Category Archives: iPhone Repair

All posts related to iPhone Repair, including repair tips, specific iPhone generation repair details, iPhone parts, and repair news.

iFixYouri Reviews – Here’s what some of our customers are saying about us…

Here’s a handful of reviews for our iPhone 4 water damage repair service.

2011-06-24 Balshanker …. Not only did water penetrate my phone, but sunscreen managed to find a way into the phone as well. Honestly, I didn’t think these guys would be able to fix my SEVERELY DAMAGED phone. In a few weeks I got my phone back, and it’s working like new. I’m really impressed, I would definitely recommend these guys.

2011-06-20 Paul …. Had my phone in a shallow vest pocket and I just so happened to pick the toilet to drop into. As I hurried and picked up the phone I accidentally hit the sleep button… the screen lit up for half a second… I’d thought it was gone forever. I’m from Canada and I couldn’t find decent repair places eh until iFixyouri sent my phone back in full working order, THANKS!

2011-06-06 Jenny …. I dropped my phone in… uh, let’s just say I got my iPhone wet. Sent it in, and within a week, I had a working phone again! Sooo happy!

2011-05-10 Lenny …. Ok — I literally sat in a jacuzzi for over an hour with my iphone 4 in my pocket. I pressed all the buttons like an idiot, then stuck it in rice to fix it. had some luck, but the battery was shot. Like a miracle, these guys fixed my phone and replaced the battery for under 90 bucks. Amazing. Lenny from Birmingham, AL

2011-04-09 Colton …. Jumped in the pool over Spring Break. Heard about iFixYouri from a buddy. I did put my phone in a bag of rice after for a few hours, but sent it in that day. They called me a week later and said it was good to go (just needed a new battery). Around $100 to fix my iPhone4 vs. buying a new one for $400+!
Thank you iFixYouri team! I will be recommeing your service to all my friends and classmates at Indiana University

2011-02-27 Jessica …. Their iPhone 4 water damage repair service worked for me and I dropped my phone in the toilet. Their communication throughout the process of fixing it was phenomenal. I would definitely recommend this company to everyone.

2011-02-11 Michelle …. Great service. Can’t believe they fixed it!

2011-02-06 Todd …. iFixYouri handled everything very professionally. I was very nervous at first about sending out my phone to anyone. I read good things about them and decided to give it a shot. They had my phone fixed and sent back very quickly and did an excellent job at repairing it. Thank you so much!

2011-01-29 Catherine …. Totally amazed. I was out partying one night and spilt my drink all over my phone. It died and would not do anything. I was googling around and found i fix your i. Their iphone 4 water damage repair service seemed reasonable. Apple wanted me to buy a whole new phone since i voided my warranty with crandberry and vodka. I sent it in and the boys over there fixed it. So great. Ill tell everyone i know to use these guys. You guys are my saviors! Works perfect again!

2011-01-03 Dimitri …. I had no idea that you could fix a phone that has been soaked. I swam with my phone in the ocean, and i was abotu to get a new phone, but my buddy sent me this site on facebook. I sent it out and got it back in under 3 days. Just like new. Pretty sick.

iPhone 4 screen replacement – What’s the deal and what you should look for.

Broken iPhone 4 screen and not sure where to turn? iFixYouri offers quick, high quality repairs, at an affordable price. Don’t trust just anyone to repair your iPhone, go with the leaders in the repair industry. We use only the highest quality parts available on the market and have extremely skilled technicians so you can rest assured that your phone will be fixed quickly, and correctly the first time.

iPhone 4 Glass Repair

So many options for iPhone 4 screen replacement services we understand how it can be confusing. We’re going to make this quick and simple, so that your iPhone screen repair goes smoothly and without complication.

Option #1: iPhone screen repair service – Have a skilled technician fix your broken iPhone. Make sure they’re using high quality OEM parts. Cheap parts will fail.

Option #2: DIY iPhone repair kit – Purchase a kit and do-it-yourself. Keep in mind, it’s not as easy as it looks. A lot of times we see people purchase kits and aren’t able to successfully install them.

On the iPhone 4, the screen and the LCD are fused together. If you buy just the glass, you’ll be SOL. Buy just the LCD, well, you’re SOL again.

Fused, high quality, OEM. Go cheap and you’ll get what you pay for. Plain and simple. You have a $600 phone, and you want to put a piece of $10 glass on it? Bad choice. That’s like putting used tires on a nice Porsche. Bad idea.

Droid Repair – Introducing the Motorola Droid X, now with problems from the get go too!

The iPhone 4 has definitely had some hick-ups with its’ release. From retina display issues, antenna issues, to the glass breaking right off the bat. iFixYouri has had calls and done repairs on it all with the iPhone 4. People criticize, people hate, and people love. No matter what it is, there will be people on both sides of the fence.

Here comes the Droid X, the iPhone 4’s arch enemy. Apple fanboys hate it. Droidboys love it. All new, ground breaking technology will have its’ glitches. Apple is not excluded from this, and apparently neither is Motorola.

With the Motorola Droid X hitting the market, problems began to arise with the release of the phone, just like the iPhone 4 had. Perhaps it was not on such a grand scale, since the market for the Motorola Droid is not quite the size of the Apple iPhone market(though it is growing). According to

A small amount of Droid X owners are reporting that without warning their phone’s screen suddenly began flickering. In some cases, the phone display is rendered completely useless. In all cases that were posted on tech site HowardForums, where the reports began to surface, the device worked properly at first but after several hours or even days, the screen became glitchy.

Motorola was quick to issue a software fix to this problem, but what this does is show that no electronic device, no matter who the company is, is immune to problems. As Google’s Droid platform is introduced to more and more phones(Motorola and HTC), other smartphone manufacturers’ market share will surely grow closer and closer to Apple’s position #3. The more of these smartphones there on the market, the more problems will be noticed.

With each new piece of technology, will come problems. It is near impossible to do the level of in-house testing that 500,000 people can do when a product is released to the general public. The huge scale of phones that Apple cranked out last month definitely did some real world testing and now it was Motorola’s turn to step to the plate.

Apple and Motorola  did not pass with flying colors, but they both will have their days. We forgive both, and feel that as long as the companies providing these products is striving to fix what went wrong, we see it only fair to move on. As with any new release, there will be new problems. Look at car manufacturers. Rule of thumb is to never purchase a new model car the first year they come out. Why? Because they have problems. The fact is, technology, like cars, are made to break. Now-a-days,we are trained to toss and replace, rather than repair and re-use.

Lets move on. Drop antennagate, forgive Motorola. These things will happen and no company or person is perfect. Whether you need iPhone repair, or Droid Repair, your phone can, and will, break. There is no way around this fact, and unfortunately for some, it happens right in the beginning of the technology’s life.

iPhone 4 Glass – new screen not meeting expectations

There were the days of hopes and dreams of a shatter proof iPhone glass. During the WWDC Jobs spoke of the glass as being Engineered Glass.

All the breakthrough technology in iPhone 4 is situated between two glossy panels of aluminosilicate glass — the same type of glass used in the windshields of helicopters and high-speed trains. Chemically strengthened to be 20 times stiffer and 30 times harder than plastic, the glass is ultradurable and more scratch resistant than ever. It’s also recyclable.

We are seeing such a high iPhone 4 repair demand for glass replacement already, as well as the back glass replacement. The iPhone is not even a week old and we’re already seeing this as a major, major problem, but now with 2 times as much glass as before.

One customer contact us stating that he had left his iPhone 4 sitting in his car, which got hot, and well, when he returned, he was in need of an iPhone screen repair. The heat had actually cause the screen to crack. Our thoughts on this are that the metal frame got so hot that it heated the glass up to an unstable temperature, and it cracked.

Another customer had the iPhone in his lap and got out of the car, where it fell a mere 2 ft and put a hairline crack right through the front glass.

iFixYouri has already had numerous orders come in for both front and back glass using our mail-in service. We will continue to honor our iPhone 4 Repair service and uphold and maintain the high standard of service that we consider common practice while adjusting to a new product.

With such a high demand already for the iPhone 4 glass repair and a limited number of repairs available due to the current supply of parts on the market, we will be regularly updating our blog with info on iPhone 4 parts and repair service status. Feel free to contact us should you have any questions. Under the iPhone 4 product page, we’ll be listing if any repairs are currently on back order.

iDiagnose – Part 2 – iPhone Battery life is short lived

iDiagnose – Part 2 – The dreaded iPhone battery problem

You leave your iPhone to charge all night, you take it to work, and it is dead by noon. Does your battery not last? Does it not run like the energizer bunny and just fade out immediately after you gave it a full charge? Diagnosing a faulty battery can be a real pain.

You’re in luck, well, not for the reason that you have a dead battery, but that iFixYouri can help you figure out what is really going on with your precious iPhone!

Problems with the battery come from:

  1. Poor conditioning of the battery
  2. Using a cheap charger that allows overcharging
  3. Its’ lifespan(usually about 2 years) has run out
  4. Water damage
  5. Cheap battery

Symptoms of a bad iPhone battery:

  1. Will not charge
  2. Barely holds charge
  3. Phone does erratic things like turn off and restart, display some funky lines on the screen.
  4. Says it has a charge, but in all actuality, it does not.
  5. No response from any plug, press of a power button, or anything for that matter. Just a dark, black, empty screen.

DIY Repair Difficulty – 4/10 – Medium

You must take your time when doing an iPhone Battery repair. You’re going to have to take the glass out, disconnect all the cables on the inside, and remove the motherboard just to get to the battery. You’re going to want to take precautions when doing this repair, taking electrostatic-discharge(ESD) into consideration and making sure you are grounded. We have seen cases where ESD has fried boards and rendered iPhones useless.

High quality iPhone Parts should always be used when repairing a broken iPhone. A dead battery holds true to this as well. We sell and use only the longest lasting, extended life batteries that are available on the market.

Turnaround time on iPhone Battery Repair – Same day

With this iPhone repair service, our technicians will fix your battery problem in no time! All deliveries that we get here by 1pm, get fixed and shipped out the same day.  Whether you’re local in Palm Beach County, or a distant customer in Alaska, iFixYouri can fix this problem for you quickly.

iDiagnose – Part 1 – Non-responsive home button

iDiagnose – A brief introduction

We’re starting a new series of blogs here that we’re calling iDiagnose. Purpose of this is to inform our readers of common, yet frustrating problems, how to diagnose them, and most important, how to fix them(using a repair service or DIY), without breaking your bank. We’ll be posting these very frequently so check back often for new tips, updates, and some killer thoughts that you may, or may not have heard about.

Each problem will have a difficulty rating for those of you out there who are more of the self-taught, do-it-yourself repair tech.We will also state how quickly our professional technicians will fix the problem for you.

Here goes nothing, hope you all enjoy! Oh, almost forgot, if you’re searching for a solution to a problem, drop us a line([email protected] or 888-494-iFix(4349), we’ll be more than happy to help you out and give you a cause/solution for your problem!

iDiagnose – Part 1 – The faulty home button

You press and press and press, yet nothing happens, or maybe sometimes you get it to respond. Pressing it harder isn’t always the best idea since you risk breaking other feature with increased pressure. Home button failure is a very common issue with all models of iPhones, new and old. It gets frustrating, and worst of all, you have a hard time justifying to send it off to an iPhone repair service for ‘just the home button’ since everything else is working.

A full functioning home button is a key factor to the amount of joy you have using when using your iPhone. There is a direct correlation between happiness and how well your iPhone is working. Statistics show that during the rather short lived life of your iPhone home button, it will have been clicked on average, 64 times a day, or 23360 times a year, or 46720 in its’ bound to AT&T ‘contract life.’

Right now you’re saying really? How the h*@l did they get that statistic. We didn’t. And honestly, we’re not 100% sure how many times it is clicked, but it is a lot, that’s for sure!

Problems with the home button come from:

  1. The button itself is shot from repetitive pressing/usage
  2. The prongs under the frame wore out, got corroded, or broke
  3. Water got in the crack between the glass and button
  4. The dock connector failed – Dock connector? What does the home button have anything to do with the dock connector? On the bottom side of the frame that holds the iPhone glass, there are some metal contacts that touch the top of the dock connector, that send the signal when pressed to the motherboard(the brain) of the iPhone. If the dock connector fails, no more functioning home button
  5. Lastly the rarest – The connector on the the motherboard shorted leaving this function permanently inoperable.

Of these 5, the worn out button(#1) covers about 3 out of 5 home button failures.

DIY Repair Difficulty – 8/10 – Very difficult

If you’re the type to do-it-yourself, the iPhone 3G home button repair and the iPhone 3Gs home button repair is quite a tough repair. It requires seperating the glass from the frame….here comes the tough part…without damaging the glass or scratching the back side. If the glass is in good condition, you’re in for a good challenge. Prime time to change the glass, is if your glass is already cracked and you’re planning on either using an iPhone Repair Service or purchasing iPhone Parts to DIY.

Turnaround time on iPhone home button repair – Same day

You read that correctly. All you need to do is send in your iPhone for repair to our facility located in Florida, we will fix it the same day it is received here, and ship it back to you. All deliveries that we get here by 1pm, get fixed and shipped out the same day.  Whether you’re local in Palm Beach County, or a distant customer in Alaska, iFixYouri can fix this problem for you quickly.

That’s all for this week folks! Have a good weekend and we look forward to our next iDiagnose session with you.

Not all pieces of iPhone glass are created equal

Interested in learning the truth about iPhone Screen Repair and iPhone Glass Repair?

First off, let’s start with a brief lesson on how the iPhone glass and digitizer works.


The glass, well it’s just that, glass. Not much too it? Wrong. You get cheap glass, yes, it will crack way easier than high-strength glass. Cheap glass will break in shards, while tempered glass will more spider around the area it broke. Apple uses toughened glass on all their iPhones, new, and old. This glass generally has been treated thermally, and/or chemically, while the cheap glass has not.


The digitizer is what responds to your touch, when you touch the glass. Think of it as a second piece of glass, glued directly to the bottom side of the piece of glass you touch.  Now you’re curious as to how the digitizer works? The digitizer is setup like a grid. Picture the digitizer being a piece of graphing paper. Many squares, each square being a point that you can touch. When you touch it, a signal is created and sent to the motherboard, which creates an action on the screen(panning, zooming, selecting an application, etc).

Cheap iPhone Replacement Parts

Cheap glass uses cheap parts, cheap digitizer. How does your phone act when you have a cheap digitizer? The grid we just talked about, well the squares in the grid become much bigger, which makes the touch response a lot more inaccurate, choppy, slow. Your finger swipe won’t swipe smoothly, your texting may be off, and the most annoying part of it all, your iPhone will not run smoothly. Additionally, with cheap glass, the factories will use cheap glue to adhere the glass and the digitizer. A minor jolt can dislodge the digitizer and render it inaccurate, or worst case inoperable. Cheap replacement parts will also not always sit flush to the iPhone. The home button may sit recessed and the glass may sit above the chrome bezel.


There are two different types of adhessives.

  1. 2 Piece – Covers just the top and the bottom of the iPhone. Does not give you full side coverage seal, which can easily introduce dust under the screen
  2. 1 Piece – Covers the entire frame. Provides full side coverage. Prevents dust from entering between the screen and LCD.

iFixYouri uses only the highest grade glass in combination with full frame adhesive, providing you with that near factory fit and feel that your high dollar item requires.  Whether your looking to do-it-yourself or you want to use an iPhone repair service, be sure that you go with one result in mind, quality.

Apple apologizes as AT&T puts pre-order on hold

On June 24th, 2010, a giant will fall to its’ knees, temporarily of course…

With the pre-order date for the June 24th, 2010 release of the up-and-coming iPhone 4 now passed, Apple’s servers were overwhelmed with traffic on June 15th. Over 600,000 pre-orders were placed, bringing the mobile computing giant to its knees.

AT&T’s website is no longer taking pre-orders, and Apple’s website has pushed all orders out by weeks. Estimates show that the sales figures so far for the iPhone 4 are 10 times that of it’s immediate predecessor, the iPhone 3Gs. We have our iPhone parts and iPhone Repair services team ready to roll for the first of these pre-orders to break.

An AT&T spokesperson said…

“Given this unprecedented demand and our current expectations for our iPhone 4 inventory levels when the device is available June 24, we’re suspending pre-ordering today in order to fulfill the orders we’ve already received,”

The sheer chaos at both AT&T and Apple Stores alike, brought systems to a near stand-still. AT&T employees had to manually write down customers information, while Apple employees, still using computers, were bogged down and nearly slowed to a complete halt.

Apple was not prepared for this. As stated by an Apple representative:

“[The number of pre-orders] was far higher than we anticipated, resulting in many order and approval system malfunctions. Many customers were turned away or abandoned the process in frustration. We apologize to everyone who encountered difficulties, and hope that they will try again or visit an Apple or carrier store once the iPhone 4 is in stock.”

When June 24th comes around, be sure to see more system failures, many dissatisfied customers, and slower 3G speeds if this is any pre-indication of what is to come.

Many of us loyal Apple iPhone users remember when Apple “changed everything” with the release of the Original iPhone, and the problems AT&T had with that. We anticipate a sleeker design and different iPhone 4repair process than before, involving the how the screen and LCD are put together.

AT&T’s system malfunction sets a new high for traffic to their online store, a staggering 13 million visitors. Many users, when logging into their accounts to check their upgrade eligibility, noticed something weird about what they saw. They were actually able to view other customer’s accounts, including their information.

This crash, glitch, whatever you want to call it sets another milestone for AT&T. First, the original iPhone crashed their systems. Then the 3G followed in its’ footsteps. And now the latest and greatest, the one who will ‘change everything. Again.’ is gearing up and ready to cripple the wireless giant one again in what is going to be quite an unprecedented release.