Category Archives: News

The Best Wireless Charging System for iPhone 4

Wireless iPhone Charger Powermat

The Powermat is by far the best wireless charging system for iPhone 4. Since there’s no competition on this patented product, you’ll want to see an in-depth look at the functions, features, pros and cons of owning this device.

Pros/Cons of Wireless Charging System for iPhone 4


  1. Easy to charge
  2. Safe to use
  3. Built in system prevents battery leak and depletion over time
  4. Cordless charging keeps the phone safe from more hazards


  1. Cost prohibitive
  2. Not compatible with other phones
  3. Exclusive charger for iPhone 4

How The Powermat Wireless Charging System for iPhone 4 Works

The Powermat charging system comes with a charging mat, a phone cover, and a wall adaptor. The charging mat uses inductive charging technology with a customized sensor so when the phone is 100% powered, the charger stops pumping energy in, preventing battery drainage and life loss.

The owner simply sets the phone on the mat, careful to position it in the proper face-up position, waits for the audio confirmation that the phone is connected, and walks away. The phone will be fully powered in no more than two hours.

The Considerable Advantages

With a wireless charging system, you don’t have to worry about many of the hazards that accompany other chargers. If you’re a pet owner, or have small children, if you’re clumsy or often rushed, you’ll be familiar with the downsides to the traditional wall chargers for cell phones.

A pet might chew on the power cord, a toddler might get tangled in the cord, and a loose length of cord might hang in a walkway and get caught on someone’s leg as he rushes past. In any one of these incidents, damage might occur to the charger, phone or worse, person or pet.

iPhone Repairs

Cell Phone repair is commonly sought for broken USB charging connector. If the charging cord is tripped over, the force might bend or break the USB port. However, with a wireless charger, this problem is not even a consideration.

Moreover, the designers of the Powermat had a dual-purpose function in mind with their charger. You might be turned away by the cost of the system, but when you consider that the Powermat case reduces the cost of purchasing a separate protector case, you’re looking at cost savings.

You’ll still want to purchase a screen protector, but with the wireless charging system for an iPhone 4, you’ll be sure to have fewer costly accidents.


How to Change a Cracked iPhone Screen

How to Recover Data From a Damaged iPhone

You have finally bought an iPhone and you are enjoying every moment of it but unfortunately, the screen gets cracked or broken and you are confused because you do not know how to change a cracked iPhone screen. Some people might even decide to shop for a new iPhone since the broken one no longer seems attractive as it was before. When you find yourself in such a situation, you need the right tips and ideas of how to change an iPhone screen to save the hassle and expense of a new phone.

Tools Required – How to Change a Cracked iPhone Screen

Before you even start the process of changing the iPhone screen, ensure that you have the right tools, most of which can be found online. This helps you get the exact size that you need instead of shopping online where you are not very sure about the dimensions. If you prefer shopping online, ensure that you have the right dimensions that will be compatible with your device. Here is a list of the basic tools that you should have:

  • Replacement glass
  • Philips screwdriver
  • A wedging and scraping device or a razor blade
  • Superglue or double-sized tape
  • A pair of scissors
  • Q-tips and Rubbing alcohol
  • Heat gun or hair dryer

Step 1: Unscrewing The iPhone With a Cracked Screen

Cracked iPhone Screen

Check the bottom part of your iPhone and take keen interest on the side that has the Home button. You will notice two screws fitted on both sides of the USB port. Unscrew them using the Philips screwdriver. Also remember that it will not be necessary to remove the SIM card for you to open the device.



Step 2: Removing The Cracked iPhone Screen

The screen can be removed using two major methods. You can either use a scraping or wedging tool. A razor blade is mostly preferred because it can be fitted between the metal and the rubber to lift the screen. Alternatively, you can use a suction cup by placing it above the Home button then pulling it up gently. You will notice that the glass has been removed without damaging the rubber gasket that surrounds it.

Step 3: Separating The Screen From The iPhone

Cracked iPhone Screen

Check for the flaps that hold the phone and the screen together at the top right corner. They are normally labeled 1 and 2 attached to orange stickers. You will also notice the 3rd sticker placed under the 2nd flap. It should be released by lifting the black clamp.  At this point, you will notice that the screen has been completely separated from the iPhone.

Step 4: Detaching The Screws

The interior of the device has 5 screws along the side rails, 3 along the flaps and 2 on the opposite sides. These screws are of the same size and that means you should not worry about where to place them after completing the installation process. You will also notice a black tape over each screw and you can cut it off using a razor blade. The black tape is less important in this case.

Step 5: Separating The LCD From The Glass

Detach the LCD screen from the glass by putting the wedge between the rails then wedge the inner section out. For you to clear the top flanges, make sure the LCD drops down near the Home button. Use some little force if possible because the metal cannot get distorted that easily.

Step 6: Scrubbing The Adhesive

Use a wedging device or razor blade to scrape the glass leftovers or any other pieces along the metal frame. It is also possible to use a hair dryer or heat gun but this should be done carefully to avoid distorting the frame. The bonding agent may not dissolve by rubbing alcohol so you can try scrubbing using a Q-tip then removing it with a razor blade.

Step 7: Installing The New Screen

Cracked iPhone Screen

When installing the new screen, make sure the super glue does not cross to the Home button. You may also decide to use a double-sided tape but ensure it is trimmed properly. Adhesive should be applied along the black plastic at the top or bottom sides while excluding the middle part. Use the tweezers to control the double-sided tape so that you do not let your fingers touch it thus weakening its ability to stick. Also ensure that you take away the protective plastic found on the new glass where it is expected to touch the tape.

Step 8: Installing The LCD

Install the LCD glass and make sure it fits properly by sliding it from the bottom part of the device. Fix the screws back where they belong and also restore the 3rd cable into the clamp. Press the 1st and 2nd cable onto the connector by using a little pressure. Do not worry if you miss the connector several times because this is quite common.

Step 9: Assembling The iPhone

Restore the screen back to the iPhone by inserting the top part first. The sides should be attached to the connectors and also make sure the bottom fits in properly. When the LCD and screen are well-fitted, fix the remaining 2 screws back into their places found on both sides of the USB port.

DIY vs. Professional Repair

These are the most crucial tips on how to change an iPhone screen; however, as you can see, it is a long and rather confusing process. That is where we at iFixYouri come in handy. We can replace your cracked iPhone screen properly and inexpensively.


Americans Spent a Whopping 6 Billion On Broken iPhone Repairs

iPhone Repairs The iPhone is one of the most expensive smartphones in the market. Everything about an iPhone is expensive. Its accessories can cost more than a generic phone. The sad part is that a large number of people do not take good care of their iPhones. As a result of their negligence, they end up spending a significant amount of money on iPhone repairs.

Cost of iPhone Repairs

A recent report released by SquareTrade shows that Americans have collectively spent 5.9 Billion dollars in repairs in repairs since 2007. The news was made public during the recent launch of the newest version of the iPhone 5. Apple also revealed that they had already received over 2 million pre-orders in the first 24 hours of the launch.

Main Cause of iPhone Damage

The report also revealed that over 30% of iPhone users damaged their devices within one year of purchase. Accidental damage is the leading cause of damaged iPhones. The most common mode of damage is dropping in places such as lakes, toilets, on the road or being knocked off the table.

The iPhone is essentially a delicate mobile computer that is susceptible to being knocked around and abused daily.  Even treating an iPhone carefully doesn’t mean that unexpected issues won’t arise.

How to Repair Your iPhone

The good thing is that you can easily get your iPhone repaired regardless of the cause of damage. If you have accidentally damaged your iPhone, bring it or send it to us and we will repair it for you. We have specialist who are trained to repair damaged iPhones.  For more information on how to repair your iPhone, visit

Is Radiation Exposure Linked to Cell Phone Use?

radiation-cell-phoneOne of the concerns of cell phone users is whether they are exposed to unhealthy amounts of radiation when using cell phones.

A number of countries have started looking at the dangers linked with cellphone radiation and have started setting standards for the usage of the phones. Some countries ban the use of these phones in public places like trains.

Some medical experts believe that radiation from cell phones is more dangerous than cigarette smoke, because of the wider use of these appliances; however, there is not scientific consensus about how much danger a cell phone can actually cause.  The amount of cell phone use could be a factor, as well as using a physically-damaged cell phone that needs repair.

The Dangers Involved

The operation of cell phones involves using electromagnetic radiation from the microwave region in this spectrum. This radiation is absorbed by the human body and thus users of cell phones are constantly exposed to such radiation. The amount of radiation that is emitted by a cellphone will depend on its model. Such radiation is measured as a Specific Absorption Rate, and safe levels are those below 1.6. W/kg of body weight.

Such radiation is also emitted by cellular towers that dot most city landscapes and are also found all over the country. It is said that such radiation has the possibility of being carcinogenic.

Factors Affecting Risk

  • Radiation from cellphones can vary depending on where the antenna is placed. Handsets that have these antennas very close to the ear piece are more damaging. It is best to use air tube headsets in order to reduce the radiation.
  • Phones should be switched off when not in use.
  • It is best to limit the use of cellphones by children, as they are more vulnerable to such radiation.

When you are overexposed to this form of electromagnetic field radiation, you will notice tingling and burning sensations in the head, hands and face, and probably some pain. You may feel very tired, be subject to fits of absentmindedness and find it difficult to sleep. While yet not really proved, scientists feel such radiation can cause cancers, tumors and tissue damage.


There are a number of ways that can help to protect a person from radiation caused by cellphones or cellular towers.

It is possible to protect a home completely from outside electromagnetic radiation with the use of specific ‘net’-like devices. There are also accessories that can change the position of the antenna so that radiation is kept away from the head. It is not possible to block all radiation that emanates from a cellphone, as this will prevent it from working.

There are certain proprietary products available that will prevent the radiation getting through to sensitive parts of the body. These protection devices are attached to the ear piece and prevent most of the radiation, over 90 percent, from entering the head. The percentage of blocking can also depend on the model of the phone. There are also radiation free headsets available that can block all radiation.

Apple Buys Rights to Use Fingerprint Scanner Technology

iphone-fingerprint-ifixyouriApple has recently purchased AuthenTec, a biometrics security company, for $356 million or $7 per share. Within that purchase, Apple has received the rights to use hardware and software technology and has received the rights to the patents for its 2D fingerprint scanner, according to the SEC filing.

How Apple Plans to Use the Technology

There is plenty of speculation as to what Apple will do with the technology it garners by its purchase of AuthenTec. Perhaps the fingerprint technology will make it onto the next versions of the iPhone or iPad.

In addition to the fingerprint scanner technology, AuthenTec is well-known for its NFC (Near Field Communications) smart sensor. One rumor that had been circulating since the early part of 2011 was that Apple would add these capabilities to the iPhone 5, but it didn’t materialize.  Perhaps it will become available to the iPhone or iPad in the future.

In the meantime, if you’re holding out for a future generation that will include the new technology, and want to keep your current device, remember you can simply get your iPhone or iPad fixed if it fails in the interim.

When the Deal Began and Why

Before Apple decided to buy the company, AuthenTec had been trying to sell licenses for its, as yet unspecified, technology. It had approached several consumer electronics companies, but was unsuccessful in selling the licenses.

Many companies seem to have been unreceptive due to the pricing on the technology. Apple had expressed interest in buying the licenses, but negotiations fell through sometime in early 2012.

At that point, Apple considered another option, purchasing the company and everything that went with that purchase. Apple’s argument for the pricing was that it had a unique set-up to offer. Unlike other companies, which have several different platforms, Apple has a one-platform company set-up. This means there are less challenges in applying the technology AuthenTec has created.

Though it is unclear which technology Apple wanted most from this purchase, the fingerprint scanner or the NFC scanner, Apple insisted on a quick purchase. Is your next iPhone going to a) unlock via fingerprinting? or b) automatically communicate with nearby phones? Or is it something else entirely — what do you think?

Steve Jobs’ iPad Stolen for a Clown

Barely weeks after the Apple co-founder’s home was broken into and valuables were taken back in July, evidence emerged pointing to one Kariem McFarlin. Police said the 35-year-old resident of Alameda stole items including a silver-colored iPad device that belonged to Steve Jobs. The mobile device was allegedly robbed from his home situated along Waverley Street.

Given to Kenny the Clown

The police said that Mr. McFarlin gave the iPad to his long-time friend, a 47-year-old man known as Kenny the Clown (whose real name is Kenneth Kahn). The professional clown recounts how his friend walked up to him and handed him the silver-colored iPad.  Kahn was unaware that the iPad belonged to Steve Jobs until four days later when the police came asking for the device.

Kahn, a well-known street performer, had a brief opportunity to use the stolen iPad for his clown routine.

The Court Hearing

Although Kahn admits that his friend is not “any type of menace”, records held in the courts show McFarlin has pleaded guilty to different offenses in the past. The police have added that the offender has confessed to his crimes and will require a sum of $500,000 to bail himself out.

The Concerned Parties

With a case like this that involves one of Apple’s greatest inventors, Steve Jobs, one would expect both the family and his Apple counterparts to comment on the incident. But to date, none of them have come forward to issue a statement on the matter.