. Burner comes with one initial alias number that you can use to get yourself started. The cost of the app excludes the cost of additional alias numbers, which can be purchased after you buy sufficient credits.

Why Is Anonymity Important?

Anonymity is getting harder and harder to get as the internet and social media become more prevalent. It is not necessarily restricted only to people who wish to engage in illicit activities, as many of us wish to conceal our identity for exemplary causes, or simply for privacy to ensure our private information is not sold. Protecting your sense of privacy in the 21st is something that most current iPhone users are concerned with.

Protecting your iPhone from physical issues is another matter.  If you’re not careful, or equipped with a good protective case, your smartphone may suffer damage.  There is no app for repairs: you’ll need professional help.  Contact iFixYouri to repair any type of damage that your phone incurs.

Speed Up Your iPhone

Article Updated July 12, 2016. While a new iPhone runs smoothly, this user experience can change with time. As a result, your once speedy iPhone starts crawling at a slow pace or freezes entirely. This is not an issue that affects iPhones alone but a wide range of electronic devices. With this in mind, you might be wondering what can be done to speed up your iPhone. The following tips can help you squeeze better performance from a buggy iPhone.

Speed Up Your iPhone with a Restart

Restarting your iPhone can help solve issues related to responsiveness. This tip is an old standard from the desktop computer days – just reboot it. To reboot your iPhone, just hold down the wake/sleep button. This will bring up a red slider on the screen. Use your finger to move the slider across the screen. This will turn off your iPhone. You can now power up your iPhone to boot up afresh. Do not worry if this process seems to last a little bit longer.

Disable Background App Refresh

Settings>General>Background App Refresh (OFF) or choose by individual app.

Clear App Cache with Taps

From @zadr’s tweet – apparently tapping 10 times on any single button on the bottom of the following apps clears the app cache for iTunes, iBooks, App Store or Apple Watch apps.

Turn Off Animations

This setting will help iPhone 5 or older as well as iPad 4 or older.
Settings>General>Accessibility>Reduce Motion (ON)

Turn Off Transparency

For iOS9
Settings>General>Accessibility>Increase Contrast>Toggle on Reduce Transparency

Disable Siri Suggestions

Also for iOS9
Settings>General>Spotlight Suggestions>Siri Suggestions (OFF)

Update your iPhone Firmware

If you have not yet updated your iPhone firmware, this can cause apps to run a little bit slower. To get the latest firmware, visit the iTunes website. Synchronize your iPhone before updating your firmware. You can then proceed to check for updates. If an update is available, install it. Remember to restore backup after installing new firmware.

  • Plug your iPhone in to a power source.
  • Tap Settings > General > Software Update.
  • Tap “Download and Install” to download the update. Updates might download automatically while your device is connected to Wi-Fi and a power source.
  • Tap Install when the download completes if you want to complete it now.

Uninstall Buggy Apps

In some instances, a buggy app can make your iPhone behave in a sluggish manner. In this case, the best way to speed up your iPhone again is to delete the buggy apps. You can always reinstall the apps if they are important.

Free Up Some Drive Space

iPhone apps can create a lot of temporary data quickly. It’s best to have at least 500 MB-1GB of free space to ensure your apps aren’t crashing from lack of space. So you may want to consider uploading some of those photos and videos to your iCloud, Google Drive, Youtube, Flickr, whatever you use for cloud storage.

Check Your Sync Settings

Every time an app syncs or updates it’s info, it requires processing power and time. Check your Settings to adjust which apps are syncing and their update frequency.

Restore your iPhone to Factory Settings

You should only resort to this action if all the other tips have failed. It is important to note that restoring your iPhone to factory settings will delete all your apps, contacts, text messages, and videos. If you restore from a corrupt backup, you may have few options to make your iPhone run faster. However, a restore will definitely make your iPhone user experience as smooth as possible. Before attempting to restore your iPhone, make sure that you have backed up all data.

If you have a jail broken iPhone, install apps that are compatible with your iOS version. This will make your iPhone run a little bit faster at all times. However, if none of this works, perhaps you’ll need to repair your iPhone — contact iFixYouri to learn about what we can do to speed up your iPhone.

LTE vs WiMAX: Battle of the Networks

WiFi - WiMAX vs. LTEOther than knowing what differentiates 3G and 4G in the wireless data world, choosing the network provider should be done after some careful analysis. Most carriers in the United States just have WiMAX; however, there are some networks that are upgrading from WiMAX to LTE.

For starters, the term “4G’ does not reveal much details; it is a much broader field. Both WiMAX and LTE are part of the 4G technology, with WiMAX being the first technology from the world of 4G. Though WiMAX has its roots from Wi-Fi, it does has some similarities with LTE, another mobile network technology standard.

A Bit of History

WiMAX started its journey by offering broadband connections to users at home. In most parts of America, wireless ISPs still use WiMAX to deliver broadband services. With WiMAX, the need to route expensive cables to every household is negated, thereby making it a fairly cost-efficient option.

LTE is another network technology that is being offered by the same people who gave GSM and who have promised much better speeds and compatibility with mobile devices. The LTE technology got its approval in December 2008, with MetroPCS being the first network to offer LTE services in America in October 2010.


As far as speed delivery is concerned, WiMAX can offer speeds in the range of 30-40Mbps, whereas LTE can offer network speeds close to 100Mbps. However, these numbers are only for the papers and they are not even close to offering such remarkable speeds in the real sense. This is due to the fact that a network’s speed depends more on its build, rather than just its specifications.

In most speed tests, LTE always tends to outperform WiMAX with its speed. In reality, WiMAX caps at an average of 3Mbps, whereas LTE clocks in at 10Mbps, making it as quick as most of the home broadband networks. However, the network speed also depends on the network provider. For instance, LTE speed offered by MetroPCS may not necessarily reflect Verizon or other network provider’s LTE speed numbers.


LTE seems to defeat WiMAX in the coverage department as well, with most network providers expecting better network coverages with LTE, when compared to WiMAX. The WiMAX system is good at supporting multiple users simultaneously; however, it fails to make its impact felt with wall penetration and increased distance. This being said, LTE does not have an unfair advantage and it uses the same network towers that are being used by WiMAX.

Phone Options

WiMAX has several options for smartphones; however, most of them are already in the market and there is nothing new erupting from the WiMAX stable, as far as phones are concerned. LTE has quite an impressive list of phones and other portable devices to be released in the future by different network carriers.

Choosing Between the Two?

To be honest, it is a very subjective question, with preferences differing across individuals. If the user is happy with his WiMAX phone and does not plan to buy a new one in the next few years, then WiMAX should probably suffice. However, for users with a more futuristic perspective, LTE should be the way to go!  If you’ve got a device that you’d like to get fixed so it can be used for either of these networks, get in touch with iFixYouri so you can bring faster mobile capabilities to your smartphone.

Smartphone, Tablet and Computer Repairs and News