Tech Prepper: How to Protect Your Phone From These Four Virtual Threats

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NOTE:This post is part of iFixYouri’s Tech Prepper series. This series covers how to prepare yourself and your digital devices for any of the worst case scenarios they may face: viruses, malware, theft, or loss.

Please check out our other posts in the Tech Prepper series:

To protect your phone, you may use a protective case or buy a warranty plan. But you have to do more than this to protect your device. Cybercriminals with virtual threats, or malware, are always waiting for their next victim. To avoid being the next victim here is how to protect your phone from these Four virtual threats. 

Viruses, Worms, and Spyware

According to the Oxford Dictionary, malware, or malicious software, is defined as software that is specifically designed to disrupt, damage, or gain unauthorized access to a computer system. 

Malware is not a single issue, but many. Each type of malware has its own effects and serves different purposes. Here are some of them to look out for.

Viruses: Viruses are probably the most known malware. A virus is a piece of code that can copy itself within the code of another system and corrupt its data. 

Computing Worms: A worm is a self-replicating system that spreads from computer to computer. 

Spyware: Spyware is software that essentially “spies” on you. It gathers information about you based on your web browsing history and sends your data to ad companies. Spyware also takes notes of your passwords and important information, as well as your contact information and locations. 

Fake Networks and Unsecured Wi-Fi 

Many businesses draw customers with one simple statement: Free Wi-Fi. But sometimes those loyal customers are hackers and scammers. 

With this being said, you need to beware of networks at coffee shops, airports, libraries, and hotels. This is because hackers create fake networks and take advantage of authentic networks with unsecured wifi.

To access these networks, sometimes you are required to make a username and password. If the network is corrupt, it is the perfect opportunity for a hacker to steal your login information and get access to other important accounts. 

As for unsecured networks, they are safe to use in certain situations, but should not always be relied on. It is okay to use an unsecured network when casually browsing the web, but it should be avoided at all costs when accessing confidential information. 


Don’t mistake phishing for fishing. While fishing an exhilarating yet tranquil experience that benefits you, phishing is a fraudulent act of creating fake sources in efforts to gather important information. 

For years, the most common form of phishing is done by email. A hacker will send realistic emails that ask for your personal information. Because the email appears to come from a trustworthy source, hackers hope that you are willing to fill out this information and press send. 

Today, phishing has a modern twist with the use of fake apps. These apps look like any other that you can find in an app store, but the account information you enter is collected and used against you. 

What a phishing email or app may ask you for:

  • Date of Birth
  • Phone Number 
  • Social Security Number
  • Address 
  • Password 

Drive-by Downloads

Accidentally clicking on a link or typing in the wrong website can make you fall victim to a drive-by download. A drive-by download happens when malware is downloaded to your device without your permission. 

Ways To Avoid These Virtual Threats: 

  • Always Update Your Phone: The more often you update your phone, the better chances you have of protecting the software. You should also keep up with your app updates. 
  • Only Download Apps From Official App Stores: If the app you want to download does not come from the App Store, Google Play Store, Samsung Store, or something similar, do not waste your time. 
  • Use Strong Passcodes: You cant to make sure that the password you use for an important account is not predictable or common. You may even want to switch up your password for each platform. If you think you’ll have a difficult time remembering, write them down and keep them in a safe place.  

How to Protect Your Phone From These Four Virtual Threats by iFixYouri.

Photo Credit: Nahel Abdul Hadi Via Unsplash.

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