Why iPhone Water Damage is Common

iphone-water-damageWe carry our iPhones wherever we go: to the office, the parks, the beach, and so on. They can get exposed to the elements if we are not careful and it only takes a few moments of inattention for undesirable things to occur. Sometimes mobile devices can be immersed in water even inside the house.

The Most Frequent Causes of iPhone Water Damage



When people swim in a pool, their phones are often placed near the edge of the pool for quick access. This habit makes phones vulnerable to being accidentally dropped in the water.


Sudden showers can leave us drenched and if we are carrying a phone, there is a good chance it will not be dry either. Even when we place it inside a bag or a protective casing, water has an uncanny ability to seep through, anyway.


We often forget to take stuff like keys, cash, and yes, phones out of our pockets. When our clothes hit the washer, an odd noise will let us know that something is not quite right.


We grow so attached to our phones that they often accompany us to the bathroom, just in case we get an important message or call. It could get splashed with water or succumb to moisture without us knowing until it is too late.  Dropping a phone in a toilet or urinal is quite common, especially since many people use their phone while using the facilities.


It’s not recommended to lend your expensive electronic devices to a baby as a toy, as it’s not safe for the baby as much as they’re not safe for the phone.  Using the phone as a chew toy will certainly transfer some liquid into the device, but that may be the least of your problems when it comes to the damage a baby can cause.

Wait – Before You Buy a New Phone…

After an iPhone has suffered the fate of coming in contact with water, all is not necessarily lost.  Fortunately, there are steps that can be taken to save some of the data, and perhaps the phone itself.  Learn more about the initial steps to take here, or contact iFixYouri for experienced professional iPhone water damage repair.

A Short But Complete Guide to Android 4.0

In anticipation of the debut of the Android 4.2 update, let’s examine what has made the Android 4.0 such a big deal.  Also known as Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS), the Android 4.0 operating system from Google comes with a host of new features and improvements that makes it a big landmark for Android-based phones.



The New Android Home Screen

The new home screen comes with a custom font called Roboto. Along with this font, you will find the following in the new home screen:

  • The status/notification bar is found at the top of the screen. Its left side shows notifications whereas on the right it displays the battery and time. The notifications can be accessed by swiping the notification icon downwards. You can customize the types of notifications you are shown there.
  • The Google Search Bar is found at the top of the home screen.
  • The Favorites Tray can be used as a docking station for folders and apps.
  • There are three navigation buttons at the bottom — back button, home button and recent apps button. The old menu button has been discarded.

Apps in Android 4.0

Installing apps on ICS works the same way as it did in the previous version — you can install them from any source by touching and pressing the download button to install it on your phone.

To access the apps installed on your phone, you should press the Apps button on the bottom right of your home screen to get into the All Apps area. To uninstall an app, drag and drop its icon onto the Uninstall icon. If you like an app, you can send its shortcut to your home screen or your Favorites tray that we have already mentioned. Widgets in ICS can be accessed by touching the Widgets tab on the app drawer; overall they work similar to how they did in the previous version of the OS.

Other Highlights of Android 4.0


You can reach your settings by touching the notification panel and touching on the settings icon. Some new settings are: Data Usage, Battery and Apps sections. Other settings includes Accounts and Sync that show you the different accounts, such as email and other service accounts, connected to your phone.

Search and Voice Control

You can now Google search using your voice. It’s like Siri, but not quite…

File Management

Even though the new Android OS allows you to browse your phone’s memory like it’s a computer, you can improve your downloaded file management by installing a file management app.

If you’re not keen on upgrading to a new operating system until the bugs are worked out, then you’ll likely want to continue using your current phone.  If you are experiencing any issues like a cracked screen or malfunctioning parts, let us repair your Android phone at iFixYouri — and save yourself the hassle of transferring all your data and setting preferences on a new phone.

Issues with Retina Displays on MacBook Pro

If an extensive discussion thread in forums on Apple Support is any indication, then there is seemingly a problem with a number of MacBook Pros that are outfitted with Retina displays. The affected Retina displays show burn-in and image retention.

LG Manufactured Displays

John K, who is a member on the Apple Support forums, contributes to the discussion by pointing out that the problem seems to be taking place primarily with MacBook Pros that are outfitted with LG manufactured Retina displays. It has been found that other displays that are manufactured by Samsung seemingly display the colors more accurately, they are brighter and they do not have the same issues with burn-in and image retention.

Terminal Command

This helpful terminal command:

ioreg -lw0 | grep \”EDID\” | sed “/[^<]*xxd -p -r | strings -6

will assist you in determining the manufacturer of the display that has been installed in your own MacBook Pro.

This terminal command is used to check whether an LG Screen is on a MacBook Air. If the display code starts with “LP,” then it is an LG display. It has been verified that users of the LG panel see a faint ghosting of the Finder windows whenever they access any PowerPoint slideshow that has a gray background.

Individuals who have a MacBook Pro outfitted with a Retina display and have been experiencing this problem can contact iFixYouri to perform the necessary repairs.

Has the iPhone 5 Changed Our Lives?

Regarded by many smartphone enthusiasts as being the most anticipated handheld device in the past 2 years, the iPhone 5 has certainly not disappointed (neither in performance nor projected sales). But, apart from the new sleeker design, increased screen length, LTE, lighter frame… What does the public actually think of the newest addition to the Apple family? Well one thing is certain, it is true what they say about opinions and like elbows we all have them.


Although the iPhone 5’s glowing reviews are warranted, I feel this reviewer makes an excellent point of the consumer being required to pay $29.99 for an adapter to integrate this phone with older Apple devices. It would have been nice to see that included with the iPhone 5, considering that the added adapter would’ve cost Apple pennies on a phone that retails for $699.


Now besides the adapter issue (which let’s face it, isn’t really a huge factor), Apple’s introduction of Apple Maps and the move away from Google Maps threw many users for a loop (some perhaps literally if they were trying to follow Apple’s map). As this reviewer had explained – Apple has acknowledged its error, which in and of itself is always a good thing, and is going to fix the challenge. Apple Maps features a 3D overview of a city’s geography; however, it doesn’t actually give the user the capability of getting directions to their destinations. Which (although cool), for obvious reasons is a bit of a problem considering that this is the sole purpose of any map.


I think it’s safe to say that the overall consensus regarding the iPhone 5 is that all that have purchased theirs are pleased with its performance. Considering that for a device with such a broad and fanatic following, it is pretty amazing that its negative reviews are so sparse and seldom found. Short of any unforeseen issues such as the dropping, drowning or other physical damage that one may do to their iPhone 5, it is pretty safe to say that Apple has not lost any fans with its latest installment.


Google Maps Upgrades for Android


For those frustrated with the new Maps app included with iOS 6, here’s news about the old Google Maps app you were used to using.  Google has an upcoming upgrade on the horizon for its mapping service for its mobile devices.

Public Transportation

The upgrade includes the listing of options for public transportation in approximately 500 cities across the globe. This takes in departure times and suggested routes for in excess of 1 million international stations, which is roughly a 50 percent increase over a year ago. Google will even supply indoor directions as a means of assisting some riders in navigating the system.

To get a competitive edge, only devices that use Google’s Android operating software will have access to this initial offer. Devices from the following models will be able to access this upgrade:

  • The Motorola Mobility Division of Google
  • Sony Corp.
  • HTC Corp.
  • Samsung Electronics Co.

Apple’s Role in the Changes


These changes surface at the same time as Apple Inc. commits to replacing Google Maps’ position as the foremost navigation service on the iPad and the iPhone. Apple created its very own mapping service for its mobile devices, although it has arrived to a chorus of disappointment due to bugs and a lack of features.

The Effect on Google

This snub from Apple signifies a major blow to Google, which is set to lose revenue from mobile advertising as well as valuable insights about the whereabouts of individuals if iPhone and iPad users embrace this mapping service from Apple.

Response from Google Inc.

Google is of the belief that it can remain one step ahead of Apple as it relates to mobile mapping on Google maps by including features like the expanded directions for public transportation.

This may encourage iPhone users to make the switch to Android devices, or perhaps switch back.  If you have an Android device that is no longer working properly, now might be the time to get it fixed (by the iFixYouri team) to take advantage of Google’s new app features.

The RIM Tablet: A BlackBerry PlayBook Review

The Blackberry PlayBook has finally come of age. After gaining average reviews and failing to attract iPad-like customer excitement during its launch, a huge price drop and a profoundly revised OS seems to have worked. The PlayBook has a graceful and beautiful interface that is so simple to use that it actually rivals those of Android’s Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime and Apple’s iPad2 in this front.

The current price of BlackBerry PlayBook is $199 for 16GB, $249 for 32GB and $299 for 64GB. This is relatively lower compared to the 8GB Amazon Kindle Fire that goes for $199. Arguably, the Kindle Fire is a better media machine with its online-based ecosystem of music, books and movies. Apple’s third generation iPad gives the PlayBook a run for its money with its glut of compelling apps. The PlayBook on the other hand has a dearth of the same.

User Interface, Hardware and Design

The BlackBerry gadget measures 5.1×7.6×0.4 inches and weighs 14.4 ounces. Its front panel consists of black glass while the back panel is soft and tapered. The Playbook’s 1,024-by-600-pixel display is more vibrant and brighter when compared to the Kindle Display.


The device lacks a home button. However, it more than makes it up for this by allowing users to employ an easy sweeping motion from the bezel to the display center. At the top edge of the PlayBook, there is a standard 3.5mm headphone jack, volume rocker and power button. It is also equipped with an accelerometer and a 6-axis internal gyroscope.

The device has a built-in internet-tethering feature that enables users to use the gadget’s signal as its hotspot via Bluetooth. Users do not pay extra charges for this feature. As a result, the Wi-Fi only PlayBook is an excellent deal for users.


The bottom edge has a micro USB connector, HDMI output and a port for magnetic charging similar to the one found on the Apple MacBook Pro. It is compatible with the optional RIM’s dock accessory although it only comes with a micro USB cable and charger as standards.

Graphical Interface

The graphics of the BlackBerry PlayBook are colorful and sharp. So is its overall layout. Despite having fewer apps when compared to its competitors, the existing apps are easy to launch and you get to see background activities without much hustle. At the bottom of the interface, a dock holds five icons, which displays more icons when expanded upwards.

Tech Specs

The device has more than enough hardware power to power its apps. The gadget boasts of a dual-core TI OMAP4430 CPU, PowerVR SGX540 for graphics and 1GHz ARM Cortex-A9 chip that comes with a dual-channel memory controller.

Browser & Apps

Finally, the BlackBerry PlayBook lays claim to a magnificent web browser capable of fast performance, intuitive interface and a full support for Flash 10.1. Its PlayBook OS 2.0 comes with the all-important native email, calendar support and contacts.


The BlackBerry PlayBook is a practical tablet computer and reasonably priced compared to other similar gadgets. However, I’ve heard reports that many PlayBooks are malfunctioning. This isn’t a problem considering they can be fixed by BlackBerry PlayBook repair experts iFixYouri, but the manufacturer still has some work to do before the gadget can claim the bragging rights in the tablet computer space.

The Absolute Best Apps for iPads with a Retina Display

With the advent of the retina display, iPad owners want to download apps that offer the sharpest graphics ever. Playing with brilliant high resolution apps is the only way to truly experience the joys of the retina display. However, with thousands of apps available, the task of choosing the best one is almost impossible. If you have been finding it difficult to choose such an app,  read on for the best retina display apps for iPad, and start enjoying out-of-this-world graphics.

Star Walk for iPad

If you love interactive astronomy, this app should definitely be on your download list. True to its name, it lets users explore the stars in the sky. All one has to do is point his or her iPad device upwards towards the sky. When stargazing becomes a chore rather than a joyous pastime, revert to the planet data and moon phases. The beauty of this app, which makes use of retina display, is the ability to use night mode as well. As such, both day and night modes produce sharp images.

Sky Gamblers: Air Supremacy

For gamers, perhaps nothing gets their competitive juices flowing like good graphics. The Sky Gamblers app offers this and much more. You will not only be able to gawk at the depth of field but also enjoy amazing fluidity. To give you an idea of the graphics depth, the app can display 50 battle planes on screen comfortably.


As one of the most popular iPad apps, Evernote does not disappoint when it comes to making full use of retina display graphics. The ultra-high-quality graphics will render your musings perfectly. The slick experience extends across different platforms. This means that you can start scribbling while at the office and continue on your way home.

Infinity Blade II

Game developers know that graphics alone can sink or boost the fortunes of an iPad app. This sequel to the smash-hit Infinity Blade certainly delivers on the graphics front. The resolution renders the stunning landscapes and clouds with such finesse rarely seen in the gaming world. Add to this mix easy game control and you have an app that every iPad owner should have.

Solar Walk

For lovers of 3D models, this solar system iPad app is perhaps the perfect choice. With the help of a set of cyan and red glasses, you will be flying around the universe in no time. Whether you are a novice or an experienced astronomer, Solar Walk provides tons of information using iPad’s retina display.



After taking photographs, you need an iPad app that boasts of retina display qualities for viewing. The iPhoto app from Apple does not disappoint. Everything that you have ever wanted in a photo editing app is available. This includes multi-touch editing, cropping, saturation, as well as exposure. There is no doubt that this app will make both your photo sharing and viewing an enjoyable experience.


When you have to follow stock market movements, you require an app that delivers clear information. The StockTouch app delivers this information using the power of iPad’s retina display. Add intuitive navigation and you have an app for the most demanding trader.

The Early Edition


Reading news can be a joy (on a retina display app) or an eye squinting affair (on a news app that does not make good use of this technology). The Early Edition app optimizes the iPad retina display to resolve this problem, and make reading news both easy and enjoyable.

If you have never had the chance to experience iPad’s retina display, the apps discussed above are very likely to totally change your entire iPad experience. Together with iPad’s quad core graphics engine, your daily gaming, note-taking, or browsing will never be the same again. By taking advantage of the iPad’s 2048 by 1536 screen resolution, these apps provide awesome graphics optimization.

Then again, to fully take advantage of the iPad screen, it should be free of scratches and cracks.  If you have these issues, contact iFixYouri for quality iPad screen repair.

Easy iPad Set Up: Step By Step Tutorial




In this tutorial, we’ll talk about how to set up your brand new iPad step by step. If you’ve ever dealt with any iPhones or iPods before, the process is quite similar. Even if you haven’t, don’t worry, the process isn’t too difficult.

Step 1) Unwrap

Remove the shrink wrap plastic protective covering from your factory fresh iPad, then open the box.

Step 2) Open iTunes

If you don’t already have iTunes installed in your computer, you need to download it at iTunes.com/download. Then just enter your email address, click the download button and click run.

Step 3) Connect Your iPad

Plug the cable that came in the box into the side slot on your iPad, then plug the other end into a USB slot in your computer. iTunes should open automatically. If it doesn’t, just click on the iTunes icon on your computer to open it up manually.

Step 4) Register Your iPad

iTunes will open a welcome screen the first time you plug your iPad into your computer. The next few screens prompt you to register your iPad and set up your iTunes account, if you haven’t already done this in the past. If you’ve already used the iTunes store, then you already have an Apple ID. That’s what you use to sign in into iTunes.

Step 5) Sign in

Just enter your Apple ID and password on the first registration screen and hit Continue. If you don’t have an Apple ID, simply check “I don’t have an Apple ID”, click “continue” and you can sign up for one. Just fill out the form. It’s pretty quick and painless.

Step 6) New iPad Set Up

After you get past the Apple ID registration form, you’ll be asked if you want to restore from a back up or set up a new iPad. If you don’t have anything previously purchased from iTunes, just select to set it up as a new iPad. Now that your iPad and iTunes account are in sync, you’ll see a folder for your new iPad on the left side of iTunes.

Step 7) Charge Overnight

Your iPad comes partially charged from the Apple factory but you’ll want to charge it up fully after playing with it for a while. Remove the cube shaped power charger from the box by pulling up on the little plastic tab then wrestle with the shrink wrap for a while. (Really? Do they really need to shrink wrap this?) Next remove the USB plug from your computer and plug it into the power charger, then plug the power charger into the wall. You’ll probably want to charge it overnight, so you can play with your new iPad all day tomorrow.

Have fun with your new iPad.  Take good care of it — it’s a precious item.  In the event that something does happen to it, there is hope: at iFixYouri, we can fix any issue you have with your iPad.

Smartphone, Tablet and Computer Repairs and News